Chapter 63 - A minor mishap

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Ty's POV 

It was now late December and we would continue Cat's bucket list after New year. It's been getting colder and colder, we played everyday in the snow after Christmas but now I have to keep her in, keep the fire on, keep her in blankets. Arizona is fine in the summer, but the problem is the winter- especially after the sun goes down. "Ty can we go out tomorrow?" "Cat, you know what my answer is." I heard a sad sigh in the darkness. "But it's boring here-doing nothing all day." "Cat I'm sorry but it's too cold for you at the moment. I'm just keeping you safe-see?! You're shivering!" I wrapped her in an embrace, also moving the covers over so she had more layers. "I know you care about me Ty. Thank you." I closed my eyes. I didn't want her bored. But I didn't want her dead either. I didn't tell Cat but for the last few nights I've been getting similar dreams-nightmares even. I just prayed that they'd stop tonight. 

Each were different but all revolved around the same fear: Cat dying. One night I dreamed we were in a car accident, the next, she jumped off a building, the next, she drowned-every night brought I different fear. They had been going on ever since Cat had miscarried. 

I opened my eyes as someone called my name. "Ty." I looked up; Adam, Jason and Dan (cavemanfilms) were in some sort of hotel lobby. "Sorry- must have spaced out. Where's Cat?" I looked around noticing her absence. "She went to get coffee with some guy." I froze and looked at Adam. "What?!" He burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, she's still using the bathroom she'll be out in a minute." I sighed in relief. Cat came back and smiled at me. "Everything ok?" I nodded, we dropped our stuff in our hotel rooms before leaving the hotel. "Pax here we come!" Adam yelled as we entered the building. I don't remember arriving here but I went with it. Something certainly was dodgy though. Nobody was there. No one at all. The entire expo hall was empty. I let go of Cat for a second and went to pick up something. "Adam isn't this Jerome's coat?" I got no answer. I turned to see him and Jason looking away from me...shaking. I moved to get a better view of what they were looking at. Cat was being held by a guy with a psychotic glare in his eyes. His arm was around her neck. "What the fuck....Cat?" She was starting to cry. "Shut up. Both of you." The guy said. He looked in deep thought. "Dude let her go. Please." He looked at me. "What did you say?" "Just let the girl go and nobody has to get hurt." He started to shake and clench his teeth. "Don't tell me what to do. I will not have some...some low life try to negociate. In fact, you can be the first to go." He let go of Cat and started to walk towards me. He reached into his back pocket and I could tell he had a gun. "Cat run!" I yelled, not wanting her to get hurt. Cat grabbed the guy, "No!" She yelled at him. He spun around and pulled the trigger. No shock, no consideration, no remorse. He just shot her. She had a blank look on her face as she dramatically fell to the floor, landing on her side, assuming an almost- foetal position. There was a red patch on her hoodie, over her stomach, where the bullet had hit her. The guy walked away, allowing me to rush to Cat's side. I felt tears burn my eyes, Cat was already gone. Her nose was bleeding and by the look on her face, she wasn't with me anymore. She looked not at peace, not in pain but no where.  

My eyes snapped open once again to a cold, dim room. I wiped sweat off my forehead before sitting up. I looked down at Cat who slept soundly next to me. I decided to get a glass of water. I moved quickly through the cold house and came back, sitting in the same spot. I took a few gulps of water feeling a little better, though I knew that I'd get the same thing the next night, and the next. I put the water down, maybe if I splash my face a little? I did so, feeling a little less clammy and restless. I came back and lay down again, taking Cat's waist and pulling her closer. She groaned a little. "Ty?" A quiet voice followed. "Erm..morning?" "What time is it?" "Four, I got woken up a bit too early." "Why are you wet?" (Stop it) "I just went to splash some cold water on my face to cool down." Cat rolled over but didn't open her eyes. She spoke very quietly so I could tell she was half asleep. "You keep waking up so early." "I know-I'm just sorting stuff out." "Oh" she inhaled loudly as she stretched. I smiled at her, I settled down and held her against me. I kissed her cheek an whispered "I love you" I heard a noise following which I assumed was "I love you too." I chuckled, her tired voice was adorable.

When morning actually came, Cat was still quiet. In fact she didn't wake up when I did. Poor thing must have been exhausted. I went downstairs and made some coffee to wake us up a bit. I left it at her bedside, making sure not to disturb her. I needed to get a few things done around the house, I checked on her just after midday and she'd barely moved, her coffee was stone cold. "Cat? Cat it's late, you planning on getting up at all today." She opened an eye partially. "I don't...." she started slowly. "You don't what." For a few seconds it was as if she'd fallen asleep. "Don't what?" "Feel so good." She mumbled. I did the usual, checked her temperature, her hydration, etc. 

Cat didn't move all day, she slept, I'd never seen her like full of fatigue. I rang her family to see what was going on, Mike came round to check on her.  He repeated what I did; feeling her forehead, etc. "Round about this time of year the hospital puts her on complete bed rest due to her high level of fatigue. It's not you're fault, it's getting colder, her body never seems to be used to it, so it spends most of its energy keeping her warm through body temperature." I nodded, "how long does it last?" "Depends on how you look after her. She sleeps a lot for a few days, but keep her eating and drinking. Also, raise the temperature in here a little, it'll warm her up so her body doesn't have to." I nodded. He helped me sort out some stuff, I turned up the thermostat, I put more blankets over her. By last the next night, she seemed a little more active.

Bethany brought over some stuff- hoodies, hot water bottles and hot chocolate mix. I lead her into our room where Cat was laying. "She's been in bed for the past day. She's been really tired." I sat next to Cat show opened eye after sensing movement. "Oh-there's an eye!" Bethany joked. I smiled, Cat then slowly lifted her head to see who else was in the room. "Oh she moved her head." I chuckled. "Yeah she does that too". I heard a small grumble, the duvet moved as Cat stretched a little, clicking her arms. I thanked Bethany before she left and went back to Cat. "You feeling ok?" "Yeah- thanks for looking after me." I kissed Cat's forehead. "No problem." She warmed up a lot and later she was more or less awake so she got up, wrapped in a blanket, I made her hot chocolate and we settled in the living room. We cuddled for a bit. As much as I enjoyed fulfilling Cat's bucket list, I loved moments where it was just me and Cat, calm, content, forgetting the world around us.

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