Part Twenty Nine: Not Prepared 💯

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         March 11th & some flashbacks
~THIRD PERSON~ This chapter is just too much. 😂 😂 😂 What am I even doing with my life anymore? 😂😂😂




Yoongi groans, turning up the living room TV to block them out. It's been an absolutely awful three and a half months for Yoongi since Taehyung's been pregnant. The small eldest of the trio, who's now over 8 months pregnant is so over the "wanting to fuck everything" stage. Hell he can barely see his dick over his large swollen tummy. Even taking his morning leak was a challenge now. Yet here was the youngest of the three getting it almost everyday.

It almost seemed like Jimin, who's now able to stand, is more tired than him. The three and half month pregnant younger has barely gained any weight. Mostly because he's only carrying one baby but also because of his new favorite activity with Jimin and he pretty much throws up everything. When they first announced Taehyung's pregnancy, not many of boys were shocked he was pregnant. They were more surprised Bang was okay with and even condoned it.

~~~~~ Flashback #1 ~~~~~

"So wait? You're pregnant? Like with a baby?" Hoseok asks for like the fifth time, still not processing the information. "NO WITH A HORSE! OF COURSE WITH A BABY!!!" Taehyung screams, now annoyed with the older. The younger just wasn't sure how many times he'd have to say it. For goodness sakes, he even showed him the little black dot in the ultrasound photo. The other four crack up, filling the video call with laughter. "Ah.. so is Bang PD-nim okay with this?" Namjoon asks, wiping a tear. "Yeah actually he was the one who suggested Taehyung get pregnant now rather than later." Yoongi says and the boys on the opposite end are surprised.

"Well that's really nice but will you guys be able to care for three babies?" Jin asks, a little concerned. "Well there is three of us so we can each watch a baby." Jimin says, making him feel a bit better. "Plus Jungkook might get better and even be of help." Yoongi says, making the boys hopeful. "I do have a question though..." Namjoon says, and the boys give him their attention. "Who's the other father?" He asks and the three all give each other looks. "We don't actually know but I don't think it's that important. You're all my baby's dads." Taehyung says, with a shrug. The other three's eyebrows raise in surprise.
"WAIT YOONGI TOPPED YOU?!" Hoseok screeches, making Jin narrow his eyes. "Is that really your first thought?" The eldest scolds, making Hoseok smile apologetically. Taehyung laughs embarrassed while Yoongi turns pink. "All three of us have topped and bottomed, okay?" Jimin says, hiding his red face. "Still, how do you not know who the dad is? I mean depending on how far along you are they can tell what day you conceived. Who'd you have sex with more 6-14 days before that?" Namjoon asks, furrowing his eyebrows. While what Namjoon is saying makes sense and is true, Taehyung supposedly conceived within the first week of when the plan was put into action. The issue is he had a lot of sex with both of them and sometimes at the same time. "Well that's the problem... It's about equal... and mostly at the same time." Taehyung mumbles.
"YOU GUYS HAD A THREESOME?!" Hoseok screeches getting another glare from the eldest of the group. "Oh well then yeah... you'd need a DNA test..." Namjoon says, looking a little flustered. "God, I hope our officer doesn't hear this conversation..." Jin mumbles to himself. "Well Dr. Lee said it's most likely Yoongi's because he's fertile or something." Jimin says, making Yoongi blush. "I mean even if it isn't I'm not treating them differently than my twins. If Taehyung doesn't want to know then I don't want to either. It's really his decision." Yoongi shrugs and Taehyung smiles. He kisses Yoongi's cheek making him blush harder. "What if they want to know when they're older though?" Jimin asks, and Taehyung thinks for a second. "I'll just tell them the truth. If they want a DNA test they can get one but I honestly don't want to know." He says, making Jimin's eyebrows scrunch. "Why not?" He asks, confused. Taehyung smiles a little, his chocolate eyes sparkling.

Polyamory: BTS (MPREG)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora