Part Seventy Five: The Truth

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December 15th

~Third Person POV~ When writing this chapter I went back and re-read. Oh. My. God. I want to re-write some parts so bad. The beginning has so much cringy lines. The humor is okay if not the same but I really do think I've developed on setting a romantic vibe. Lol

It had been 14 days since Yoongi found out. That is two weeks. Two whole weeks. He still had not formally sat down and informed his husbands of the... child growing inside him.

Hoseok had thought that maybe Yoongi just needed a couple days. However, the older said that he couldn't tell everyone until after Jin's birthday is over. Then after the eldest's birthday was over the excuse was that the holidays are coming up and everyone is busy. Hoseok avoided Namjoon's and Taehyung's questions like the plague. The two feared asking Yoongi as they didn't want to upset him. Usually Hoseok would response with "he will" or "soon" but now he was just shrugging or ignoring their questioning whispers. Hoseok was annoyed. However, he was more so concerned. The older was definitely four months along now. The man was well into his second trimester and yet only half of his significant others knew about it. The thing that bothered Hoseok was why? Why was Yoongi having a hard time telling them? Was it still disbelief or fear? What was it holding him back? Hoseok just wanted to fight every demon he could for the older but Yoongi wasn't letting him in. Today, Hosoek was going to really try to get the older to open up.

Hoseok could have laughed as he found Yoongi in the kitchen at 5:30 a.m. Just as he had predicted. He could tell just by the ruffled hair and bags under his eyes that he didn't sleep well. His sleep quality was dropping severely. He would be up at the crack of dawn and get tired right at noon. At night he couldn't fall asleep easy no matter how early he went. Hoseok had also noticed that the sex drive seemed to fall back down. He feared it was because Yoongi was actually starting to put on the weight he needed and that it made the older feel insecure. "Is that caffeinated coffee you're brewing there sir?" Hoseok asks accusingly. Yoongi chuckles, sipping his black bean juice. "It's fine. Caffeine is fine in moderation. Pop, chocolate, and tea all make me gag right now so this small cup is my everything." He responds groggily with a gummy grin. "You're so cute." The younger compliments. He lets a bit of silence fall between them as he grabs his own cup of joe. "You also seem... a lot better. More accepting that you're pregnant." Hoseok says, trying to choose his words carefully. He can hear Yoongi breathe in deeply through his nose and he feared he upset him. He was surprised to see a lopsided smile on the older's lips. "Yeah... I don't think it helps that this pregnancy is so much different than it was with the twins. I feel like that's a lot of my problem." He responds, letting out a sigh. Hoseok raises a brow at this, not sure what the older could mean. Yoongi smiles at the younger's expression. "Hoseok, how did you feel when you were pregnant with Jihyun?" Yoongi asks, and Hoseok thinks about it for barely a second. "Like shit-" "No, that's not what I mean." Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. "How did you feel... emotionally?" The older asks.

Hoseok hums softly in response. He takes a bit more time to think about it as he sips his coffee. "I'd say I was in disbelief at first. I was also scared throughout but that was more so about giving birth. I was excited to have Jihyun though." Hoseok explains, and Yoongi nods. "See that's where I'm having trouble. During my first pregnancy I felt the disbelief and fear but as soon as I got over that I felt the affection and attachment to my bump... to my babies..." Yoongi trails off, sipping from his mug. He holds his head in a way that confuses Hosoek. It almost looks like shame. Then the lightbulb goes off. "You're having trouble attaching- Yoongi." Hosoek cut himself off as he stood up to cross the table. He pulled the older into his embrace. "You're ridiculous. You could have told me." Hoseok says as he pulls away. He has the older put down his mug so he can take his hands in his. "Look at me." The younger says, staring into the older's eyes. "It's okay to not feel attachment. Every pregnancy is different. Especially after all the things you've gone through, I know how tough this must be on you. You know I love you and I'll be right here for you. We all will. You are safe." Hosoek says, wiping at the tear gleaming in the older's eye. "There is something I would like to know though." Hoseok says, a cheeky grin growing on his face. Yoongi raises his brows in response. "Are you at the tired of sex phase or are you worried about this little dude?" Hoseok says, pointing to the small bump under the older's baggy shirt. Yoongi purses his lips, letting go of Hoseok's hands to pick his mug back up. A bit of pink stains his cheeks. "I've been dealing with it..." He responds softly, turning more red when Hoseok responds with laughter. "Yoongi, you're too silly. Can you just tell everyone so we can at least have some fun threesomes or something?" The older asks, rounding the counter to sit back on the other side with his coffee. "Threesomes?" Yoongi deadpans. "Or seven-somes. I don't know. I'm just dying to get back to my hoe roots. Your child is cooking in there and when he's out then we won't have time at night anymore to ourselves. God, we barely have any time now." Hoseok responds, shrugging his shoulders. Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. Just then a tall fluff of messy bleached hair walks in. "Am I still asleep or did I hear threesomes?" Namjoon asks, looking back and forth between the two. Hoseok starts laughing as Yoongi shakes his head.

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