Chapter 37 - The Water Park

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Ty's POV

"Cat....I think we're lost." I said as I kept turning corners, seemingly getting no where. After peering  the map again, "I think we are. I don't get it. This map says we should have been there 5 minutes ago." She squinted at the miniscule roads on the map, wriggling amongst both sides. I drove on and on. "Wait! I've been reading it wrong! Go back to the last junction were were at." I made a quick U-turn and went back the way we came. "Now make a left, not a right." After a while of this we saw the return of signs advertising the upcoming water park. "Thank God for that!" I said, wiping my forehead. It had taken us an hour to arrive. 

"Where on earth have you two been?" Paula asked, a little distressed. "Sorry mum, we got lost on the way. Note to self: I cannot read maps to save my life." I chuckled at Cat's remark. "Why don't we get changed and make the most of today?" Issac said. We all did exactly that, we were in our swimming costumes now, I hired some lounge chairs to lie on and placed them under a tree, they could be moved if one us wanted. Next, Cat lay down some blankets for us and set our belongings. "By Cat, Cat!" "What is it?" "You missed a bit." "What? That doesn't even make sense. Missed what?" I pointed  to a spot where the blankets were not overlapping. "It's not right!" "I'm busy, make it right yourself." She said, grinning. I did so before taking her hand, "What are we going on first?"

"King Cobra is a MUST!" She said, pulling me in that direction. "Don't you wanna start small?" I asked. "Nope, starting small is for... losers" she replied trying to pull me in that direction. "Are you finished?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her. "Yeah..." I started walking again. Cat made an attempt to pick up a double ring. "Are we not going separately? Like a race?" "Doubles only, that's what the sign says anyway." I nod and we walk past the queue (since Cat was using this as a memorable last few months, we were allowed to skip most main queues.) We reached the top in no time. "Dibs on front!" Cat said as I played down the ring. She climbed on facing the wrong way. I scrambled onto the back, not questioning her decision. I pushed off once the lifeguard gave me the signal and we were off. The first part contained a lot of turns but was pretty much mellow, we were only moving quite briskly. "Ty...?" "What's wrong? Are you nervous? It's ok, I'm here for you." I grabbed her hand. She smiled at me. "I don't make the best life choices." We both laughed as she struggled to turn around without falling off. I saw light coming up. "Um...Cat." 

We dropped down the steep slide only to rocket up the other side, getting sprayed by water coming from the Cobra's gang. (The slide was shaped as a giant cobra) we continued to go back and forth until the ring came to a halt. I got out, Cat not long after me, we dragged the ring off the slide. "Well that looked entertaining." Adam said, laughing at us, now soaked. "You need to try that!" I said.

We went on the King Cobra a second time, racing each other down it, me and Cat verses Adam and Alesa. "What next?" I asked. "You decide." I smiled at her. "Tornado?" She nodded as we headed towards it, a large structure painted red and white, a tower which was about 100m high and the steep striped tube heading downwards into a similarly striped basin, water falling out of it into a pool below. I grabbed Cat's hand once again and lead her up the metal staircase. We had to queue up for this one but I didn't mind. I looked at Cat, her sunburn on her shoulders had healed and was now returning to a browny olive colour that matched her newly tanned skin tone. 

We reached the top and I allowed Cat to go first, "Ladies first" I smiled, bowing, allowing her past. She chuckled before taking hold of the bar, stepping into the rushing water. "Thank you, good sir" she said before leaping down the slide, she slid on her back with her arms tucked behind her head. I heard a weird industrial sucking noise (Stop it) as she disappeared from the slide. I looked over the railing and laughed as I saw her moving around the basin, going around and around before finally seeing her fall down the hole in the middle, hearing a splash as she hit the pool. The lifeguard gave a nod and I dropped down the slide, gaining speed almost instantly almost taking my breath away. Blinding light shone and I started feeling dizzy as I slid around the basin. I sat up slightly as I dropped into the pool below. 

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant