Part Thirty: Birth ❤️

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                   March 11th & 13th
~THIRD PERSON~ Holy Hell it's here!!! IT'S FINALLY TIME OML. MY EYES ARE SWEATING! Jimin can hop/walk now but keep in mind he's still injured. He just takes pain medicine to deal with the aches. Anyway just letting you the birth isn't too descriptive but if birth or even kids gross you out then you won't like this. Birth as in mucus covered babies and umbilical cords. I'm like probably older than most of you so this stuff doesn't bother me that much anymore. And btw Yoongi can't breast feed. Yoongi also knows how to care for a baby (nurses usually tell first time parents what to do) and he also has natural instincts. I know this is ridiculous but I love it. I also found a cute video of an Asian baby crying but I felt like that be too much. 😂

"AHHH FUCKIN JEZZUS ON A TRIKE!!!" Yoongi screams out, gripping Jimin's and Taehyung's gloved hands tightly. Their circulation almost being cut off by how hard he's holding them. Taehyung pays no mind as he wipes the sweat dripping from the oldest's head. Jimin whispers in encouraging words and tells him to breathe. He keeps questioning why in the hell he wanted a "natural birth". He feels like he's getting torn in two. His legs are all spread out, showing the doctor and nurses his goods. A blue tarp like thing covers his view of what's going on downstairs as he pushes. Jimin and Taehyung continuously peak over, checking to see if a baby is visible yet. The doctors said because of their positions, Jungmin will most likely come out first.

  Yoongi been pushing for almost twenty minutes. He was in labor for what felt like years when it's been about 9 hours. "Good job. Good job." The doctor says, after the push. "Just breathe." Jimin says, softly. "I AM BREATHING! I'M JUST AHHH HOLY BALLS-" He cuts himself off as tears form in his eyes. The sharp pain of the contraction making him feel like he's burning on the inside. "PUSH." The doctor says, and Yoongi does so. "Arghhh!" He screams, pushing as much as he could. "Okay Okay. Relax. His head is out already." The doctor says, making the two boyfriends peak over excitedly. "This next contraction, I want you to give me a one good push instead of two or three." The doc says, and Yoongi nods.

   The contraction hits and Yoongi pushes hard. "AHHH!" He cries, gripping his two boyfriend's hands hard. The baby slips out into the doctors hands. Not even a second after he's out does he start wailing. His little wails almost sound like squeaks, making Jimin chuckle with teary eyes. They lay the baby onto Yoongi's chest quickly, a nurse wiping him down as they have Jimin cut his umbilical cord before clamping it. They quickly wrap the baby up in a white blanket. The babies wails turn into softer whimpers, as Yoongi's eyes fill with tears. "Oh my god, he's beautiful." Taehyung coos, his voice cracking. Yoongi doesn't catch a break as another sharp pain runs through his lower half making him groan. "Okay we'll let this contraction pass. The next one I want you to push. We should get her out pretty easily now." The doctor says, and Yoongi nods while looking at his wailing son on his chest.

   The contraction hits hard and the doctor yells "Push". Yoongi cries out, giving one good solid push. The tiny baby slips out easily and the doctor catches her. Yoongi breathes heavily, calming down but soon his eyebrows furrow. "Why isn't she crying!?" He asks, starting to panic. Jungmin cried almost as soon as he came out so his silent sister worried the new father. Hell Jungmin is still whimpering. The doctor suctions out her nose and mouth, giving her encouraging pats on the behind and back to break up the mucus in her lungs. Yoongi worriedly looks at Jimin and Taehyung but they just hold his hand tighter. Yoongi was about to ask again but thankfully little cries aside from the boy on his chest fill the room. Yoongi releases a sigh, thanking who ever she's okay. After she starts crying they place her too on his chest, next to her brother. 

   The nurses help a shaky Taehyung cut the cord and then clamp it. They clean her off and wrap her as she continues to let out little cries, harmonizing with her brother. Yoongi wraps his arms around them, tears streaming down his face as he cries along with them. As they bond the doctor delivers the placentas and cleans the new dad up. The doctors and nurses leave shortly to give the three dads some private time with their babies. Before they left the nurses brought in chairs for the dad with a injured leg and the other pregnant one. Taehyung and Jimin laugh at each other as they wipe Yoongi's tears and their own. "They're so small." Jimin coos, almost sobbing when a whimpering Jungmin wraps his small hand around Jimin's finger. "She's trying to open her eyes!" Taehyung squeals, his voice cracking as Jungyoon blinks, taking in the bright light. She only opens her eyes partially, mostly because her face is swollen and it's too bright. Still, her eyes on are Yoongi. "Hi.." He says softly, a gummy smile stretching across his face.

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