Part Sixty Three: Twenty Two Minutes Apart 💜

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September 1st still

~Third Person~ I hope this was a good surprise for y'all. I would advise to read slowly because it really is A LOT to follow. I had to include soooo many details.

Also have you ever watched the BTS run where the boys are faced with zombies? You know those "OOOOOoooooOOOOO" sounds Hobi makes. Please think of those during this chapter. 😂😂😂

    "OH MY GAWD! I'M BEING RIPPED IN HALF!" Hoseok wails, squeezing now both Jimin's and Jungkook's hands. "Just breathe Hoseok. We are almost there." Jungkook says, and Jimin gives the youngest a worried glance. "I am breathing!" The older says back, breathing like a marathon runner. Jimin checked his phone with every contraction and to his horror they seemed to be getting closer. Jimin's mother, whom asked if she could go considering it was her grandkid, was also in the van. "I'm not sure he'll make it to the hospital Jimin." His mother whispered in his ear, confirming his fears. With an almost sudden screech their vehicle stopped. "What is it?!" Jungkook asked their driver. "There is TONS of traffic ahead." Their driver says, gesturing to the sea of cars before them.

  Hoseok interrupts them with a shriek. "OH FUCK! Suck me sideways!" Jimin looked at his mother and Jungkook with a beyond worried expression. However, as soon as the panic came so did the realization that they can not freak out right now. "Okay. Jungkook please do me a favor and call an ambulance. Tell them our vehicle, about the traffic, and our info. Even if we birth Jihyun right here and now we can not wait in this traffic with a premature newborn. The other side of the road looks clear so hopefully they can get around all of it quickly. I'll take the ambulance with him and possibly the baby. You two unfortunately will have to wait in this traffic or find a back way because of the food and our bags. I'm going to call Namjoon now." Jimin says, getting out his phone.

"OW OW OW OW OW!" Hosoek wails, biting his lip as his eyes start to water. Jimin wraps an arm around him and kisses his forehead as he attempts to comfort the older. "Hey Jimin! Where the hell are you guys?! Taehyung went into surgery early. He's having the baby right now." Namjoon freaks out over the phone. "So is Hoseok. We are stuck in traffic right now on highway of all places. Jungkook is calling an ambulance so hopefully they can get to us and take us immediately. His contractions are getting closer together and he's going to end up having the baby in the car." Jimin explains into the phone. "Oh my god. This is crazy. Okay I'll let the staff know that." Namjoon says, blown away by how odd this predicament is.

  "AHHHH JIMINNNNNN! IT HURTS SO BAD!" Hoseok wails, pulling on Jimin's hand. "Oh my god." Namjoon gasps, in response to Hoseok's screaming. He thought maybe Hoseok may have started labor but this sounded like Hoseok was REALLY about to pop out a child any second. "Look at the bright side, this is going very quickly for a first delivery. Just think of Jihyun in your arms." Jimin's mother comforts Hoseok, going through their bags for blankets and possibly towels.

"Okay. The ambulance will be coming the opposite side and we just need to get into the left lane. They'll help get him over the median and stuff. They'll get off the highway and go a back way. They also may take a little longer than usual." Jungkook relays the info, and Jimin nods. "Once we get up a couple of miles, I can take the next exit and I can take us a back way from there but we're stuck here till then." The driver says, using his turn signal and hoping the people in the left lane will let him in.

   "OWWWWWWW! FUCKING FURRY TITS!" Hoseok screeches, making strange breathing sounds. After the contraction passes Hoseok looks at Jimin. "Jimin I think... I'm gonna have to push soon." He grunts, making Jimin's eyes widen. "Okay. We'll help you." He says in a rush. "Do you think once you get into the left lane that you could pull over closer to the median and put on your four way flashers?" Jimin asks the driver. "Sure. If only people will let me in." The driver responds.

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