Chapter 55 - Bad news

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Cat's POV

I woke up with serious stomach pains, I reached for the paracetamol, only to see that all of them had been used up. I sighed, clutching my stomach. It was 6am. Maybe there will be some in the bathroom? I wiggled out of Ty's arms and got up, feeling weird and strangely clammy. I went to the bathroom and looked around for the paracetamol- nope. Maybe taking a contraceptive will work? I took the one for the day but the cramps worsened. Dr May's voice started ringing in my head. "Any bleeding in the next two or so days and come right back here because it's a very bad sign." Maybe I should check? To be on the safe side?

I did check. And I screamed. I was bleeding alright. What was happening? Why was this a bad sign? Please just let this be a period. Ty must have heard me because I heard knocking on the door. "Cat?! Cat! Is everything ok?" I opened the door, and hugged him tightly, "hey...It's Ok..." He said, trying to comfort me. "Ty I need to go to hospital- I need to see the doctor, right now." He looked concerned, "what's going on?" "I'll explain on the way" he nodded, I placed a towel on the car seat and Ty sped off into the night. I was crying now- my stomach pains got even worse. "Ty-" "We're almost there-Hang in there."

We arrived at the doctors, I went up to the desk, "I need to see doctor May, it's serious." "You might be able to catch her before she leaves" I ran through the corridors, Ty following me. "Cat, you're scaring me." I looked at him as I knocked on the door- sobbing. I haven't told him anything-and- now he's got no idea what going on- he's scared. The door opened and doctor May looked at me. "Cat? What's wrong?" "It's happening! Like you said! I'm bleeding!" I sobbed, Ty had hold of me now. Dr May rushed back into her room, I followed. I was put onto a bed in the consulting room, Dr May put on her gloves and began shutting curtain- separating us from Ty.

Ty's POV

I felt incredibly rushed, they were behind a curtain now. I sat on a seat, worrying. What's happening? 

Finally, the curtain was opened and Cat was revealed sitting on the bed. Crying. "Cat?" I said, going up to her. She looked up and clung to me, tightly, I could feel how much she needed me. "Ty, I don't know if you were aware about the mix up with Cat's medication-" "I was." "Well, that's more or less the main cause of this." "Is she poisoned?!" "No! Nothing of the sort, I believe Cat is actually in the early stages of pregnancy- one that is very quickly failing. We need to get her to a hospital-Now." I'll call them and tell them to set up for Cat, you need to rush her there now" I grabbed Cat, bridle style and sauntered out the door. She was still crying. I put her in the passenger seat and sped off to the hospital. Pregnancy. It was the early word that came up in my head. We're only 19... 

"Cat?" I whispered, she was curled up on the seat. "Cat?" She cried. "Shh. It's ok...It's Ok. I'll get you there in time and the doctors will sort this out." She sobbed harder. "I'm sorry." It was the only thing I could get out of her for the entire journey. We made it to the hospital, nurses rushed to Cat, taking both of us to a room. They got her cleaned and changed before settling her on a bed. They said when they came back, they'd get her examined. "You need to do something Now! She's in pain and we were told to come here quickly! You should be helping her!" I shouted. "The most we can do is give her morphine to ease the pains but until we get hold of the doctor, we can't do anything else. It will be fine- but you have to keep her relaxed as possible."

They left, I sat next to Cat she held the mask over her face. She put it down, "Feeling any better?" She shook her head. "Cat...I don't want you to worry about this. I promise you, no matter what happens, I'll still love you and be here for you." She looked at me, tears streaming down her face, "You're not mad? You have every right to be mad. I'm dying in 8 months- Ty I can't do this. I can't carry a baby- it's not fair." She cried even more- "We'll sort something out, Cat. I promise. In the meantime- The first thing you can do is calm down- for me." She breathed slower, I took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Everything will be fine- I promise." I kissed her forehead. The nurses soon arrived and took her way, I had to stand in the corridor, I refused to go to the waiting room. Not like this. I felt like a coward. Too naive to realise and protect his own girlfriend. Tears went down my face. Please be ok...

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora