Part Thirty Six: I'll Never Let You Go ❤️

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                        July 6th & 7th
~ Third Person~ A lot of Sugakookie for you later. ❤️❤️❤️ Also you can hate Jun now but you'll love him later.

        The man tried very hard to grasp the new information but he just couldn't. Seven men in a relationship? And there's kids too? Ah shit. I really liked Namjoon as a person too. Maybe I should just pretend I never heard anything at all? I mean it's not my job to report that is it? He thinks running his hand through his messy locks. According to laws, it's illegal to have sexual relations with a man while serving military and if they're all... together are they doing those things too? No they can't be. It'd be way too risky to have sex in here. He thinks, sighing loudly. "Is something the matter Jun Hyung?" A voice interrupts his thoughts.

   He meets Jackson's eyes and breathes out of relief. "Oh ... yeah I'm alright. Thank you." He answers, and Jackson raises an eyebrow. "Really? Because you look like you saw a ghost." The younger says, concerned. At these words, Jun hesitates. "He's friends with them though isn't he? I wonder if he knows how dangerous they are." He thinks. "Uh Jackson... you'd believe me if I told you something crazy, right?" The older says, making Jackson frown. "Well yeah. I'm concerned Hyung. Did someone do something to you?" Jackson says, almost going closer to comfort the shaken soldier.

  "Oh gosh no but a few people here are doing... really bad things..." Jun says, confusing the other. When Jackson raises an eyebrow Jun groans and looks around briefly to make sure no one hears them. "You know Namjoon right?" Jun whispers, and Jackson nods. "Well you should steer clear of him and his... friends." Jackson's eyes widen out of surprise. "Why?!" He asks, and Jun shakes his head. "Him and his friends are all... together. There's like seven of them and they're all men!" He whisper shouts, and Jackson turns pale. "Oh no he found out." Jackson thinks.

"I'm telling you because we're all guys here so to have gays in here with us is just..." Jun says, making a disgusted face. At this Jackson almost snaps. "What are you going to do?" The younger asks, trying to control his anger. "I... I'm not sure. I told you first because you are around them a lot and I don't want you getting in trouble with them. I'll probably have to tell our higher ups. It's not legal to be doing gay stuff in the military..." Jun says, running his hand through his hair. At this Jackson relaxes slightly and he represses the urge to smile.

"So I'm the first person you told then?" Jackson asks and Jun nods his head. Jackson bites his lip not to smile at how lucky the boys are right now. "Okay Jun Hyung, why don't we go together and get this solved?" He suggests and Jun nods his head. Jackson almost laughs as he leads Jun Hyung BACK to where the three were. Jun, who's stressed out, doesn't even realize where they are heading until they are back in the empty room with the other confused three. "JACKSON WHAT ARE YOU-" Jun exclaims as Jackson pushes him to the center of the room and stands in front of the closed door.

"Uh what is going on?" Namjoon asks, glancing between Jackson and Jun. The oldest just looks at the three completely terrified as he crosses his arms around himself making Namjoon raise an eyebrow. "He found out." Jackson says, some laughter escaping at Jun's expression. "This isn't funny Jackson! They are dangerous! Why would you take me here?! They could rape me!" He whisper shouts as if the other three, who are now frozen in shock, couldn't hear him. "Woah man, no one is gonna hurt you." Namjoon says, putting his hands up. "Unless you try anything on us..." Namjoon thinks, worried he might try to hurt his boyfriends or even Jackson.

"Yeah Jisoos, have you ever even met a gay person before? What in the world would make you think we'd do that to you?" Hoseok asks, totally disgusted by Jun's behavior. Jin just looks at him, nervous about other people finding out. "It doesn't matter! You aren't allowed to be gay in the military here! We're all guys and you could be perverts. Jackson, how are you okay with this?!" Jun says, and Jackson approaches him, throwing an arm around him.

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