Chapter 22 - Moving

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Cat's POV

I woke up the next morning, dazed, but gained my senses. I sat up and looked down at Ty who was quite happily sleeping next to me, she shuffled a bit and opened one eye, lie back down, Cat. It's too early to get up." He was right. I looked at the alarm clock next to him, it was only 8am. I lay back down and cuddled up to Ty, making the most of the time where he didn't know my incoming fate.

It was about an hour later, we heard knocking on the door. It was very brisk but hard knocking. "Cat! I know you're in there!" "Oh my God! Ty it's Jordan!" I say. Jumping up. "Stay up here, I'll let him in and calm him down." Ty said, giving me a reassuring smile. I heard Ty open the front door, a few voices were heard and then there was shouting followed by a thump.

Jordan's POV

I knocked on the door. I am furious with Cat. We called her again and again last night to make sure she was ok, where was she and could we sort something out. Ty answered the door, "Hey Jordan." "Where is she?" I said sternly, Ty is like a second brother but when it comes to him and my twin...I's uncomfortable. I know how many hearts he has broken in the past and I won't have him doing that to Cat.

"It's ok. She's upstairs, she spent the night." He said very calmly. "Spent the night?!" Anything could have happened last night. And I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I mean when I say 'anything'. "Yes. Is that a problem?" "Yes. Yes it is. We need her back at home! You want to protect her! You should know to bring her home instead of keeping her here!" I had started a row. "It was not my choice. Cat decided she wanted to spend the night, so I let her!" I grabbed him by the scruff of his t-shirt, somehow gaining strength. I held him against the wall, staring daggers at him. "I swear, if you have done anything to her! You'll be sorry!"

A flash of red passed and pushed me away, I stumbled a bit and looked. Cat was fully clothed, not as I had been thinking. Maybe I was prejuging. "Ty, are you Ok?" She looked at him, checking to make sure he was ok. "What the hell has got into you? I spend one night at my boyfriend's which is perfectly normal, and that makes you go off on one, barging in and attacking Ty?" I had never seen her like this. She was fuming, even more angry than I was. "I thought he had done something to you." I said, feeling a little embarrassed. "Jordan...if I had lost my virginity, why would you even care?" "Because you're my twin sister. An almost identical copy of me. I don't want you getting hurt emotionally or physically." "But don't you want me to be happy?" Cat said, still standing by Ty, he had his arm around her. "...Yes..." "Then stop being so protective and holding such a tight lead on me. I'm fine. I have lots of people to take care of me. Especially this one; which is why I agreed to move In with him."

Cat's POV

It too a while to persuade Jordan, but eventually he had to give in. As we left, Jordan gave a small nod in Ty's direction before gesturing me towards the car. I climbed in, miserable. We both remained silent for the entire car ride, I ran out the first chance I got and stormed up the stairs, I then had to stop in my room to regain my breath and stop myself having a fit. I then got out a suitcase and pulled it onto the bed. I opened up my wardrobe and started to take clothes out of it. I folded each and put them into the suitcase. I also threw away ones that didn't fit me anymore. Bethany came to help me and we spoke nothing about the bad news. "Mum says you're growing up way to fast. Already moving out." "It's going to be painful when it cones to telling her." Bethany nodded. She passed me a few boxes which I put the remainder of my possessions in.

We had everything packed closely in the corner for the next day when I left. It was a lot of hassle, moving stuff around, squeezing in my belongings but eventually we were all sorted. Jordan turned be for He left the door. "You look after her, Ty." "I will." Ty nodded and Jordan left, leaving me and Ty. "Well now that's over, what shall we do?" Ty asked. "I don't know, Minecraft?" I suggested. He smiled and nodded, he had somehow managed to squeeze a second desk with a computer next to his own.

"We may as well record." "Actually. I didn't tell you this but I have done my first irl video." "Ok. So...a vlog?" I nodded, I mean, I may as well let everyone catch up with my life....excluding the fact that in one year's time...I won't be here anymore. How is Ty going to take the news, he could barely keep himself together when we broke up, neither could I. He thought he had lost me and was heartbroken. But that was a couple of weeks....How is he going to handle FOREVER?

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