Part Eight: Not As Planned

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                             July 4th
~THIRD PERSON~ So hopefully we get all the explanations but of course that won't happen because I won't have a story if there's no conflict. XD

"Alright, this meeting is adjourned. Who would like to speak first?" Namjoon asks, eyes looking at the boys scattered across the living room. No one raises their hands as they all look at each other. "How about you go first?" Jin suggests to the leader. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Um okay what would like to know?" Namjoon asks.

"How long did you know?" Yoongi fires. "Why did you tell Hoseok?" Jungkook asks. "Did you know about what was happening with Taehyung and Hoseok? Did you know what happened with Jimin and Hoseok?" Jin questions. "What the fuck was that this morning? Have you been fucking him this whole time?" Taehyung spits, glaring at the elder. Namjoon lifts his hands up to get them to stop. "Okay. Okay. I know you're all upset but you need to let me answer." He says, looking at them sternly.

"Answering Yoongi Hyung's question first," He starts with a bit of a smile, "I've known all along." He says, making the boys eyes widen. "Why didn't you-" Yoongi is cut off by Namjoon's hand. "I was the first one to know. I realized how I felt when I first met all of you. I thought I was only one who felt that way but just from the way you all acted I knew you felt the same." He pauses, smiling a little. "I didn't tell anyone because at the time none of you were ready. I honestly still think it's too early for some of us." He says, his eyes flickering to spaced out Jimin.

"That's why I seemed so depressed for a while. I just wanted to tell you how much I cared for you but I couldn't. I'm sorry." Namjoon says, his brows scrunching together. "As for Jungkook's and Jin Hyung's question," He says, smiling at the teary eyed boys, "I witnessed everything that happened in the bathroom with Jimin and Hoseok." He states, making Jimin snap his head up. Namjoon locks eyes with small boy. "I told Hoseok because it was obvious that he needed someone." Jimin drops his gaze to the floor, practically feeling Hobi's burning eyes on him.

Taehyung snorts, breaking the tension with Jimin. "Yeah of course he did." He mutters, rolling his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hoseok questions, narrowing his eyes. Taehyung locks his fierce eyes with the other's dark ones. "Nothing, it's just funny. I was the one who made you realize you were gay but you couldn't even tell me." He says, shutting up the elder. "You told two other people and even fucked one of them. Yet here you were coming to me every week asking for my body-" "Taehyung..." Jin tries to diffuse the situation.

"No Hyung, he needs to hear this." He says to the elder while he holds back his tears. He turns back to Hoseok, who's dropped his gaze to the floor. "I didn't refuse you. I knew it'd hurt but I didn't care. You at least made me feel something. Even when I asked you, you'd say you weren't gay or it meant nothing. Your supposed to be 'One time thing' turned into what our entire relationship was about." Taehyung says, his eyes never leaving the blondish boy.

"You'd fuck me then leave. You act like it never happened and then come back for more. Even when I'd hold my arms open for you, you wouldn't tell me, the person you were fucking that you were gay!" He almost yells, making the elder flinch. "You made me feel like I was only good for sex." Taehyung says, and Hoseok's head snaps up. "That's not true!" He yells. "Oh really? Then tell me why. Go on." Taehyung says, again shutting up the elder. "You used me but guess what? I told no one." Taehyung says, making Hoseok look at him with wide eyes.

"I told no one." Taehyung repeats, his eyes burning. "I suffered. I felt like dying. I thought I was going to." He pauses, looking directly into the elders eyes. "That's what hurts the most. You trying to kill yourself." He pauses, holding back a sob. "Out of everything you've done, that hurts me that most." He says, dropping his eyes as his tears fall. Jin pulls the younger onto his lap, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist. "Proud of you." He whispers, making the younger smile sadly. "Hoseok?" Namjoon questions, looking at the boy's glassy eyes. Hoseok takes a breath, calming himself down.

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