Part Fifty Nine: Baby Brother 👶

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                       May 28th & 30th

~Third Person~ Did I skip a whole month? Yes, yes I did. You will thank me later.


     "I GOT YOUUUU!" Jimin laughs, picking up the twins and throwing one over each shoulder. The babies squealed in glee as Minji tried her hardest to save them from her daddy's clutches. It was a Friday evening and the father hadn't even changed out of his uniform as he chased the kids around the yard. It was warm out and already felt like summer.

  It felt different without Yoongi there but it wasn't too sad anymore. It was more like the husbands just couldn't wait for him to come home even though it had only been a month. The toddlers didn't exactly understand where he was and often asked for him. In response the dads would give them their bears, show them pictures, try to explain where he was, and if possible video chat or call Yoongi. Since he was only a month into his service, he didn't have many privileges quite yet. He was surprised though that within a month, his kids already looked bigger when he'd see them through a screen.

  The toddlers were actually now big enough to play outdoors on the grass and on their big kid play sets. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook all sat on the outdoor couches on their wrap around porch. They smiled, chatted, and laughed as they watched their working hubby play with the toddlers, giving them a break.

  Taehyung unconsciously rubbed his swollen belly. Unlike with Minji, Taehyung was able to eat like a horse and gain a good amount of weight for Hosung. The 6th month baby belly was already rounded and protruding. Besides his feet/face swelling a bit and a few stretch marks already appearing, Taehyung had really no complains. He liked this pregnancy and all the food he got to eat.

  As for the 4 and 1/2 month along Hoseok, he didn't exactly feel the same. He cried for joy when his headaches and all day sickness stopped plaguing him every waking minute at his 4 month mark. He felt he could have things other than his vitamins, crackers, toast, cheese, ramen/soup, lemonade vitamin water, and tea. Jin had literally been forcing him to smell and suck lemons which surprisingly eases morning sickness.

  His baby belly wasn't large but it was now obvious he was with child. Even though the sickness was gone, Hoseok was still sore and tired from all the extra weight. He often had to apologize to his husbands and even would cry when he snapped at them or got sassy. He also wanted cuddles 24/7 which usually Tae would provide unless Hobi was being miserable.

  The almost 5 month pregnant man almost killed Jimin his last ultrasound appointment. Things got real ugly real quick and both ended up in tears.

~~~ Flashback~~~~

   "Oh look at them! They just love that curled position, don't they?" Bom squeals about Hoseok's baby, moving the camera around for the husbands to see. She moves the camera around some more and bites her lip. "I'm about 90% sure I know the sex but with that baby's position it's a little hard to tell. Would you like to know?" She asks, looking at Hoseok.

  He smiles and shakes his head no. "No but Jimin would like-" He starts, turning to Jimin who starts to shake his head with a smile. "No thank you. I changed my mind." He responds, and Bom smiles at them. Hoseok sucks his cheeks in as he breaths in a deep breath. Taehyung and Jin immediately look at each other with big eyes as they try not to laugh. "Are you alright dear?"Bom asks Hoseok, who puts on a smile fake enough to convince her. She takes a few photos and takes her leave. As soon as she's gone, Hoseok looks at Jimin with glaring eyes.

  He lets go of a now confused Jimin's hand. "You did not... just say you changed your mind after you deadass fought with me about wanting to know the sex." Hoseok says, clapping his hands to emphasize the 'you did not' part. The other husbands thank the lord they decided to leave the toddlers with three of their grandparents as they try not to laugh at the escalating situation unfolding.

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