Chapter 38 - Infection

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Cat's POV

I woke up and it was still dark in our room. My whole face felt weird, the right side burned horribly. I started fidgeting, making the pain worse, I flipped onto my other side. It was alright for a moment, but as the blood moved to the other side of my face, that hurt as well. I sat up in frustration, only making the pain worsen, I tried standing up, walking round, standing still, sitting in the bathroom with the light on. Nothing. Tears slipped from my eyes in pain and frustration as nothing worked. I just sat in the dark, sobbing. I couldn't sleep anymore and my head hurt like hell showing no signs of dying down. I didn't want to lie down again but now my head felt almost to heavy to stay up. 

I heard a groan from my left side, the covers started moving and I heard a muffling sound as the fabric moved. Ty looked at me sleepily when he turned the light on, he rubbed his eyes and sat up. Ty's expression suddenly changed immediately when he saw my tears. "Cat? Is everything ok?" He asked, his hand very gently took my head and slowly turned it to make me look at him. "It hurts." "What hurts" I opened my mouth but no noise came out. Just a small squeal. "Cat?! I'm worried now! Please tell me." He looked at me worriedly. "My face, my head, my whole head." He felt my forehead, "you're burning up." "It burns, Ty. Please help me." He looked at me in deep thought, then rushed into the other room and came back only seconds later with a pill and a glass of water. "We can only hope this helps for the time being. It's only 3am in the morning, I can't take you to the doctors right now, though I promise I will take you first thing tomorrow." 3am? It's only 3am?! I nodded slightly at Ty before taking the paracetamol.

Minutes later and there was little difference, my head became heavier by the second. Ty helped me lie down again and I screech slightly as  the pain took over again. Ty shoved a pillow under my head before I had fully lay down, being propped up helped, but not too much. Tears continued to run down my face, Ty became frustrated. I heard him cursing under his breath. "Why isn't it working? Am I do something wrong? Am I that fucking stupid?" Be was scolding himself as he lay next to me. "Ty...please stop." "Stop What." "It's not your...fault..." I saw my eyelids close and I fell into the dark abyss of a nightmare. 

Ty's POV

"Cat? Cat?!" I asked frantically. I checked her pulse, her breath rate and sighed in relief. She just fell asleep. Nowadays, these things become just too scary, I can't handle the tension anymore. Cat had been complaining that evening of her head ache after the water park. She was fast asleep now, but a big frown stayed on her tear stained face. A nightmare most likely. But if she wakes up, she'll resume her head ache. I sadly pulled the covers over us and rested my head on her collarbone, sliding my arm over her and pulling her close. Her cheek relaxing against my head she settled against me. I managed to fall asleep, despite her constant twitching. I'll always be here for her, no matter what. When she wakes up, when she finds out what's wrong with her, her birthday, mine, her last few experiences and even when she d-d-dies. She won't leave my sight. I'll be there for her. 

Morning arrived on the beautiful Spanish village we stayed in, the sun started showing in a orange light through the blinds. I stayed where I was though, rested against her. I felt movement under my grasp, and a small laugh. Cat had woke up and planted a small kiss on my head. I grinned and slowly looked up, pulling her even closer. "Morning." I smiled at Cat, her face now a ray of sunshine once again. It was always amazing to see her smile. "Are you staying like that or we going to get up. I'm hungry." "We could get food, but wouldn't you rather stay and cuddle for just a little longer." "Foooooood." She said, now struggling. "Oh so that's how it's going to be." Cat managed to wriggle out of my grip and made a break for the door. I grabbed her waist. "Not so fast." She whined as I pulled her onto my lap and buried my face into her neck. "I love you." I say. "I love food." She replied, I sat there hesitant. "So you love food more than me, eh?" "Yes. Food. Now!" "Well then. We shall have to see about that." As I turned her around, kissing her softly.

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