Part Seventy: Welcome ❤️

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January 11th

~Third Person POV~ I'm going to try after this chapter to space things out more. That means like not two chapters of one day or two days in a row. I still have A LOT of this story to go... like 10 years in their time/story universe. In total this story needs to span like 13 years...


That was the feeling Yoongi had all yesterday long after his husbands met his bodyguard. It seemed like after that introduction that the whole atmosphere had changed. He didn't blame them honestly. He wasn't upset his coming home wasn't some spectacular sex party or something crazy. Still, he was more than uncomfortable with all the questions thrown his and Jooheon's way. He was ready to square up when nosey Jimin asked to see pictures of Jooheon's girlfriend to make sure she's real. He was more than grateful for his nurse. She managed to ease not only his pain but distract the situations pertaining to his bodyguard.

Right now, however, he was more than excited. Barley 5 a.m. and he just couldn't sleep. His children, husbands' family, and his friends were coming over today. He finally got over his anxiety about his 100 injuries but now all he felt was excitement. Part of him was still nervous about the children's reactions but he just couldn't wait to hold them. His twins and his little Minji must be so big now they are almost three. He just wanted to hold his baby girls and little squeaky boy again. Namsoo will be eight months at the end of January. Hosung and Jihyun just turned four months. He knew he loved them. He knew in his heart he loved the new baby boys and he never even got to hold them yet. He was more than looking forward to that overwhelming emotion of finally meeting them. He wanted to know them. He wanted to see what quirks and looks they've inherited from the men he loves so dearly. He chuckled as he poured his coffee, imagining Namsoo with a windshield wiper laugh like Jin.

"What are you doing up... laughing like a werido in the kitchen?" The question causes Yoongi to turn. He's met with a sleepy dimples grin and crazy purple hair sticking out in all directions. "I could say the same to you." Yoongi answers his husband. Namjoon yawns, rubbing his forehead. "I'm used to getting up at this time now. I wasn't staying at home at first. I felt bad so for the last couple months I've been getting up early. The babies are usually crying around 6am so I make the coffee." He says, gesturing to the now full pot as he sits down at the bar. "I guess I stole your role. I haven't been home either so... Coffee can now be my job." Yoongi responds, getting a mug of the bean juice for his husband. "You don't have to do that-" "I'll gladly do this." He responds cheekily, sticking his tongue out as he slides the mug across the counter top. Namjoon catches it with a sly smile and shakes his head. "Thank you Hyung." He responds politely, taking a sip of the caffeine. "Not a problem." Yoongi responds, trying to hide his grunt of pain as he sits down across from Namjoon. It doesn't work. "You okay?" Namjoon asks, raising his brows in concern. His eyes search Yoongi's and the older just smiles. "I'm home. I'm okay. You're here." He responds, and a smile blossoms across Namjoon's face.

"That's right." Namjoon says, setting down his mug. He reaches across the table and takes Yoongi's hands in his. "I'm sorry none of us could be there for you and protect you. I wish I could have traded places with you and I know the others feel the same. I'm not going to let anyone else hurt you." He promises, staring into his husband's eyes. Yoongi didn't want them to trade places because he felt the same way about Namjoon and the rest of his husbands. Usually it was Yoongi wanting to help or save them. Now that it was reversed, Yoongi was glad they weren't hurt but seeing them upset over him hurt even more. The seriousness and emotion was almost too much for Yoongi and he didn't want to get emotional this early in the day. Thankfully Namjoon felt funny. "I don't care if it takes a 100 hot ripped bodyguards. I will hire them all." He chuckles and Yoongi let's go of his hands to smack the younger's arm. "Would you guys leave poor damn Jooheon alone?" Yoongi responds, and Namjoon's raises a brow as he sips his coffee. "Concerned for him, are we?" He questions, earning a glare. "I didn't pick him out. I was unconscious when he was appointed. You don't think having a straight cis man living with us for an extended and undetermined amount of time makes me uncomfortable?" Yoongi asks, earning a look from Namjoon. "I don't think if he were gay that would really help any." The younger chuckles, and Yoongi rolls his eyes. "He doesn't know us. And while I understand you can be lgbtq+ and still... uneducated about some things... I just worry. Korea still is working on becoming accepting.... clearly." Yoongi gestures to himself, causing Namjoon to grip his mug a little tighter at the image that came to his mind.

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