Part Thirty Four: Emergency 💯⚠️

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                              July 1st
~THIRD PERSON~ Welp here's some reality in case you were thinking everything'd be cute and cuddly. I'm sorry it took forever to update, I just felt lost for a bit. Thank for so much support and almost 3 k views. That's insane and I really appreciate it. Don't even worry about voting. Just taking time to read my content and even comment makes my day.

The little girl laid on his chest.

She was still and lifeless.

Too small. Too young.

Her skin white almost purple.

Her neck bruised.

Bruised by the cord that was

supposed to give her life.

He holds her.

He cries for her.

He feels guilty.

He lost her.

His daughter.

He lost a lot of blood too.

It seems it won't stop.

He is falling asleep.

He sleeps with her.

They sleep peacefully together.

     Taehyung wakes up with a start, alerting Jimin next to him. It's just another Tuesday morning for the almost 8 month pregnant man. The sun is shining and everything seems at peace. Yet Taehyung starts wailing from the horrifying nightmare. "Baby? Hey TaeTae it's okay. It was just a dream." Jimin coos, as he pulls his lover into his hold. Taehyung just clutches his shirt tightly as his chest heaves with sobs.

It all felt too real. He rubs his big round tummy, giving himself comfort and validation that Minji was indeed okay. "Jagi it was just a dream." Jimin says, pulling back to wipe Taehyung's eyes. The younger stops sniffling at the nickname. A little small smile finding it's way to his face. "Jagi?" He asks, making Jimin blush a little. The older leans forward giving the younger sweet kiss. "Come on lets go see if Yoongi's making breakfast." Jimin says, helping the pregnant younger out of the bed.

   "Good morning." Yoongi says, placing a paci in piglet's mouth as he flips on some little kid show to distract the babies with colors. "Look your sister is perfectly happy learning about shapes." He says to the child. The baby, thankfully hushes and lets his dad put him in the bouncy seat. "I made pancakes. On the counter." He says, scrubbing dishes.

"Wow handsome, you're such a dad. Thank you." Jimin says, placing a kiss on the now blushing older. Taehyung thanks him similarly, his smile not reaching his eyes. Yoongi raises an eyebrow at the pregnant man. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks, and gets a nod in return. "He had a nightmare." Jimin mouths from across the counter, mouth full of pancake. Yoongi nods his head, silently thanking Jimin. "Are you perhaps feeling... a bit sad or scared?" Yoongi asks, passing Taehyung a glass of juice.

  Taehyung looks up and nods. "What's bothering you?" Yoongi asks, making the younger's lip tremble. "What if something... goes wrong during birth? What if I don't make it? What if she doesn't make it?" He starts, rambling and Yoongi grabs his hands. "Look at me." The older says softly. Taehyung's glossy chocolate eyes meet his and he smiles. "Don't freak yourself out with "what if's". Hell if we did that do you think BTS would exist? Do you think we'd all be together? You'd be a farmer for goodness sake. A sexy one but still a farmer." Yoongi says, with a laugh. Taehyung chuckles at that but it's only half hearted.

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