Chapter 29 - Familiar Face

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Ty's POV

We woke up again the next morning. The house was in complete silence, I looked over at Cat, she was curled up in a little ball, I smiled. I looked around the room, it was the third day of PAX. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, Cat mumbled something from under her pillow, "What did you say?" She lifted up her head a little. "I said lie back down, you're warm" I chuckled and lay back down, wrapping my arms around her, she nestled against me, looking up at me for a brief second. I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. Voices could be heard from the other side of the door, "Do you think they're awake?" "No, Ty is a late sleeper, and I doubt he'll let Cat go down to breakfast without him." "Just ignore them." Cat said rolling over, she now faced the door. My arm was still around her, we both dozed off.

After a few minutes, I heard the door open, a few laughs and then two clicks from a nerf gun. The first one hit my arm, my eyes snapped open, "Jerome! You hit her in the eye!" Oh no. A similar thing happened yesterday when Mitch fell asleep. I leant over, Cat was flinching with her hand over her left eye with hand. I sat her up and looked at her. "Oh my God, Cat are you Ok?" She shook her head, still dazed and rubbing her eye. I looked up at Jerome and Ian, Ian was filming and Jerome had hold of a nerf gun. "Jerome, you are so dead!" I yell before leaping out of bed and sprinting towards him. I chased him around the house. "No, Ty please! Please! Don't do dis! I'm sorry!" I leapt on his back and pinned him to the floor. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." "I don't care if you shot me. That's fine." I say. "So...We cool?" "I didn't finish." I continued. "If you shoot my girlfriend however! That's a different fucking story!" Jerome screamed. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" "I'm gonna let you go. You will get an ice pack and bring it up to my room! Do you understand?!" Jerome nodded.

I went upstairs as he ran off. I went back into my room and next to Cat. "You ok now?" "Yep." I looked at her eye, it was a little red. I put my arm around her. Jerome came in with the ice pack. I took it off of him. "Cat. I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to hit your eye." He said. Cat giggled and replied. "It's fine. I'm not blinded so you're lucky." Jerome laughed and left the room. "What happened down there?" "5 minutes of me chasing Jerome around the house and murdering him for hurting you." I said. "Honestly, Ty you are really protective over me." "I worry about you. I love you." "I love you too. But remember, you can't keep things just about me, you need to think about yourself as well." "I will. Once I know you are ok." Cat laughed before standing and getting into the shower.

I looked at the clock. "It's half 7!" I shouted. "Ok!" I heard Cat call from the shower, I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Hey!" "I can't see you! Calm down." I heard a sigh. Not a general one just one as a joke. "Am I going to get no privacy in future with you?" "Nope, pretty soon we will be showering together." "TMI!" "It's true though." "If your planning something for when we get back to Arizona, not yet!" "I know but maybe in a few..." before I said years, I remembered. "Months, you might be a little more comfortable around me." "I don't see you being comfortable around me." She replied. "Are you asking for something?" "No." I laughed and left the room while she got changed.

Jordan's POV

I'm getting really suspicious of those two. They spend so much time in their room. I'm worried. I tried to shake it off but after Ty ran out of his room in his underwear, my suspicions are growing stronger. They both came into the kitchen laughing, they then sat down together and ate breakfast while talking about something. Every now and then they would burst into fits of laughter, shielding the truth from themselves. Cat didn't eat all of her breakfast, strange. "Cat. You need to eat." Ty said. I may feel awkward with Ty dating my sister and all, but I have to admit I'd rather him date Cat than anyone else. He cheers her up completely, and is very careful around her, looking after, as though she was his little sister. "No. I don't wanna." "Why not?" Ty wrapped his arms around her. "My stomach hurts, I'm starting to feel a little sick actually. I'm going to go to the bathroom just in case." "I'll hold your hair back" They both left, his arm around her shoulder, he lightly kissed her head. All I could think was: Oh God no. She couldn't be... But it was all slipping together, Cat has stomach aches, she's sick this morning, them spending much time in their room...Ty running round in his underwear. This can only mean one thing.

"You think WHAT?!" Bethany exclaimed as we waited at our booth for Cat who was at the Team Crafted booth messing around with the boys. "You heard me." "Jordan...she's 18, I don't think Cat or Ty would be so careless and let that happen." Bethany said, leaning back into her chair. "Think about it though. It makes sense. She was sick this morning, Ty was running around in his underwear, it's not hard to process what might be going on with them two." I said. "Still. Jordan, Cat is as careful as you can get when it comes to these things, I doubt she is actually Pregnant." "Shh! You don't want people to hear, they are going to start rumours." Issac hushed. "Don't mention this to Cat, I'll ask her later on."

"What are you guys doing?" Cat came over. "Talking." "About what?" "What we should do for lunch." She shrugged and we all sat down to sign stuff. Every now and then Cat would get up and go to the Team Crafted booth to talk to either the guys or Alesa. "I still don't believe she is pregnant." Cierra said.

Cat's POV

The fans wanted a few photos with me and Ty in them, there were loads of supporters for Catlox. I recognised one. He was talking to Jason. He was that guy who was talking about Cason the other day which caused Ty to lash out at him. The fan turned to look at me and smirked at me. My blood ran cold. Just walk away Cat. Just walk away. I turned and ran towards my booth and collapsed in my chair. Too late. "Cat, its been a long time." I hesitated but soon lifted my head and looked into the eyes of my ex. "Hello Joe." I said coldly. "No need to be like that. I want us to be on good terms now. Mind if i have a picture?"

I allowed him to take a picture, as he did so he tried to kiss my cheek. "Stop!" I said, pushing his face away. "What? Am I not allowed to be able to try and earn your trust back?" "What do you want my trust for?" I asked. "I miss you, Cat. I love you. You've grown so much over the year, I didn't think you were like that. I was wrong to leave you." His hand slid on top of mine. "No." "No?" "We will never be anything ever again! You treated me like shit even as I stood by you!" He grabbed me, "Listen you little bitch. I don't take no as an answer." "Is something going on here?" Ty was behind Joe with his arms folded. "No. Leaves alone for a bit." "How do I now you're not going to try anything with my girlfriend?" Joe looked at Ty and then at me. He then stalked off, clearly kissed off. "Thanks" "No problem. Ready for lunch?" I nodded eagerly and took Ty's hand.

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