Thirty-Nine (Maybe not yours)

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Song for chapter: Earned it by the weeknd.
~Previously on Addicted~
"I told you she was living here, not that she was physically here."

"Where were you?"

"You don't have to know. Can you please leave-"

"I don't think I feel the same way Harry. You broke me and Im done. Im done with everything."

"I'm sorry. It was hell not being with you. Do you still want me?"

"Look at me in the eyes and tell me that you don't want me, and I will leave you alone to live your life."

"Rose Young. If you don't want me than thats okay because I want you to be happy. But I want you to know that- that I'm in love with you. Rose Young Im deeply in love with you."

"I love you too Harry."

Everything starts to go slow. Rose eyes roll back and her breathing stops. She falls from my arms and lands on the floor.

"Rose!" I quickly pick her up, and I check her pulse.

...Her heart isn't beating...
Rose POV
Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Nobody knows what is the real reason I'm on a hospital bed. Nobody knows that the real reason is that I tried to kill myself. Suicide. Suicide is what I tried to do. But nobody knows. It happened after Harry proposed to me. When I left was when it happened. I was confused, scared, and lost. I didn't know what to do but to... just end my life. I felt pain, so much pain, but also happiness. The emotions mixed up in my head like play dough, it all became a blob of nothing which made me confused. And thats when it happened. I took out my pills from my purse and I consumed almost all of them. I just wish he knew how much I was suffering. My pain. The pain.
***End of dream***
My eyes swing open, my lungs inhaling air from a mask on my face. I look around to see that I'm on a hospital bed. The light from outside is the only source of light in the room. The curtains are closed, with only a small crack in the middle to let the light in. I sit up straight and I remove the mask from my face.

"How did I end up here?" I whisper to myself before I groan of pain coming from my head. It feels like a beat, like my heart is beating inside of my head. I put my hand on my forehead, realizing that my arm is covered in needles, connected to a small tube with a sack at the end with clear liquid. I look around the room to find that I'm not alone. Harry is laid back on a chair at the corner of the room. His eyes are closed and a small snore escapes from his lips. I try to stand up but my foot hits the end of the bed.

"Ouch." I say, trying to keep my voice low so Harry doesn't wake up. But I failed miserably. Harry's eyes open and he quickly stands up.

"Babe don't stand up." He grabs my arms and gently lays me back down. He lets go and moves the chair next to the bed, so he can sit down.

"How long have I been here? Wait why am I even here in the first place." He lets out a yawn, but his face then gets tight, like if he were to be serious and mad.

"You have been here for two days." I reach out to grab his hand, but he moves it away. His beautiful green eyes rip away from mines, and he looks down to his lap. My mind goes down to confusion, and right when I open my mouth to ask him if he was alright, he speaks instead.

"Why Rose? Why did you do that?" He says, then looks up to me. His light green eyes then became dark, like the sky when its about to rain. Hard.

"What are you talking about-"

He quickly stands up, making me jump a little. "You know exactly what I'm talking about!" His voice booms through the room, like if the dark sky just started to fill up with thunder and lightning.

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