Part Seventeen: Bad Dad 💯

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                         August 19th
~THIRD PERSON~ I can't believe there's over a 400 views?!!? Thank you guys so fucking much. I'm like literally just as excited as some of you for each chapter. I probably could have published this chapter sooner but I had to keep re-watching this video of Jin getting hit in the D with a hockey puck. LOL

Warning! Sexy Time! There is seven of them so I'm not sorry that there's a lot of sex. 😏

"GIIIIIII! TAETAEEEEE! Wakey wakey!!!" Hoseok shouts, at the two tangled together. It's been a little less than a couple weeks since Yoongi's found out he is pregnant. The change in his personality is crazy. He's constantly eating and getting sick as well as cuddling with Taehyung. He also loves his sleep even more now. "Ughhhhh five more minutes..." Yoongi mumbles. Hoseok laughs and laughs more Taehyung sits up. His hair pokes out in every direction, making him look like a lion. "Hyung stop laughing at meeee!" Taehyung complains. "I'm not! I'm trying to sleep!" Yoongi shouts. "The other Hyung silly!" Tae shouts, and smacks Yoongi's ass. "Come on get up mama." Tae says making both him and Hoseok crack goofy smiles. "Noooo" Suga cries clutching onto his pillow.

"Jin's making a big breakfast-" "Well what are we doing laying around? I'm starving!" Yoongi says, getting up real fast. "Wow he really is pregnant." Hoseok laughs. "I hope the baby is as little as him. Jungkook beats me up enough." Taehyung says, making the elder chuckle and kiss his head. They walk out and into the kitchen to see the cutest sight. Jin is feeding Suga pieces of bacon. "More." He begs. "Suga you've already had 5 pieces. You'll put on weight too fast." Jin laughs. "I am supposed to gain weight! I'm eating for two Hyungggg." He whines, rubbing his tummy.

"He was like a scary kind of cute before but now he's just so precious." Taehyung whispers, making Hoseok laugh. "Honestly I almost enjoy him more when he's pregnant." He laughs as they continue to watch the older beg Jin for food. At breakfast all the boys couldn't help but stare at Yoongi as he happily stuffed his face. "Are you sure the baby isn't Jin's?" Jimin asks, making Suga narrow his eyes and the others laugh. "He is definitely Jungkook's." He says, in between chewing his food. "He?" Namjoon asks. "I feel like he's gonna be a boy." Yoongi says. "I want it to be a girl!" Taehyung says, making Yoongi laugh.

"Have your own then because it's gonna be a boy." He responds, making the younger blush. "Jin Hyung, get me pregnant." Taehyung demands holding the eldest's face. Jin chokes and the others laugh. "One baby is enough for now." Namjoon says, rolling his eyes. He turns his gaze onto the glowing dark haired boy. "Suga, aren't you almost two months?" Namjoon asks, and he nods. "Well then you can find out the sex in just another month." He says, smiling at the blushing older. "Anyway Bang PD- Nim has now given us schedules until we depart for the military. I've sent you all emails of your specific duties." He says, and all of them check their phone. Some had photo shoots, others had interviews, one had therapy and Yoongi....

"Ultrasound appointment with Dr. Lee Bom..." He reads aloud, making all boys look at him. "Awe it's your first baby appointment!" Taehyung shouts, his boxy smile on display. "What time is it set for?" Jin asks. "2:30 p.m." He answers. "Ah Hoseok's free after noon, he could take you?!" Taehyung shouts. Suga looks at Hoseok who's eyes are now as wide as saucers. "I mean.. you don't have-" "I would love to." He responds, smiling his heart shaped smile at the older. "Awe omg look how cute he is!" Jin squeals at the blushing midget. "He is so red!" Jimin teases. Namjoon reaches over and pinches his cheeks which makes him laugh. He suddenly stops. "Oh fuckkkk!" He shouts, running to the bathroom while covering his mouth.

    The others are not so hungry after hearing Yoongi vomit up his whole breakfast. Most of them had to leave immediately after anyway. "He makes me hungery then he makes me vomit! I swear I won't let him live this down when he's older!" Yoongi shouts as he angrily brushes his teeth. Hoseok walks in, chuckling at the angry dad. "Hey mama." He purrs, kissing the boy's cheek. Yoongi blushes and spits out the toothpaste, rinsing his mouth. "So I'm leaving in about a half an hour but while I'm gone, Jin will still be here if you need him. After I take you to your appointment I was thinking we can grab ice cream and visit Kookie." Hoseok says, making Suga smile.

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