Part Ten: Healing

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                          July 4th & 5th
~THIRD PERSON~ How about some fluff to heal that heart break? It'll be later in the chapter. ❤️ Jimin is still having bad thoughts and memories just so you know. Also a bit of low key smut.

The blonde-ish male lays next to the small brunette, rocking him in his arms. He looks at every detail of the small boy. His plump lips. His cat like eyes. His perfectly rounded nose. The elder runs his hand through the younger's damp hair, wondering who on Earth could hurt such a gentle soul. The boy in his arms couldn't even hurt a fly without feeling some sort of guilt. The door to the room cracks open, revealing another younger brunette.

"Hyung?" Taehyung asks, his red eyes looking at the boy in Hoseok's arms. "Would you like to take a break?" He asks. "You've been in here for hours. The doctor said he'll be okay. He said it was a mild concussion." Taehyung says, shutting the door and joining the two on the bed. Hoseok looks up at him with a sad smile. "You know that's not why I won't leave him." He says, making the younger frown. "I know..." He whispers, taking one of Jimin's small hands in his large one. He laughs a little at the size difference, holding in his urge to cry.

Hoseok noticing his struggle, puts his hands on either side of his face, lifting it so their watery eyes lock. They laugh softly at each other's appearance, wiping each other's eyes. Hoseok leans in placing a quick peck on the younger's lips, making his heart hurt more. His gaze travels back to boy sleeping peacefully beside them. "How ... are the others?" Hoseok asks, running hand through his own messy locks. Taehyung sighs deeply, squeezing Jimin's little hand. "They... we're all devastated." He answers, bringing the small hand up to his lips. He places a light kiss on it, making the elder smile.

"Rapmon asked for a extended break." Taehyung says, making Hoseok's eyes widen. "Really? Did he tell Bang PD nim?" Hoseok questions and Taehyung shakes his head. "Not exactly. He just told him that Jimin is going through something very serious. Bang PD nim said if necessary we can send him to therapy. The other members want him to go." The younger answers. Hoseok snorts, rolling his eyes. "I don't think he'll want that." He answers, making Tae raise an eyebrow. "How could you be sure? It'd be best for him." Taehyung says and Hoseok shakes his head.

"He could barely speak us. What makes you think he'll speak to a complete stranger? The others shouldn't pressure him into it. I'll go along with whatever he wants." Hoseok says, running his hands through the sleeping boy's hair. Taehyung frowns at his Hyung's answer. "Hyung... I know you feel bad... treating him harshly." Taehyung starts, making Hoseok stiffen. "But it's not your fault." The younger's words cut through him and he nods his head. "He needed me Tae. I thought he was disgusted with me but he was... disgusted with himself. He thought I of all people would understand because I felt like I couldn't tell anyone my secrets." He says, his eyes boring into the younger's.

"You couldn't have-" "Are you sure? I mean if you think about it the signs have been there all along but yet we all ignored them. Especially recently with how he's been so distant." Hoseok says, making Taehyung go quiet. After a few minutes of laying, watching each other, and playing with Jimin's hair the boy's eyes flutter open. "H-Hyung?" Jimin's raspy voice mumbles out. Hoseok giggles a little, pulling the sleepy boy up. He wraps his arms around the small boy's waist, having him sit in his lap. "Morning Jimin well more like evening." Hoseok says, making the younger blush. "Morning Chim." Taehyung says, making the boy smile bashfully.

"Disgusting." His father says every morning. "How do you live with yourself?" He asks, the young child.

Of course his smile drops as he remembers what happened yesterday after his memories returned. His small hand touches the bandage on his head and he winces. His mind is flooded with the incident. Water. Crying. Screaming. Blood. Before he realizes it Taehyung is wiping off his tears trickling down his cheeks. "It's okay Jiminnie Hyung." Taehyung says, trying to be strong for the elder. Hoseok holds Jimin tighter, laying his head on the younger's back. Jimin sniffles, trying to hold in his emotions. Taehyung scoots closer and places his large hands on either side of his face. He uses his thumb to catch every tear, making Jimin watch him as he does so. "We'll always be here, okay?" Taehyung whispers, Jimin can no longer hold back.

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