Chapter 9- The Date

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Cat's POV

Well. Jordan found me carried me downstairs, he asked where I was going which made me stop but the Ty came out and I guess Jordan automatically understood. I stepped out into the chilling February air, Ty led me to his car and pretty soon we were on our way to wherever he was taking me.

It turned out he was taking me to a fancy restaurant. We sat and had our meals but afterward, instead of driving back to the TC house, he drove to a clearing and guided me to a hill with a cliff. It wasn't that far of a drop, though it could definitely break bones. We sat down together and watched the sunset. Normally I would have had an urge to throw myself from the edge but this was different. As long as I was in his arms, it felt like nothing could go wrong.

I rested my head on his shoulder and relaxed. "So how long have you liked me for?" Ty asked me. "I have been watching your videos for a few months and when I met you in person...I just developed stronger feelings for you."

He smiled and picked me up, taking me back to the car. I guess I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes, I was in bed, still in my dress. The duvet was over me and my shoes were off. The room stayed dark.

Ty's POV

When we got back to the TC house I opened her door, only to find she was asleep. I grinned and gently carried her inside. I carried her upstairs to her room, lay her on the bed. I slowly took off her shoes and pulled the cover to her chin. I kissed her forhead before getting up to leave.

I slowly shut the door behind me and went back to my room. I lay down on the bed. I could have told my parents about Cat...except they are not here. Tears fell down my cheeks. Stop crying, Ty. You are 17! Stop It! After lying in the darkness for half an hour I beard shuffling in Cat's room. I got up, And looked in. Her bathroom light was on. I heard faint vomiting noises. "Cat?" I call.

"Don't come in!" I heard her shout, her voice was shaky as if she had just been crying. "Are you crying, Cat?" I call. "N..No, I'm just a bit watery eyed from the vomiting." I opened the door a little, she automatically looked the other way. "Cat?" "Get out!" She screamed. Still facing away from me. "But, I just-" "Just leave for your own sake...I don't want you to see me like this..." She had started crying again. I shook my head and knelt next to her, wrapping my arms around her. She struggled a bit. "Ty! Please. I don't want you to see me." "You don't have to face me. I just want to make sure you are ok."

I did my best to comfort her. She relaxed into me. Silently crying into my shoulder. I could only ask myself if she was upset because of me. What did I do? After a while. She got up still ducking her face away from my sight. She flushed the toilet and grabbed some toilet roll. She wiped her mouth and threw the tissue in the bin. Though in that second. I saw something. Blood.

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