⚜️Chapitre vingt-cinq⚜️

535 78 13

La douleur que j'ai causée aux gens

The pain I caused people


"Attention, everyone!"

All the males in the dressing room paused their actions and turned their heads toward me while Envy rubbed his face with his hand, sighing. The men were all undeniably handsome that I started to grow flustered from their intense stares. Sweat was already forming on my forehead but I paid no heed to it.

"Excuse me but who are you?"

Breathing heavily, I ignored the staff lady's question and raised a hand in the air. "Whoever is not envious of this man beside me, please raise your hand."

The room was still and silent as they all looked at me and Envy incredulously, some judging me before continuing what they were doing.

"Okay, then... Whoever is envious of this green haired man, please raise your hand."

Once again, they stayed quiet, looking us up and down. Murmurs started filling the room and I sighed, clutching my head that had been pounding for a while. How cooperative.

"Everyone, back to your preparations," the staff lady announced before approaching me with a frown and fixed her glasses. "As I asked, who are you?"

"We're just here to conduct a survey with supermodels all over the world. And businessmen all over the world so-" I suddenly started coughing violently before finishing my sentence. The last few days, I sometimes had a coughing fit like this but my throat felt like it was being ripped at the moment. I quickly grabbed Envy's wrist to head out. "If you'll excuse us."

My body turned hotter each minute we walked through the hallways. Men and women were walking to and fro, preparing for the large-scaled fashion show. The outfits looked decent enough through my hazy eyes, but I could see a few improvements I could do. Perhaps it was the daze clouding my judgment.

"Are you okay? Did you catch a cold or something?"

Even if Envy tried to sound nonchalant, he was clearly worried.

And a cold? As if I was that weak to catch a cold! I was just burning up from embarrassment.

"Just peachy," I chimed, patting my burning cheeks and forehead to cool myself. "That didn't work as usual. I need some air right now."

"That was embarrassing is what it is. You just went ahead and asked them directly like you would get an answer so easily."

He seemed ten times more annoying than normal that I wanted to explode. I huffed out and pushed the main entrance open to stagger outside. Cold air entered my parching lungs as if extinguishing the fire in it.

Walking ahead, facing the ashen sky, I kept breathing in and out in short pants until another coughing fit convulsed my body.


All the heavy coughing hollowed out my chest and I felt so weak that my limbs became paralyzed, dropping my body onto the cold hard cement below me. I started shivering from the frosty air.

Envy of Love | Taehyung fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now