Chapter 54 - Thanksgiving

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Cat's POV

Thanksgiving tomorrow. My parents had invited us round along with Adam and Alesa. I felt a little ill these past few days and I started getting migraines as well. I wasn't sure if this was my IV playing up or what but I felt a little weird, that and the fact I was bloating. Maybe I'm just approaching an ultimate period, I've been taking the pill for a while so. 

Ty was more relaxed now, he wasn't running around, he was laid back, and he recorded and uploaded daily videos again. I smiled as Ty ended off his latest video. He caught me staring and grinned. "Rude to stare, missy." I laughed lightly. "What are we heading down to your parents?" "Four probably." Ty nodded, shutting down his computer and getting up. My migraine kicked in again so I had to sit down-" everything ok?" "Yeah just a headache." He sat down with me and pulled me towards him. "I don't actually feel very well at the moment." Ty nodded, a look of worry on his face. He grabbed a blanket and pulled it over me. "Try resting for now, want a glass of water?" I nodded, smiling at him. He kissed my cheek and left the room. 

Later in the day, I decided to go to the doctors, since stomach pains had started as well. I drove there myself and went in. I was called to my usual doctor, Dr May. "Cat, what can I do for you?" I described all the supposed symptoms I'd been having. "Is it because I've been using the pills for too long?" "I don't think so, do you have them with you?" I nodded, got the out of my bag and she examined them. "Give me a second." She started typing quickly on her computer, occasionally looking at the pack of my pills. When she finished she frowned at the computer.  

"Cat, quick question. When did you buy this pack?" I thought for a bit. "I think about a month ago." "And have you been sexually active since then?" I blushed at this question but the doctor was frowning even more. "Cat, this is serious." "I don't know. Maybe." Dr May exhaled sharply. "Cat, what I'm going to tell you now may alarm you. But don't let it worry you because this could just be a scare." "Go....go on." I said. "Cat, it says here that these pills were never meant to be sold over the desk in a chemist, they're not real pills, their placebos." I was shocked. "So I've been taking pills for the past month that haven't even worked?" She nodded. Oh no. But then...the sickness...the bloating..."Please. I can't be pregnant!" 

"Calm down. Not necessarily so, but it should still be considered as there is a small chance that you are." "So what, are you going to give me a pregnancy test?" She shook her head, you'll be in too early of stages for their test to show accurately." "What do I do then?!" "Calm down. Calm down. You mightn' t be pregnant at all. Placebos- depending on how they're made can make one feel Ill to the stomach if taken daily." "But this isn't just stomach illness, it's stomach pains and migraines and-" "OR it could just be your menstrual cycle restarting. The pills you take, delay it, it's restarting. This seems more likely because migraines and cramps are part of it." I relaxed a little. So I'm not pregnant. "I'm going to give you working pills now that you must start taking immediately, if there is any bleeding within the next day or two then come straight back here because it's a very bad sign." I nodded. What if I do start bleeding? What would that mean? I thanked doctor, collected my pills and went home, taking the first one straight away. Possibly pregnant. I can't be. It'll just be my menstrual cycle like the doctor said.

I looked over at Ty who was now making dinner. I became worried. Should I tell him? I didn't want to stress him. Maybe I'll just see what happens within the next few days, then I'll know what to tell and what not to. "So what did the doctor say?" Ty asked. Why Ty. "Oh...erm...she just said I've been taking the pill for a while so it's probably just my body getting into the cycle." Ty simply nodded, thinking nothing much of it

Pregnant. The word bounced around in my head for a while. What if I was? I shook my head, not wanting to think more of it. I went upstairs and sat down to record some minecraft before looking up and seeing this time, Ty watching me. He smiled and walked over, wrapping his arms around me. "Are you sure everything's ok?" I knew Ty could see right through me. I sighed and felt him kiss the top of my head. "The doctors gave me the wrong medication- that's why I'm feeling so rotten." He hugged me tighter, but was still gentle. "Anything that can make you feel better?" He said. Just as he said that I yawned. Ty chuckled and scooped me out of the chair into his arms, carrying me bridal style to our bed. He lay me down and lay next to me, his arm around me.

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