Chapter 17 - Why Rejecton?

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Ty's POV

After being discharged from the hospital I signed Cat out also and help her into my car. I drove her to her house where here siblings were waiting nervously. I guess I need to ask Jordan since he knows more about how to handle her condition than I. I pulled into the driveway and helped her out and took her backpack also. It contained her clothes. Today she was wearing denim shorts with blue converse and white top that said "Been there, Tagged in that..." in Calligraphy across it.

We talked for a while before Cat happily made her way up to her room by herself. I smiled as she left then turned to Jordan. "So....I was thinking." I say, turning to him. I was very unsure. Do I ask Jordan or Bethany. "What is it?" He asked, picking up dirty mugs from the coffee table. "Me and Cat have been together a while and unlike my previous girlfriends, I still feel a strong connection." "That's really good. You found someone to keep you company and happy." He replies. "So, what would make me really happy and prove our connection is...Well..." I stutter, not looking him directly in the eye, "is maybe she could move In with me..." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. His expression slowly turned into a faint frown. "I'm really sorry, Ty. I can't let that happen." He said, no sign of joking in his voice.

"What?" I froze. "It's complicated. We understand how much you love Cat. But she gets hurt very easily. She's a very fragile little creature and needs proper care. " "And I can give that. You could tell me how." "It's not that simple. It's not a case of 'oh, do this and she'll be fine.' It's not like that anymore." Jordan's voice began to wobble. "Ever since her fever, she's become a lot more vulnerable. We don't think you could handle her condition in your hands. Emotionally, I mean." I look at him. "Of course I could! I love Cat, I'll do anything to keep her safe and help her out." I shoot back at him. " Will you still be saying that when all of a sudden, in the middle of the night, she wakes you up, gasping for air and you find out her life support that she relies on doesn't work? Because believe me it's hard. We've through it all before. Several times."

I started to understand but still wanted to live with Cat. "Jordan, Please!" I say. He stops but shakes his head "Ty, I'm sorry but it's a no. I can't let her move out.". I looked at the floor as he walks to the kitchen. I rub the back of my neck. "You do realise, one day she has to leave the nest and start life on her own. She may want a family or a full blown career, a house bought with her own money." I finish. "Yes. But unlucky enough for us. It's highly unlikely she'll have that option." He mumbled. I shook my head again before seeing a flash of red whip from behind the door. I chuckle and shift towards the door. Moving fast, I move the door and grab her by the waist before she could scramble away. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked her. "Enough." She said before going to talk to Cierra.

Cat's POV

Wow... Did Ty really mean it? Did he really want me to move In with him? I leaned against my bedroom wall looking at the ceiling. I really want to but I don't. I can't just go up to him and say "Sos mate, but can't move In with ya.". I weighed the benefits and the drawbacks. If I move In, I spend my life with him. I do love him after all. I could start a new life. Maybe even a new family if I live long enough. But I can't because it's what Jordan said earlier. Complicated. As painful as it is, Ty cannot handle my condition with his current emotional state. I just....deep breaths....I'm really stuck.

I get up and start to pace the room. Ty left a while ago and I left it hanging. Jordan may have said no but I get a say in this and everything relies on that answer. Think. Jordan walked in slowly, "Cat? You alright to talk for a minute?" He asked. I nod and he makes his way into my room and sat on the edge of the bed. He began to talk about what Ty had asked. "It's all going a bit fast. You're 18, struggling and we don't think he is in the best of mental states." He kept going on. "Yeah, I understand but I love him." I say.

Jordan sighed, looked at the door, walked out and voices started up from the landing. Jordan then came back and stood there. "Well..." He sighed. "I guess, of its not too much hassle, you can move in with him." I pulled him into a if before he could change his mind and left through the door. Just wait till Ty hears the good news! I knock on the door several times and wait. No one. I knock again. His car was there, he said we was staying in for the night. I open up the letter box, "Ty?".

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