Fifty-five (You and I)

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~Previously on Addicted~

"What are you doing here."

"He's your father... you need to talk to him."

"I know I screwed up!... I would do anything to erase the past, and start over."

"...I have already erased the past, and you out of my life."

"Oh for God's sake Harry! He came here because I called him, and he's the one who paid for your mother's funeral."


Rose POV

I didn't notice what I said until Harry repeated the words that were spoken out of me.

"You called him? And he paid for what?" His words came out slow and deep, wanting to take out the information out of me.

Harry thinks that we paid for the funeral, but that's not right. I called his dad to inform him about the lost, and to talk to his son because of what happened and he agreed. He also agreed to pay for everything, so Harry gave me the money hat he thought was going to be used for the funeral, but I put it back in his bank account. I made him think that he and I were the ones who paid for everything, when it was all his dad.

"Yes," I say. " I called him, and he paid for everything. He really cares about you Harry-" It didn't take long for Harry to break. He interrupted me by slamming his palm against the table, making me flinch, and almost jump back. I quickly shut myself from him, not looking at him in the eyes. I can feel his eyes on me, by now they should be deeply dark, and his pupils should be small, like they always get when he's mad.

"I thought you were in my side." Something about his voice sends chills down my spine, covering my body in a cold feeling. He turned around, and walked straight into our room. He shut the door in my face before I had a chance to go in, lucky for me he didn't lock it.

I slowly open the door, a piercing screeching sound escapes because of it. I see Harry pacing through the room, while his breathing is heavy, like if he ran a marathon or something. At first I was going to explain myself, but by the look of him I can see that jumping out the window will be my escape plan if anything wrong happens. Instead I put a hand on his shoulder while his back is facing me, aware that I'm dealing with the angry side of Harry.

By my hand on his shoulder I lead him to sit down on the bed, to cool him down first. He closed his eyes, and I did the same. I let the oxygen around us go inside of me, and clean me out when I would exhale. I feel relaxed being next to Harry, but in the same time I'm also scared. Harry is still a mystery to me, and I will maybe never find out the whole Harry Styles, but I'll wait as long as I need to.

After a few moments of silence pass and I open my eyes, realizing that his are still closed. "You're the kind of mystery I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life trying to unravel." With that his eyes open, and they landed on mine in a heart beat. A small smile cracks the anger on his face away, and he looks adorable. He pulled me closer to him, and pressed his lips on my forehead, planting a kiss on my skin. I bury my face in his neck, and his lips brush the bottom of my ear.

"I'm sorry," he begins to speak against my ear. "I just feel like you went behind my back, and betrayed me." His words sting me a little, but it's my fault for bringing a man into his life that he clearly took him out for a reason. I gently pull away from him, looking back straight into his eyes, that the dark shade of green has drained away, and been replaced by a light shade of emerald green.

"I know that I shouln't have went behind your back like that, but I still feel like what I did was right." What I'm saying is the truth, and I do feel like calling Harry's dad to come was the right thing to do, because I care about Harry. A lot.

"I know that you're trying to help me, but right now all I want to do is just forget about the past, because I only want you in my present and future." I smile at his words, but he's wrong, he does need help.

"I just don't want to wake up one day without you next to me in bed because you died from so much stress or from anything like that-" Tears are now forming in my eyes, making my vision blurry. He leans in a little closer to me, but I quickly stand up. He also stands up, but doesn't try to hold me or come any closer.

"I will never leave you. I know that we will all die someday, but I will try to stay here as long as possible." Another few moments passed only filled with silence, and you could only hear me sniff, and the gentle rain starting to hit the earth outside. The sky outside is dark, kinda reflecting the mood in the room.

"I was thinking of something for a while now." I finally say, breaking the silence that wasn't awkward at all in between us. He looked back up from his hands, and sits back down on the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" He asks.

"I was thinking of us joining a group therapy for a few weeks, maybe even months-"

"Us?" I know he tried not to make it sound rude, but that's the only way it came out.

"Yes us. We have a lot of things in us and you said you wanted to start over so-"

"Rose. We don't need to go to group therapy to start over. All we need to do is just put everything behind-"

I cross my arms, and I lean all my weight in one leg. "This is the problem with you Styles. Putting the past behind us isn't going to help on everything. We need to get it out of our system."

"I'm not going to group therapy." Harry demands, making it his final words.

"Please! If you're not doing it for yourself then at least do it for me." I'm now begging, but it sill seems he isn't going to change his mind at all.

"...I'll think about it."

I decide to leave it alone, and not try to win him on it. Instead I leave the room to give him some time and space to think. I walk back into the kitchen, and right then Harry's phone buzzed. I pick it up from the table, and I notice he has a text message. I know it's wrong to snoop in his phone, but the curiosity will eat me alive if I don't. I click the small envelope at the corner of his phone screen, and the message pops up.

Amanda: I need you to meet me up at the coffee shop tomorrow at five. I have some really important news for you.

Q:What's your favorite animal?

Mine is the White tiger, and Husky.

Love you❤️

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