Chapter 30- My real name

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Cat's POV

PAX finished and instead of going back to the TC house with the others, Ty took me to the cliff we went to after our first date. We sat down and stayed for a bit. "I'm still struggling to believe I won't be here anymore in eleven months." I say quietly. "Don't." Ty replied, he put his arm around me. I kissed his cheek which was healing quite quickly. He didn't flinch but held me tighter. "I don't want to think about that yet. I love you, and the thought of being without you terrifies me." He said. "But you have to get used to it. You know that don't you?" He sighed and looked down at me sadly, his chocolate brown eyes softened. "Yeah, but for now I'm spending as much time as I can with you. I'm not letting you out of my sight so that guy earlier can piss off." I gave a small laugh and settled into him.

"You know...before I found out... before we came here. I bought something... I wanted to surprise you." Ty said. I looked up. "That's sweet." "I don't think it will mean much anymore but I bought this." I shook my head. "Believe me Ty. Any gift from you means a lot." I answer. He nodded and shifted me so he could reach his pocket. He pulls out a little red box. I gasped, I put my hands to my mouth. Then I realised and tears welled in my eyes. "Before you get too excited or stressed. This is not the proper thing. I know we haven't been together for that long and I'll admit we are young and are rushing a bit with our relationship. I knew you for three days before I asked you out. A little rushed, I know." I giggled a little before my eyes turned to the box again.

Ty opened it to reveal a small silver ring. Small diamonds bordered a heart shape with a red gemstone in the middle- a ruby. "This is a promise ring. I was going to use this as a promise to make you my bride when we are older and ready." Tears slid down my cheeks. I had to die in a year's time. Why? The best thing so far has happened and its when Im on the verge of death. Thank you life. Thank you from rubbing everything in. Ty hugged me as I sobbed, I don't know if I was happy or upset. "I know there is near enough no point. But why not make this last, eh?" I nodded and he put the ring on. He kissed me lightly, he then pulled away and lay down. I lay beside him and soon moved so my head relaxed on his chest. I lifted up my hand and looked at the promise ring, I know it's not really worth it anymore but it's still special."

We stayed like that for a few minutes before I decide to start talking again. "I believe I haven't told you my name yet." Ty looked at me confused. "I mean My full name. My real name." I reply. Ty still looked confused. "I thought your name was just Cat." "I shortened my name to Cat. My real name is not Cat." He nodded and sat up, he put his arm around me.

Ty's POV

"My real name is Catori." I remained silent while I thought about it. Catori. Such a beautiful name. "I hate that name. So I shortened it to just Cat." She said. "Well I like that name. Very distinctive." "My parents were'nt expecting a girl as well, they wanted to go for a more native-American name." "Well, Catori." She glared at me signalling me not to call her that. "Cat...sorry. I think we should head back before Jordan gets too worried. Cat nodded and we went back to my car. The journey was quite short and we held hands while walking through the driveway to the door.

I unlocked the door andheard the TV buzzing in the other room. They always watch movies. I lead Cat upstairs and we went onto the balcony. We watched the sunset over the city. The lights started to turn on replacing the sunset. "And that's another day. Finished." Cat said. I nodded and went inside. I looked at my phone to see the footage I had decided today. "What's that?" I heard Cat ask. "The footage from today." I uploaded it to YouTube and hugged Cat. "Woah. Where has this come from?" I held back tears but failed and started sobbing into the back of her shoulder. "Ty...Ty, what's wrong?" We sat down on the bed, "Cat, it's only just occurred how big this is. Once you die, you're gone. I can never see you again. It's heartbreaking. I just...need a moment." Cat stayed where she was, her arms around my neck. "Are you sure?" I shook my head. I needed her more than anything right now.

The constant TV buzz echoed from downstairs. I looked at Cat, she was cuddling into me, slowly falling asleep. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Someone knocked on the door, "yes?" I called. Jordan poked his head from around the door, "I need to talk to you." I nodded and got up. We both stood in the hall, "Where we're you and what did you do?" Jordan asked rather coldly. "We went to a spot we went to on our first date. And we just talked for a bit." "About?" I sighed and looked at the door. "Cat decided she wanted to tell me her full name." Jordan sighed. "She really must trust you. Go on." "She said her real name is Catori." Jordan nodded, looking past me. "That's right. Catori Rhiannon Frye."

"Why do you ask?" "Oh...nothing. Just concerned I guess."

Jordan's POV

He probably created that alibi, Cat probably told him her middle name because she trusted him with it and to steer me away. I'm pretty sure they were just at a appointment. I am almost certain she is pregnant. I would think this amazing but a little quick. However, with Cat dying, it's going to cause some problems, Cat's Emphyma could be passed down, the baby would only have a dad, and maybe become an orphan if Ty were to become majority depressed after Cat's death, which right now, seems to be the way it'll go so we have to look after Ty next August. I'm concerned. Everything suddenly gets so complicated.

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