Chapter 5-A day with Team Crafted

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Ty's POV

Never had I ever seen some so beautiful and radient. As soon as Ian stopped recording she walked in, smiling at Bethany then going to the kitchen. I watched her and I think Adam caught me. He smirked and leant over whispering to the other five. I felt myself going red so I quickly looked down again. However, I was still looking at her through the corner of my eye. She was a slim girl with red velvet hair, a piercing on her right eyebrow.

She was already in her formal clothing for the photo shoot, a short black dress with some white pattern at the top and the skirt came down to her knee caps. Her hair was straight and came down to her collarbone in little red strips. I soon snapped back into reality to find she had caught me staring, trying to look away.

Why do I always have to make everyone around me uncomfortable? I frowned and sadly looked at my plate. I didn't feel like eating anything else so I just put my plate on the side and tried to engage ininto the conversation the others were having. "Turnips are ROOTS" Adam kept saying. "A potato is a potato" Jason replied. I had no idea what they were talking about, I just sat back and laughed.

Though I looked over to see the girl staring at me. I looked away going red. Out the corner of my eye she was just...looking at me. Not in the creepy way. In the seemingly pitiful are-you-ok? Sort of look.

Cat's POV

I managed to settle to my breakfast taking small amounts of OJ (orange juice). I kept seeing Ty look at me though, not like a stalker looks at you but it looked like he was...admiring me? Now, I am a BIG fan of Deadlox, but I couldn't be fooled by my brain. Let's think real here, he is a FAMOUS youtuber, you are a person with a YouTube account that is very s-l-o-w-l-y getting subscribers.

He wasn't into me he was just wondering who the heck this random person was in the kitchen of his and his friend's house. See? He just turned away to his friends. He's not interested. No one ever is. At first but they don't stay. It was my turn to start looking at him. He was kind of cute his dark brown hair falling gently onto his face, his smile when he laughed. That was when it hit me, that smile, it wasn't real. I used that smile everyday, I would know it from anywhere.

I sadly looked at him and he caught me. Shoot. I got up and put away the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. I quickly walked across the room to where the living room was. A little too quickly. I stop aruptly and lean against the wall. Breath don't wheeze, breath don't wheeze, he can't know , he can't find out. The guys looked me worryingly, Ty wasn't there. "Are you Ok?" Oh no, he was next to me.

"Fine." "You seem out of breath." No shit Sherlock. "Honestly,I'm fine." I say not looking into his eyes. I don't like lying, I never did, but it had to be done for Ty's sake. "She's ok, Ty. I think she just winded herself. Here Cat, I'll get you to Jordan, you can recover a little then."

Ty's POV

Cat. That was her name. "No, it's ok Adam, I'll take her, you worry about your root argument." I say as I guide her to where the four others were. I had my hand on her back gently pushing her in the right direction. I got her to Jordan, Will she be ok?" I asked, he nodded and looked at Cat, she'll be fine." Ian called us into the hall. "Right people, photographers were here."

We spent most of the day in front of the cameras, but when it was all finished we got changed into our regular clothes. "So what do we do now?" "MOVIES!!!!!" Jerome and Mitch said simultaneously. "You guys are like Jordan and Cat, always thinking alike." Bethany said laughing. We settled down to watch the Hunger games. Cat was lying full length on the sofa. I have to say I'm starting to like her. I've talked to her but only a bit. We have similar likes: Marvel, Space, Music and support the same football team (or is it soccer? Idk) the New Orleans saints.

Purposely I made it clear I was going to sit on that couch, even though there was plenty of room elsewhere. She automatically sat up, letting me sit down. We watched the first and three quarters through Catching Fire, Cat actually laid down resting her head on my lap. I smiled as she slowly fell asleep, I saw Jordan glare in our direction.

Cat's POV

I rested my head on what I thought was a cushion, though soon I realised it was not a cushion, it was his knee, I went red but before I could move away I felt his arm wrap around me. Does he? He can't. Didn't want to seem rude by pushing his arm off me, so I pretended to fall asleep, my left eye was open and hidden behind my hair. Jordan was glaring, he got up and whispered something I couldn't hear. He picked me up and started to carry me out.

I looked back to see Ty glancing longingly at me. He looked somewhat hurt. I fell asleep soon after. Tomorrow's going to need a lot of explaining.

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