Party Sixty Eight: Miss you ❤️

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~Third person~ still December 9th gonna be honest... everything will be a filler until I can bring Yoongi home.

"No no no no no no-" "Jungmin! You need to put on clothes or we can't go to the playhouse." Taehyung scolds, trying to get the squealing nude boy in something. Here they were in the main entry way waiting for their friend when Jungmin decides to strip. "Well at least Gigi and Yoonie are dressed." Hoseok says, shrugging his shoulders. The toddlers were getting antsy Tae and Hobi decided they'd take them out to the playhouse along with Bam Bam and his son Moo. It was a cafe for adults and a play soft for the kids. It had more than their own playroom so hopefully they'd get all their energy out. While they were gone Namjoon and Jin could focus on the babies. Jungkook was at physical therapy and Jimin was doing his police officer duties. "Well Bam is coming over any minute and Jungmin is still as naked as the day he came out." Taehyung sasses, making Hoseok chuckle.

  Jin walks into the main room with Namsoo on hip and raises a brow at the naked tot running in circles. "Yoongi is gonna have fun when he comes back..." Jin chuckles, shaking his head. Namjoon enters the room as well. "The cuties fell asleep- Jungmin! What did I say about running!?" Namjoon scolds, making the boy jump. He immediately speeds towards Tae, scared of the big scary dad. He starts to whine as Taehyung just laughs as he starts to shove the boy's legs in pull-ups. "Honestly I don't blame him for being scared of you." Hoseok says, earning a look from the leader.

"Well he can't run around like that what if he gets hurt? We have six kids. You guys need to toughen up just a bit more." Namjoon says, putting his hands up as they all narrow their eyes at him. "Please you've got a serious face and a commanding voice. You're still just a giant marshmallow." Jin says, rolling his eyes and making the other two giggle. "Jungmin still listened to me." Namjoon points out, and Jin smiles. "He'd learn it on his own. If he fell it would hurt. If Bam Bam came through the door he'd be cold. You don't always have to be a dictator when it comes to kids." Jin says, and Namjoon raises a brow. "Dictator? Is that how you see me? Kids need rules Jin." "I'm not saying they don't-"

  Just then Bam Bam opens the door and walks in with his 8 month old and a bright smile. He pauses when he senses the atmosphere. "Am I interrupting something?" He asks, making the others laugh. "No it's fine. Their argument fueled by sleep deprivation and sexual frustration was starting to suffocate me." Hoseok jokes, making Taehyung snicker. Jin rolls his eyes as Namjoon scoffs. "Take care and be safe." Jin says as the husbands and tots kiss them goodbye. Once the door shuts Namjoon looks at Jin. "Do you really think we're... sexually frustrated?" He asks softly, and Jin snorts.

  "Oh 100% but I believe we have enough kids as it is for now. Plus we did it seven days ago. So I'm gonna take mister Namsoo and feed him some mashed pears if you need me." Jin says, quickly walking away from the other. Namjoon stood with his mouth agape. "Did you really just cock block-" the sudden sound of Hosung crying in the room over then reminded the dad of why he was evaded. "Right..." He trails off with a soft sigh. "Appa is coming sweetie! You don't wanna wake up hyunnie!" Namjoon says, bouncing in the room...

~~~~~~ later ~~~~~~~

      "After you cutie." Jimin says, making the youngest husband blush slightly as Jimin holds open the front door for him. Honestly the younger was already taken back that he went to pick him up let alone is being so flirty with him. Jungkook limps in the house, annoyed with the heavy boot. The boy could walk rather well now aside from a small limp. His one leg was way better than the other so the doctors took off the braces and gave him a single long boot for the one leg/foot mostly out of caution. "Hi kookie. Hi Jimin. How was therapy and work?" Taehyung asks, giving his husbands a kiss. "Eh work." Jimin replies, kissing the other longer than expected. Taehyung blushes, smacking his chest. "Therapy was alright. I'm just tired of being injured. I swear I'm gonna get real jacked after this thing comes off. I'll be able to hold like five kids at once." Jungkook says, cracking up the two 95 liners. "Man. That's impressive." Namjoon comments, kissing the younger whilst holding Jihyun. "Hi baby boy. How are you?" Jimin coos, taking the 3 month old into his arms.

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