Part Twenty Three: The Bet 💯

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        October 5th & flashbacks to 4th
~THIRD PERSON~  Very cute fluff in the beginning but... holy fuck the smutt at the end is just... it's not even full on smutt but it's like so lusty... like I'm embarrassed of myself. 😂

"And this is the girl!!! She's so tiny and precious!" Taehyung squeals into the video chat. He shows the others the pictures of the tiny human bundles. The three boys on the other end laugh and coo at the photos. "He's so excited to have a daughter." Yoongi says, rolling his eyes. "So are you!" Tae squeaks, and Yoongi blushes, trying to hide his smile. "I'm excited for both of my children, thank you." He answers, not looking at the younger who's smirking at him. "So Jungkookie is up then?" Jin asks. "Yeah, he's awake but he's lost a lot of normal functions. The doctor said he'll recover though but it might take a long time." Jimin says, his plump lips forming a pout.

"Normal functions?" Hoseok questions. "Yeah, like speaking, eating by himself, and walking. He can hear what we say and respond with gestures. He struggles to even smile but he cries a lot." Taehyung says, making the other three sigh. "I'm sure he misses you boys." Yoongi says, making all their hearts ache. "How did he react to your pregnancy? Did you tell him the sex of the babies?" Namjoon asks, making Yoongi smile. "He already knew I was pregnant. He heard us this whole time. Although I did tell him the sex yesterday and it was just..." Yoongi's smile grows as he remembers the visit.

~~~flashback ~~~

"Jungkook?" Yoongi asks to get the boy's attention. Jungkook looks up from Yoongi's exposed round tummy, waiting for the elder to speak. Yoongi takes one of Jungkook's big hands and places it on the right side of his stomach. "Boy." He says simply, and the younger's eyes widen in amazement. He takes Jungkook's other free hand and places it on the left side of his stomach. "Girl." He says with a smile. He looks up to see a beautiful sight. Jungkook's watery dark orbs don't look away from the older's tummy as a big, almost proud or touched, smile takes up the majority of his face. Of course, it only lasts a few seconds but it felt like time slowed down for Yoongi. It felt like they were in their own little world. The way the youngest's face was beautifully lit up made Yoongi's heartbeat faster as a wave of emotions flowed through his body.

He wasn't sure if it was because he was carrying the man's children but Jungkook's hands felt so warm on him as if they permanently belonged on his round belly. It was short but a moment that Yoongi could not and will not forget. When Jungkook looked up to find Yoongi in tears as well, he was startled. When the older wrapped his arms around the younger, burying his face into the crook of his neck, Jungkook instantly wrapped his shaky arms around him. "I love you so much. I can't even explain how much I do. I'm just- I'm happy you're h-here." The older says, letting his tears dampen the younger's hospital gown. Jungkook chokes a silent cry at the older's words. He takes his shaky hand, letting it cradle the older's head, and placing the other around his waist. He weakly pulls Yoongi to him as if saying "you're precious to me". When Yoongi feels the younger trying to pull him as close as he can, he knows....

Jungkook is saying he loves him too.

~~~ end flashback ~~~

  "Aigoooo! Hyung, why are you always crying?!" Jimin giggles, wiping Yoongi's tears. "Because I'm pregnant you ass!" Yoongi wails, making all five of the others crack up and coo at him. "So Tae told me something about a bet or...?" Hoseok says, taking the attention from the crying pregnant member. "OH YEAH! We took a bet on the sex of the babies and I won!" Jimin squeals, excited. "I get to tell them what to do for a whole week." He says, smiling like the devil. "Oh lorddddd. Please don't go crazy. I don't want to come home to a wrecked house!" Jin scolds and Namjoon laughs.

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