Chapter 56 - Tension

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Ty's POV

Hours passed  Cat hardly said anything. I refused to leave her side. It scared me. All this. Everything happened so quickly. Cat won't talk and that blank face is staring through everything. "Cat...please talk to me. If you talk to me, I can make this better." "How?" She croaked. "How can you make this better, Ty? It's all gone to suit and what's done cannot be fixed." "But I can-I'll do anything." I said pleadingly. "I'm sorry Ty, but this has changed everything. I can't go about afterwards like nothing happened because it did." "Cat...I know that, I hurt as much as you do right now." She shook her head. "You don't understand." "I do." She looked at me questionably, "I can't explain how damaging all this has been. It's all happened so quickly, it's scary. We're both upset here, we've both lost a child here, along with the stress of you becoming pregnant in the first place. I can't help but to blame myself for all of this. I should have been more careful. I know I made a big mistake, but you need to be brave for me." She nodded, tears running down her cheek. 

We cuddled for a while, I held her tightly, so she knew I was staying with her, that o was there for her. Her family burst in a couple hours later- it had been a whole night? "Cat?! What on earth happened, we were so worried, mum and Dad are on their way. I could see Cat was getting uncomfortable with so many people surrounding her. "Guys...she needs space. She's had a very long day. They nodded and stood by the wall. Cat looked at me in fear. "Ty." She whispered. "What is it? Are you in pain?" She shook her head, "Ty my family won't take this well-me getting pregnant." I froze. Oh shit. Please no. If her Dad...I wouldn't be able to date Cat anymore..."Ty." Jordan was looking at me. She motioned me out of the room. "What's going on?"

I looked back at the door. "Cat went to hospital yesterday, because she had stomach pains- but it turned out they weren't just stomach pains." I looked at the door again. "Cat just found out that she's had a failed pregnancy. She lost it this morning and three and a half weeks. She's still very shaken up- if you co-" I never got to finish my sentence. Jordan had punched me in the face. "How could you?! She is broken! All because of you!" The right side of my face hurt, all I could do was stand there, listening as Jordan spit poison. "Go home." He coldly. "What?" "You heard. Go home. Pack Cat's things and have them on our doorstep asap." "Jordan...please...this is all a scare, we're all stressed and scared." "GO HOME." His eyes seemed to have flames in them, I stumbled past him and ran through the entrance to the car park, leapt into my car- and drove off.

I got home and started packing. But I didn't pack Cat's stuff. I packed my own. I shoved clothes into a sports bag, a few toiletries, etc. My eyes fell on the meerkat toy on my desk. I picked it up, tears slipped down my cheeks at the thought of that day. I gently placed it in my bag, I wrote a quick note and left it on my desk, taking one last look around before leaving.

Cat's POV

Bethany, Cierra and Issac all comforted me. It felt a bit better, I had some chocolate that Ty bought me. Jordan entered the room looking seriously pissed off. Ty didn't follow him. Before I could ask about him, mum and Dad entered the room. "Cat? Are you Ok? What's happened?" "Yeah Cat. Why don't you tell him what's happened?" Jordan asked sarcastically, his arms folded. "Jordan?" Mum said, looking at him funnily. "Why don't you tell them all about how Ty got you pregnant and made you lose it." I stared at Jordan in disbelief. "What?!" Dad suddenly. "Now, now Jordan. No need to be like that." "Tell them." I said to my sister. She looked at her knee. "Ok it's true I was pregnant, I lost it a few hours ago. I never wanted a baby- not at this age, not at this current situation- yet- it still hurts." "That's motherly instinct on you darling." Mum hugged me and said comforting things while Dad still stood there. "Where's Ty?" "I sent him home to pack Cat's stuff, she'll be living with us again." "What?!" "Cat it's probably for the best." Dad said, he seemed to be zoned out. I was scared of what Dad thought. None of this is Ty's fault.

I argued for hours, "He's done nothing wrong! Please! I love him!" "Even after what's he's done to you?!" "Cat, you're very hurt and stressed her this baby, maybe it's for the better if you steered clear of Ty, we don't need this happening again." The nurses eventually told them to leave while they checked up on me before letting me go home. Jordan had told Ty to pack up my stuff but when we got back, my stuff wasn't there. Jordan, angry, took us to mine and Ty's house. I miserably went to our room, ready to get some stuff before realising that the the whole room was ransacked. Clothes were spilling out of our drawers, clothes and other items were missing, Ty's items. Ty had left. 

I managed to persuade Jordan to let me stay, as he went home. I curled up on the bed crying. He just left...had he given up? Did he care?" I cried until no tears remained, I looked at my left hand. At the bracelet he gave the promise ring. "As a promise to make you my bride when we're older." And the bracelet: "I'll always be here for you." More tears threatened to form. I tested Ty for the seventh time that night.

Where are you?? I'm scared and I need you, please come home. I love you xxx

Ty's POV

I drove on, hearing my phone vibrate as Cat attempted to call and text me. More tears fell as I read her texts. God I loved her, I needed her as much as she needed me. But I can't. Not when I keep fucking things up for her. I pulled into the driveway, grabbed my bag and knocked on the door. 

"Ty? What happened?" 

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