Part Six: Jimin's Truth ⚠️

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                              July 3rd
~Third Person~ All I have to say is ... ChimChim's whole world is a closet. 🌈

   After Taehyung asked Jimin what Hoseok was going on about, the small boy started crying hard. The boys decided to talk but Namjoon excused himself and said he'll speak with Hoseok. The others were shocked that he was even getting involved considering he has barely spoken about anything but work in recent months. The leader managed to somehow get the angry dancer to let him in the room making the others even more surprised.

"Here's some hot chocolate." Jin says, giving the other four cute mugs. "Thank you Hyung." Jimin says, politely through his sniffles. He goes to take a sip but almost chokes when Taehyung kisses Jin's cheek. Jin smiles at the younger and pulls him into his lap. Suga and Jungkook smile warmly at the two, chuckling a bit at Jimin's reaction. "Are you alright Jiminnie?" Suga asks, letting his usual smirk cross his features. "Are you guys?" He whispers, confused as to what is going on.

"We'll explain in a bit... after you tell us what Hoseok was going on about." Jungkook says, tilting his head to the side. "Oh right..." Jimin sighs. "Well... Hoseok and I are really good friends. Just like everyone else, he'll talk to me and tell me how he feels. Except lately... everyone's been distant." He says with a pout. The other four boys look back guiltily, knowing exactly what he means. "I was very confused. I thought maybe no one trusted me anymore or respected me. I felt like I was failing as a friend..." His eyes on his lap and little hands.

"I could tell we were all struggling but Hoseok was the most obvious to me. When no one was looking that blinding smile of his would disappear. His eyes didn't hold the light like they used to either. He seemed so stressed." He says, taking a sip from his mug. "About a few months ago I found him trying to...." The small boy can't even finish his sentence as his own sob interrupts him. Jungkook places his hand over Jimin's, rubbing circles on it. "Deep breaths Jimin." Suga says, trying to help the struggling boy say what he feels will surely devastate them.

"He was... t-trying to swallow pills. He was going to k-kill himself." The boy stutters out, more tears falling from his light eyes. Jungkook pulls the boy into his embrace. The youngest' watery eyes lock with Suga's who just looks at him with disbelief. "No not Hoseok. He'd never do something like that... he was always so happy..." Suga thought. He was brought back into reality by the small cries escaping Taehyung on Jin's lap. He realizes everyone's crying including himself. "So you s-stopped him then? Did he ... tell you why?" Suga asks, trying to keep his voice steady.

His words make Jimin cry harder, scaring the other four. "I... I s-said something h-horrible...Hyung." Jimin admits, removing his now red face from Jungkook's chest. Suga just looks at him questioningly, waiting for him to admit whatever it was. "He told m-me that... " He paused to take a ragged breath. "That h-he was gay Hyung." He says, looking at Yoongi's now shocked face. The others eyes all flicker to Taehyung who looks like he just found out that the world is indeed round and not flat.

"W-well... what did you say?" Jin asks. More tears spill out the younger's eyes as his face looks blank. "I said... you're probably just confused." He says, pausing to let out small cry. "He then kept saying it...and it bothered me so badly b-but I didn't know why. He even mentioned that him and Taehyung did things. It m-made me s-so annoyed. I kept telling him he wasn't until..." He pauses, sniffling. "He ... kissed me." Jimin says, looking down at his hot chocolate in his hands. "What did you do?" Taehyung asks in a dark tone, his fists clenched.

"I said... d-disgusting. I told him... it was w-wrong and disgusting-" Jimin's cut off by Taehyung slapping him across the face. "I hate you! It's all your fault!" Taehyung yells, "running" off into that bathroom before one of the others can catch him. Jimin just sits there, holding his cheek as tears run down his face. "Jimin." Jin coos, going to help the boy but he pushes his hands away. "No, I deserve it." He says, getting up on his own to sit outside the bathroom. The other boys are left to talk about what they should do to keep their group together.

"TaeTae?" Jimin's voice cracks from the other side of the door. "I'm sorry. I was just scared. He kept talking about you and the ... things you did. I just I never thought about this kind of stuff. I don't... want to be like this." Jimin says, his voice shaky. "I ... can't live like this. It's just wrong..." He pauses, listening to hear anything. He can hear breathing and some sniffles on the other side. "Tae for once I don't know what to do. I don't think I can be apart of something... so bad." He pauses again, his tears hitting his lap. "But I'm hurting really bad Tae... Hoseok... He's not the one that's disgusting. I said that because I enjoyed the kiss..." He sighs, placing his head in his hands.

Still Taehyung was silent. Only his breathing and crying noises were heard by the older member. "Please Tae... tell me what to do." He elder asks. Taehyung breathes deeply, feeling like his lungs are on fire. "Leave me alone..." He responds. The elder holds in his cries and nods his head. "Okay..." He responds back, standing up to return to the living space with the other members who are desparately trying figure out how to save this new found love that not everyone is even admitting to.

"Hyung, why are you doing this?!" Jimin cries, holding a distraught Hoseok to him. They're on the floor of the bathroom, surrounded by scattered pills and water. "I ... I can't do this J-Jimin..." He cries into the younger's shirt. "What do you mean Hyung?" He asks, tearing up seeing his beloved member so emotional. Hoseok pulls back and looks into Jimin's eyes. "I.. I am... I'm gay." He stutters out. Jimin looks at him confused for a second before laughing awkwardly. "Hyung you're confused. It's okay." He responds making the other groan. "No Jimin. Listen to me." He pleads, his dark orbs piercing the younger. "Taehyung kissed m-me. We did things Jimin."  The younger rolls his eyes. "That's experimenting Hyung." Jimin says, making the elder annoyed. "Jimin, I am gay!" He almost yells, making the younger shush him. "Hyung calm down. You're not-" Jimin is cut off by Hoseok's lips on his. The younger was surprised but what surprised him more was that he was kissing back. The kiss started off gentle until Hoseok bit down on Jimin's bottom lip, asking for entrance. As if he couldn't help it, he let Hoseok slide his tongue into his hot mouth. Jimin felt so wrong but he loved it. Hoseok's mouth on his made him feel tingly and his pants too tight. As pictures of Hoseok fucking him came into his mind, he quickly pulled away from the kiss. His startled eyes meet Hobi's now confused ones. He thought Jimin was enjoying it. Jimin quickly rubs his mouth off. "Don't do that. It's wrong and disgusting. Now help me clean all this up." He says, avoiding the elder's gaze. He didn't have to look at him to know that... he broke his heart.

Hoseok's eyes burn with tears as he thinks of the memory. He lays in Namjoon's lap as the leader plays with his hair. "You know you're not disgusting. Jimin said that because he's insecure and in the closet himself." Namjoon says, rubbing circles on his members back. Hobi relaxes into his best friend's touch. "Namjoon if you knew for so long, why didn't you say anything? Why don't you tell the others who've already come out?" Hoseok asks, looking up at his band mate. Namjoon smiles a little.

"We're not all ready yet. Until Jimin, Taehyung, and you are fully ready, I won't say anything." He answers. Hoseok sighs loudly. "Why'd you tell me then if I'm not ready?" He asks. "Because I didn't want to lose you. You think I'll just let you die?" He whispers, looking down into Hoseok's dark orbs. "I was... I was fine." Hobi responds quietly. Namjoon shakes his head. "You were heartbroken. Taehyung was the first to try anything but you're the first to actually admit it. After feeling depressed and suicidal for years, I couldn't let you live like that-" Namjoon's speech is cut off when Hoseok closes the gap between them.

Namjoon kisses back, smiling against Hoseok's lips. He brings a hand up to cup his member's cheek. Hobi moans when the leader slips his tongue in his mouth. Being his aggressive self, he starts to palm Namjoon through his shorts. Namjoon pulls back, chuckling at his friend's eagerness. "Would you wait till everyone comes out to be a hoe?" He laughs, and Hoseok playfully pushes him. "Come onnnnn." Hobi whines. "Hobi you've already had some fun earlier. You and Tae have been getting it this whole time. You can wait." Namjoon says, adjusting his glasses.

Hoseok just stares into the leaders eyes. "But can you? You've been waiting since day one. Don't you love me?" Hobi asks, his eyes burning into the others. Namjoon smiles, his dimples making a appearance for the first time in a while, and places a soft sweet kiss on Hoseok's heart shaped lips.

"I love you boys so much that I'd wait for forever if I had to..."

A/N: Well did you expect that? Namjoon plays a bigger role than you thought!
Also Hobi wasn't just messing with Tae, he was actually struggling. Don't worry my loves, this awkward feud won't last forever.

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