Chapter 6- Hiding

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Cat's POV

The next Morning, Jordan came in. "Ok Cat, understood you like Ty, but think about it. He is suffering from depression and does not need you to make him worried." He said. My mouth dropped open. "Sorry, but we don't need your Emphyma making him feel worse." "I understand" I say sadly.

Ty's POV

I wake up and head through the landing to the stairs but as I passed I heard voices coming from Cat's room. I put my ear to the door. "...understood you like Ty..." She likes me? "He is suffering from depression and does not need you to make him worried." How would she make me worried? She actually makes me happier. "Sorry...your Emphyma making him worse." Soon I heard footsteps, I legged it to the stairs and rushed down them.

I made breakfast and sat at the table. A few moments later, Cat appeared. She made breakfast with no drink. I watched her, "What?" "Nothing, You don't look yourself, what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing.". I know she was lying but I didn't want to seem nosey. "Sorry about last night." She said, "it's fine, though it's clear your boyfriend wasn't happy." "My boyfriend?" "Jordan" she looked at me and started laughing. "Jordan's not my boyfriend!!!!" I blushed, the embarrassment hit me hard. "Oh, sorry." I started laughing, finally seeing the funny side.

I went back up to my room and went straight on the computer, I searched up:Emphyma, into Google and was horrified by the results.

Emphyma (Em-f-eye-ma): The permanent damage to one's lungs where they may fill up with fluid/water. In serious cases causes death. Symptoms: Lack of hydration, wheezing, easily out of breath.

"Ty?" Jordan came in, I quickly moved in front of the screen so he could not see what I was doing. "Yes?" "I was just seeing if your ok. What are you doing?" "N-nothing." I say nervously. I switch off the screen. However, Jordan, very suspicious came over. "What are you hiding?" "Nothing" I repeated. He turned the screen back on before I could stop him, he sighed and looked at the floor.

"I was hoping that you wouldn't find out." Jordan said sadly. I told him I overheard their confiscation that morning. "We didn't want you to know, the last thing we wanted was for you to worry about yet another thing, stressing yourself more." He stated sadly. I nodded. "Ty, can ask you something. Just between you and me?" "Yeah" he looked me in the eyes.

"Do you like Cat?" He asked quietly. "What?" I asked going red. "Do you have feelings for her?" There were no signs of teasing, "I...I...yes. I think...I do." "Interesting" he said as he got up. Was I going crazy? I had only just met Cat yesterday. Yet, I did like her, she seems to be the one who can actually make smile. Wait. Did Jordan just accept that I liked his sister?

"PEOPLE! DOWNSTAIRS EVERYONE! NOW!" Adam bellowed from the entrance hall. Everybody crowded there wondering what the racket was about. "I have decided we will go to the cinema." He said proudly. "And watch what?" Quentin asked suspiciously. "How about Paranormal activity?" He asked to which everyone agreed. "Meet here by 7, get changed into something nice, it's kind of a posh movie theatre.

At 7:00 we all gathered in the driveway. None of us dressed formally but we did clean up. I looked over at Cat who stood by their car talking to Cierra. She wore black jeans, white converse and a dark red checked shirt. Some buttons were undone which revealed the black top she wore underneath as well as the tattoos she had. One one her left arm and one on her left collar bone. I didn't realise she had tattoos. I focused on her face, she had moved her hair to one side, slightly covering her left eye. She wore dark eye makeup, it wasn't over the top and heavy make up. It was thin and slight.

We got to the theatre, payed for the tickets and went in. I went over to Cat and beckoned her to sit in the far corner with me. All of us spread out as we pretty much had the theatre to ourselves. She sat next to me without hesitating. We had the popcorn between us. Things were great.

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin