Chapter 23 - Dark days

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Cat's POV

I should be happy, I'm living and spending so much time with Ty. Yet every time I look at him, I am hit with the fear and dread of telling him about next year. I was on my computer, looking up random stuff, watching Emma Blackery and stuff. I had been to England. A long time back. I was  about 10. We went to a small area called Wirral. Small, peaceful and beautiful. It was in the countryside and on the coast as Wirral is a Peninsula

Apart from the crappy, cloudy weather, I really enjoyed it. We stayed in a hotel in a small village, it had a library, sweet shop, dance studio, vet, cafe, bakery, chip shop, pet shop, Chemist, several takeaway places and a Italian restaurant. Very spacious for a small village. I remember wandering down a path from the hotel, finding the park and sitting on the swings watching the little kids run around screaming and laughing. One little boy called James came up to me. "Are you Ok?" "Yes, I'm absolutely fine." He was small with brown hair in a neat haircut and a friendly face. "Why are you on your own?" "I'm only visiting. I'm from America." "Do you want to play with me?" "I would if I could" at that age I had a wire going through my nose and yeah...I'm sure you know which white a I'm talking about. The one's Hazel has in TFIOS movie. "What are those things in your nose?" "Wires" I talked to him for a while before I left to go back to the hotel.

"Earth to Cat!" Ty was saying, laughing while he waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked and smiled. I was sitting at the table, drumming my fingers repeatedly on the surface. "I want to take you somewhere today." He smiled and picked me up. "Ty. I can get upstairs by myself." " I know but I like carrying you." He replied, I let him carry me to our room. I got a jacket and my bag. Ty had disappeared out the front door so I locked it and turned around to find Ty standing by an open car door. "This way, madam" I smirked and climbed in. 

After getting in the car himself, he started to drive us to our destination. Ty has taken me to so many restaurants...I don't think there are anymore we can go to. He pulled up in a car park helped me out the car and covered my eyes. He Gently guided me through what I guess was the entrance. He took me somewhere for a while before he stopped and took his hands off my eyes. I blinked before looking around. Ty had taken me to the zoo. I laughed as the monkeys swung around, playing with each other or just moving around the enclosure. He wrapped his arms round my waist, I hugged him, "Thank you Ty. This is amazing." He laughed and guided me around the area. We looked at the different animals, taking pictures. 

I bought him a little cuddly meerkat as a thank you. He put it on his desk when we got home. Ty spent the rest of the afternoon happily with me as we played video games. I lost most of them due to me having daydream-nightmares about what will happen when I tell Ty what will happen. I mean he has to know. It would be really awkward if I didn't. What if I got pregnant? I wouldn't live long enough to have the baby or hold it. What if Ty decided to propose? I couldn't say yes. These questions kept throwing themselves at me throughout the day, terrifying me senseless. We finished a game of Mario cart and Ty went to get us a drink and a snack. I sat back and curled up into a ball, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut, trying to block the thoughts. 

I woke up feeling very strange. Ty was sitting on the other side of the couch, covering his face with his hands and shaking. Adam walked in looking very down. He and Ty were both in black suits, our surroundings seemed melancholy, colourless and deserted. Alesa came in after him, wearing a black dress and her mascara running. "What's the matter?" I asked, confused. None of them answered, they didn't respond, no one turned their head. I shuffled over and tried to hold Ty's hand, he shivered and pulled back his hand which only added to my confusion. "Ty, we all miss her." "I can't believe she's really gone. Please tell me this is all a cruel joke." Ty whispered, pulling his hands away from his face. He too was crying. "I wish it were. But it's reality, she's gone. " Alesa replied, dabbing at her eyes. "I can't do this." Ty said, getting up. "No Ty! You have tried countless times after she died. We are not letting you go too." "Adam let me go! You don't understand. I-I can't live without her! I want to be with her." "We know you do. But you're my best friend and I'm saying you are far too young to leave this world." "Well so was Cat!" I looked up Ty, his face had anger and depression written all over it. What did he mean?

"Ty..." I said, but was still ignored. "Ty, listen." "No! Cat was also too young to be taken, yet where is she now?!" Adam just stood there. "..." "SHE'S DEAD, ADAM!" Ty broke down. "I just want her back. I want her in my arms again, I want hear her voice and see her beautiful face again." He said, rocking back and fourth. "No...I can't be...I still have 11 months." I whispered. Tears slipped down my face as I tried to embrace Ty, but I kept falling through him or he would shiver and jump away. I was stuck. "Please..." I murmured sadly, as if someone could here me. Then I saw Ty look up and his mouth fell open. Alesa covered her mouth. "This is cold. We should be made up but this is cold." Adam said, staring. "Ty reached out his hand. I too reached out and tried to grab his hand. I couldn't. "Is that really you?" Ty asked. I looked around. "Cat..." "Ty? You can hear me now?" I ask softly, they all looked astonished. "Yes, yes! I can hear you! I've missed you so much! I need to join you!" Ty said, trying to hold me but failed. "No. Please don't. I don't want you dying too. Think about Adam and Jordan. All your friends and your sister." "I know, but Cat I need you. I want to be with you." "I will. I always will. Just live the life I never had. Have fun, make the most of it and right at the end I'll be waiting for you and we can be together for eternity after that." I said, not realising how inspirational I could be. "I can't wait that long. I need to be there with you now. I need to hold you and see and hear you at every possible moment." "Please Ty." I begged and soon the room filled with black smoke, I screamed for Ty and he shouted back but I had already disappeared. 

This time, Jordan was in the room. The calender read 2027 so I was well dead. Ty entered the room with a snotty looking blonde in his arms. "Hey Jordan, I'm going to the zoo with Jocelyn." "Ty, not today, it's Cat's remembrance today." "I'm sure it'll be fine to miss it out this year." "You've missed it out for the past 4 years!" Jordan exclaimed. "All because of her!" He pointed at Jocelyn who smirked. "She's gone now. Deal with it. Ty has me in his life, he's fine." That's when I appeared. "What the hell do you want?" Jocelyn said, looking at me in disgust. "Cat?" Ty looked over blankly. "Oh hey Cat!" "You're actually still waiting for me?" "Of course I am." I replied, confused. "I've moved on. I'd have thought you would have realised that." I looked at him in disbelief. "Ty, stop it! You love Cat, the whole world knows it." "Correction. I LOVED her, again I will say I have moved on. I have Jocelyn now." 

I woke up again in Ty's living room, crying my eyes out and Ty was rocking me, trying to comfort me. I gained sense and my reaction was to slap Ty in the face. He lay on the couch with me on his lap, grasping the side of his face. "Cat?! What was that for?" "You said you loved me! Just because I'm dead does not mean you have to forget about me and break my heart in a cruel way! I swear...if I got my hands on Joce-" He was staring at me as if I were mad or actually dead. "Cat, you're not dead." He said, holding me and resting his forehead against mine. It was a dream. All a nightmare. I hadn't died yet, Jocelyn didn't exist, Ty still loved me. I cried and hugged him tightly. "Ok, what's wrong here? First you startle me by screaming your head off in your sleep, and as soon as you wake you slap me then scream stuff at me that doesn't make sense. And now you're all over me." 

I giggled and quietly described my nightmare to him. "If you died I would be depressed as fuck and if you did appear and say all that then I would stay alive for you. But hear this. I will never, ever, ever stop loving you. I would never do something like that. It would be hard to move on but if I had to, I would name my kids after you and-" I stopped him there. "It's ok. It was a nightmare." He smiled and helped me off the couch and we went upstairs to play minecraft together.

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