Chapter 28 - The Confession

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Ty' s POV

As Cat ran forward, I spotted a black rectangle on her back. I thought nothing of it since it was probably a leaf or something that has stuck to her back because of the water. "Hey Cat!" "Yeah?" She wrapped the towel around her, she was shivering. "You have a leaf or something on your back." Cat turned around to let me peel it off. She flinched as soon I touched the area the object was in. I tried to find the edge so it could come off but it seemed to implanted into her back. I took another look. A screen with numbers counting down. 11,02,07,04,01, 37. The last two number  changed every second. "Cat?" "Have you got it off?" "What is this?" I tapped the screen.

Cat sighed and wrapped her towel around her again. "I'll explain later. When we are alone." I nodded and we sat down together. Cat started to bite her nails nervously, every now and then she would look at me with a sorrowful glance. The sun set and the sky grew dark, so all of us went inside to get changed in our pyjamas, "Movie night!" Adam shouted. I headed upstairs and heard the shower running. Soon after it stopped and Cat walked out giving me a small smile. I sat down next to her on the bed. "Is it ok for you to tell me?" "I don't want to. But you have to know." "I'm guessing it's very bad news." I said sadly. She nodded. My mind instantly rushed through a million thoughts.

I was scared now. I have always had a fear of losing Cat. "Remember when I had that last fit?" "Yes..." Cat sighed again, "The doctors ran a few tests after they flushed my lungs. That's when they found out and implanted this device into my back. She lifted her top up and revealed the screen. "It shows how long I have left until my body gives into the Emphyma. It reads: 11 months, 2 weeks, 7 days, 4 hours and the minutes and seconds change constantly. It's a Countdown. When it gets to zero..." That's it. She didn't have to finish her sentence. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces. "No..."  Tears escaped my eyes. "I wish there was something the doctors could do, but they've tried everything. It's no use." 

I suddenly hugged her tightly. "This better better be a joke." I whispered. "I'm sorry." I shook my head. "I can't lose you, Cat. I can't. I need you!" She started crying as well. "This was the last thing I wanted. I was terrified to tell you." I pulled away from the hug and wiped away her tears, I smiled at her though I was still very upset. "It's only now that I realise how scared I am of dying. It never really bothered me in the past because  I had you with me." "I you will still have me in future. I will never leave your side. I will be with you every step of the way." I said. I needed to get showered and dressed but I couldn't leave Cat on her own. "Does Alesa know?" "Yes. So do my parents and siblings." "That was what your dad wanted to talk about." She nodded. "I need to get changed, the others will be wondering where we are." Cat nodded. "We better wipe away those tears, it'll only stress Jordan". We went into the bathroom and I used some tissues to wipe away her tears and some of mine. I splashed cold water onto my face hoping to make it look less like I had been crying. Cat got me some clothes which I quickly got changed into. 

"Come on then." I placed my arm around her waist and we walked to the lounge where the others were waiting. "About time." Ian said. "Sorry. Something came up." I said, looking at Cat. "Ewwwwww." Quentin said. "Not that, idiot." I said blushing. We sat down. Cat curled up beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. "What are we watching?" Cat asked. "Earth to Echo" "Can't we watch the inbetweeners?" I asked. I think we needed a comedy right now. "Yes. Or the Hangover. I think a comedy is good for tonight." "But..." "Adam, I think those two have been through something before they came downstairs." Adam nodded and took out The imbetweeners. We watched the movie but barely laughed with the others.

Cat's POV

I love the Imbetweeners but neither me or Ty laughed with the others. Some parts we forced a laugh, other's we just stared at the screen. I now lay on my side my head now resting on Ty' s chest. Alesa would look at us occasionally, she must know that I told Ty about the countdown. The movie was paused halfway through so we could use the bathroom, refill the snacks, etc. Mitch and Jerome checked their phones, Adam, Alesa and Ian went to get more popcorn and sweets. And my siblings decided to use the bathroom. I sat up, staring into space. I felt Ty put his hand on my knee. "We are bad at hiding our miserable selves, aren't we?" "Yeah." "We should try to enjoy tonight and this week. Then we can spend next week being as miserable as we like." I laughed a bit and nodded. He leant in and kissed me. I kissed back. I could tell he was very upset by this, he admitted after we got back together that he was terrified of losing me.

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora