Chapter 39 - Where are we going?

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Ty's POV

The next day rolled around and Cat was still restricted from water and partial sunlight. "Not how I want to spend a perfectly nice holiday." She huffed as she sat next to me with some toast. "It's not that bad, you can go outside. You have your hat, remember?" "Yeah, and I love it. But I wanna swiiiimm!" "You will do, just not today, give it a couple more days, we stay here for five more days till we go home." "Ok." I had already planned out our day, I'm sure she'll love it, even though she can't go into water. I'll keep her away from the beach to avoid temptation. The others however, weren't messing around and quickly had their beach stuff packed and had left for the beach. "They don't half rub it in, do they?" Cat asked, looking up at me. 

"Our day is going to be much better. You wanna know why?" "Why?" I held up the tickets, her eyes widened, "really?!" "Yep and its in English." "Thank you so much!" I smiled at her as she went to grab her bag. I chuckled and picked up my wallet, carefully putting the tickets in it. I then put it in my pocket as Cat was once again by my side. We walked to the small cinema which was just down the road from the vilage. "We'll eat in a cafe afterwards, sound good?" Cat nodded eagerly, a small spring now visible in each step. We made it to the cinema, bought food and took our seats. "Hey Ty." "What?" I got a handful of popcorn flung at me, it stuck in my hair, on my shirt, everywhere. Cat was in hysterics. "I think I have a bit on th  corner of my lip. Here help me get it off!" I leaned in and kissed her, she squirmed at first but settled down after a few seconds. The adverts ended and Cat was a giggling mess. I put my hand over her mouth. "Come on now. Hush." She  nodded, still smirking. 

(A/N: I am not going to spoil the movie.)

Once the movie finished, I stood up, "Ryan Reynolds needs to play a lot of characters in other movies." I nodded. "He really does." We had turned a corner and the cafe was straight ahead. Should I leave her to look after this table? Memories flooded back and images flashed in my mind of that night. Her face, that guys glare, his heartless smirk. I shook my head. "Cat look after this table for us, I'll get us something. What would you like?" "You're good at guessing. Surprise me." She replied sitting down. I bought us some cold drinks and a small cake each. To my relief Cat was still there and well when I returned. I sat opposite her and gave her, her drink and cake. I myself had a sprite and a blueberry muffin while I had got Cat a sprite as well as a special kind of muffin. "Red velvet?" She laughed. I nodded. "The only way your magical red hair gains it's vibrantness and its powers. She laughed again and started eating. We talked about the future. So what is the next thing you want to do?" I asked her. She looked at me with a: 'Really?' face. "I'm not saying shit." She folded her arms after folding up her cake case a popping it in her empty glass. "Well then...let's see." I thought about it. What would she want to do? Think! Think! My mind clicked into place and I smiled. 

"Well." "I need more time to sort it out, is that ok?" I asked. She nodded. We got up and left, I wrapped my arm around her waist as I guided her to the cliff. "Ty?" "Yeah?" "Where are we going?" I smiled at her, not saying a word. We stopped at the spot on the cliffs we had been on last week. We sat down, my arm around her shoulder. I used my other hand to adjust her hat, double checking she was ok.

Cat's POV

The sun wasn't setting yet but the sky was starting to have a pinky orange tint to it. "Hey Cat, I bought something for you last week." "You didn't have to." I looked at him innocently, his brown eyes shone in the sunlight as they met with mine. "I wanted to. You mean the world to me. And i want you to look at this and know, through thick and thin, I'll always be there for you." He gulped. "Until the end." With that he placed a red coral bracelet on my wrist, it glistened  and was a beautiful shade of ruby red. "I don't know what to say...Ty, it's beautiful. Thank you so much!" He smiled at me brightly. He tries so hard. For me. He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up with him. "Come on, let's get some dinner before our final thing today." He said as we walked  back to the villa. By now the others were back. "What have you two been up to?" 

"Ty took me to see Deadpool!" "Any good?" Jordan asked, looking up. "Too good." He laughed and nodded. The dinner was being cooked by mum who seemed in her zone at the moment. I wandered outside and took off my shoes. I paced through the shallow bit of the pool, missing the refreshment. I kicked small waves I made as I treaded, almost slipping over one time. "You really miss the water, huh?" I nod at Ty who gave a small smile from where he was standing; in the patio doorway. "Temperatures get a little high, you know?" He looked at the floor and Wales towards me. "I honestly would have put swimming into today but I hate to see you hurt." I shushed him, "Its ok! Calm down Ty. You have made this holiday so special. No matter what may think had gone wrong." I said. I hugged him and looked up into his eyes, he smiled back, leaning down to kiss me gently. "I love you." I was about to reply but we heard my mum calling us in for dinner. Ty picked me up bridle style and carried me in.

"So what's happening tonight?" Mum asked. "I need to sort some stuff out for YouTube and all that." Jordan said. "Me and Alesa will be recording." "I can't be bothered to do anything." Cierra said. They all look at me and Ty. "Maybe a wander around the village." Ty said while looking at me. I gave him a smile be for  looking at my, now empty- plate. We left early and Ty held my hand, pulling me through the crowds of people. "Where are we going?" I ask, I have to half shout through all the noise. "Here." He replied, we entered the gate  to a small mini golf course. I gave a gentle laugh, I never was one for sports, Ty looked as though he was, he looked very confident. We got our clubs and golf balls and headed to the first part. 

Ty's POV

I went first and told Cat as I took my turn, she had never done golfing before. She stood quite awkwardly with the club dangling from her loose grip. She gave a small swing and missed the ball completely. I decided to step in. I stood behind her and placed my hands on top of hers, helping her hold the club properly, I showed her how to swing properly and her first go got her one point behind me. The next few goes, she tried herself and gradually she improved. I love her so much. I thought to myself as I watch her try the second to last part. She swung and got it in one, she looked at me smiling, I returned  the smile, nodding at her. I then had my go. "I don't think I was made for sport like you were, Ty." She stopped, laughing lightly. I finished my game and started counting as she finished hers. It turned out a did win but only by a few points. "You're better than you thought you were." I said. "I learnt from the best." She gave me a cheeky grin before I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her back to the villa. The sun had gone down and you could now see stars in the sky. I took Cat's hand as we walked in. "I want you to see this." I said as I lead her to our room and opened the balcony door, I pulled down a branch and used it to pull myself onto the roof. I then leant down and helped Cat repeat my action. I lay on the slant with Cat next to me, holding onto me. "You're sure we won't fall?" She asked. I nodded, "Don't worry. Ive been up here every night since we came here."  "You have?" 

I nodded, "Why?" I smiled and pointed upwards at the glittering sky above us, thousands, maybe millions of stars were visible, dotting the black sheet. "Wow..." Cat gasped. "Every night brings me the  fear of you leaving me. You year. Each sunset brings us closer to that date and it terrifies me. But all I have to do is look at this." I gestured to the sky. "And I'm reminded that I won't be alone, you'll still be with us, watching over us, along with my parents. You'll be a star in the sky. The brightest one of all." I looked over at Cat who was looking at me. "That's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard you say, Tyler Ellis. You really mean all that?" "Are you asking that as a serious question?" I asked. I pulled her closer and we watched many stars slowly move. I saw a purpley blue light shoot past, a shooting star. "Make a wish." Cat said. I closed my eyes as she did. 

I wish for Cat to be happy in her remaining time. Let no harm come to her and allow me and her family and friends to keep Cat in our hearts forever. 

Cat opened her eyes before me and settled down in my arms.

Cat's POV

"Your parents would be so proud of you, you know." Ty looked at me, his gaze showing his soft side. "You think so?" He asked, his eyes shining, "I know so. They will always be proud of you and love you. As will I." He held me even tighter than before. "You always find a way to cheer me up." He said. Soon we had to climb off of the roof, Ty helped me down being the gentlemen he is. We both went to bed, he held me as if I was a teddy bear. I can't believe he is still with me. Unlike everyone else, he hand' t drifted, no one's ever stayed with me for this long before, so this is what if feels like. To be happily in love with someone who unconditionally loves me back. I know how lucky I am. Some may say that it's because I'm dating a youtuber and that someone famous actually loves me back, but I say that I'm lucky, solely because he has vowed to stay by my side and has never broken his promise. I mean, isn't that what love is? 

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