Part Twenty One: Awake 💯

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                       September 9th
~THIRD PERSON~ Did I scare you? You'll be fine or probably better than fine. Maybe some smutt later. ;)

"Where was the boy that was here?!" Taehyung almost screams, getting way too close to the nurse. "Woah sir. I'll need you to calm down. He was moved. Who are you to him?" She says, confusing the two. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MOVED? HE WAS IN A COMA!" Taehyung yells at her, obviously not in his calmed state. "Sir, I will call security if you keep yelling." She warns him. Yoongi steps in, seeing as the younger's shouts were getting them no where. "I'm sorry Nurse.... Kim..." He says, looking at her tag, "But Jungkook is someone very important to us and I'm carrying his children." Yoongi gestures to his rounding stomach. "We just need to know where he is and if he's alright. No one told us he'd be moved." Yoongi says, and the nurse nods.

"Oh then you must be Yoongi." She says, and he furrows his eyebrows. "How do you know my name?" He asks, and she smiles. "Jungkook is in a state of awareness. He's not necessarily recovered from his injuries but he's not in the coma any longer. It'll be a while for that but he's awake. He's having trouble speaking so the doctor had him try to write something. He managed to write your name and the word pregnant." She says, Yoongi's surprised orbs are wide as tears well up in them. "Take me to him." He says, and she smiles, gesturing them to follow her.

Yoongi nervously holds onto Taehyung's hand as they follow the nurse to Jungkook's new room. She knocks on the open door and the doctor looks up. "Um Dr. Park Min-Ji?" She asks. "Yes nurse Kim?" He responds, giving her smile. "These are Jungkook's...." She trails off, not knowing what to say. "I'm Min Yoongi." Suga says, stepping around the nurse. His eyes look to the bed and sure enough, Jungkook sitting there, his big eyes open while he's hooked up to a few things. Yoongi almost runs to him, his eyes already watery before he even collapses next to Jungkook on the bed. "Is this dream? Oh my god, You're really awake?" He cries, looking into the youngest's now watering orbs. Taehyung joins them and Jungkook's tears overflow at the sight of him.

"Well, now we know he can cry." Dr. Park says, smiling at the scene. "I know this emotional for you but you do need to know while Jungkook is awake now, he's not fully recovered. He can't sit up without help, talk, walk, chew his food, and has limited arm movement. We expect he will get better over time but we have no idea how long this recovery could take. We're just thankful he's awake." He says, smiling as he shakes Yoongi's hand. "I'll do my best to get your boyfriend better. How far along are you?" Dr. Park asks, gesturing to Yoongi's tummy. "Two months. Twins." Yoongi says, smiling through his river of tears. "Oh wow. Well then I'll try to help Jungkook as fast as possible. He's in good hands." He says, smiling at the pregnant man. "Thank you." Yoongi says, giving him a small bow of the head.

The doctor leaves the three, letting them reunite. "Ah Jiminnie's going to shit bricks when he founds out you're up." Taehyung says, smiling a boxy smile at the youngest. Jungkook seems like he's trying to smile back but he can't control his face muscles well. "I still can't believe he's up. How'd you know I was pregnant?" Yoongi asks, confused since none of the doctors or nurses could have told him. Jungkook shakenly gestures to his ear with his right hand. Yoongi's eyes went wide with understanding. "You... You heard me?" He asks, and gets a small nod. "Did you hear everything? Did you hear the boy's goodbyes yesterday?" Taehyung asks, and Jungkook nods again as his eyes pool with tears. "You could hear us this whole time?" Yoongi asks, and Jungkook nods, his tears falling.

Yoongi wipes Jungkook's tears, feeling his own build again. He felt for the youngest. Jungkook probably felt really alone, scared, and confused. He couldn't communicate or anything before. Yoongi hides his face when his tears fall. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry this happened to you. If I could trade places, I would. Y-You must have been so scared." He says, his voice cracking. Jungkook shakes his head a little as if saying he'd never let this happen to Yoongi. "Everything will be okay now. Jimin beat the shit out of that asshole and we have a hugeeeee case against him. Bang PD-Nim said a really good lawyer is representing us." Tae says, rubbing circles into both of the boy's backs.

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