Sixty-Five(Back in place)

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Previously on Addicted

"Leave Harry alone."

"We'll see."

"Shadow isn't a plan."


Rose POV

Harry can barely stand on his own two feet, and almost fell forward. He gets in, and sits down on a chair next to the kitchen island.

"How did you escape?" I quickly say.

He looks really hurt. His arms are covered in rope burns, his neck has a huge cut, and his lips and his eyebrow are open. His legs are bruised up, in deep shades of purple and blue.

"Shadow and I did a deal." He weakly says, coughing at the end.

"This is all confusing." I say, sitting next to him.

"What do you mean?"

I quickly go to my room, and I come back with the small piece of paper that said 'the plan' for getting me back that I found in his house.

"What is this?" I ask, holding the piece of paper up to him. He takes it from my hand, and rips it in half.

"This was all Shadow. He planted that so you would think this was all a plan, so you would lose hope in me and stop doing what he asked, that way he would kill me."

He sounds so convincing, but I don't know what to do.

"How do I know I should even trust you?"

"Because I trust you, and you know I still love you."

Should I take him back? Should I trust him and act like all of this never happened? Just go back to group therapy and live the rest of my life happy like in a romantic movie that never happens in real life?

Should I? That's my biggest question that will always be inside of me, not only for love, but also for life.

Should I?

"It's easy to say to someone you love them and not mean it. If you really mean it then prove it." I say, crossing my arms on my chest

He hits the table with his hand, startling me.

"Damn it Rose! I already proved it to you how much I love you. If I didn't love you then I would have left you behind like a dog. I wouldn't have walked miles from where Shadow kept me just so I can knock on the door of your apartment. I wouldn't be thinking of you all the time! That's what I am Rose! I'm a crazy psycho! But I am also in love with a woman who is just as crazy as I am! How is it that you can't see this Rose?!" His voice hit me every time he would raise it up.

He's right. He's fucking right, but I was too blind to see it.

"I have never felt this feeling towards anyone Harry. We have been through so much that normal people don't go through-"

"That's the thing. We're not normal, so we won't live a normal life. But a life I do want to live in is one where you'll be in." He holds out his arms, and I walk toward him, burying my face on his chest as he wrapped his huge arms around me.

He winced a little because of the pain, but he kept on holding me.

"So what now?" He asked with his chin above my head.

"We have to get you cleaned up so those wounds won't get infected." I pulled away, and he followed me into the bathroom.

He sat on the empty part of the sink, making him even taller than me. When I turned around to get the first-aid kit I saw Harry pull his shirt off, and then his pants.

"Wow, why are you taking off your clothes?" I ask, putting the kit down.

He smirks before pulling me towards his body. "Isn't this what you want?"

I look up and down his muscular body. His abs are in a perfect shape, and his v-line is perfectly carved against his skin. The muscles in his arms are built up, giving it that ripped wavy look.

I didn't notice I was looking for too long until he lets out a small laugh.

"Enjoying the view huh? I know you miss touching me-"

"Harry stop. I need to get you cleaned up, and then you need to get some sleep." I say before opening the first-aid kit.

Harry is acting to happy to have just escaped from Shadow.

"It has been too long Rose. I need your touch, your warm body against mine, your wet kisses that will go down my neck. I need you." Once again he pulls me against his body, and begins to kiss me right under my jawline.

I pull away, and he groans. "Harry, if you respect me then you will wait. Plus why are you acting this way when you barely got away from Shadow?"

"I'm happy that I got away from him, and now I'm here with you."

I don't answer, instead I take out the rubbing alcohol, and a few cotton balls. I rub in some rubbing alcohol with the cotton against his skin, and he lets out a few groans and winces.

I can see his eyes on me, but I ignore, and I try not to make eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry," he begins to speak. "I respect you. It's just that the time made me grow stronger into you."

I smile, and I look up to his light emerald green eyes. "I grew stronger into you too. But right now we need to focus on you. I'll clean up your wounds, and then you'll go to sleep. Tomorrow in the morning we go to group therapy. Okay?"

"Ughh. Group therapy? I don't need those losers-"

"Harry. You and I have been through a lot and we both need help. A few minutes ago you just told me that you're insane and that I'm crazy. I didn't like going to therapy but it really does help."

"Fine," he throws his hands up. "But if one of those bastards has a problem with me then I will rip their throats out."

I roll my eyes, and I continue cleaning him. "This is why you need to go to therapy."

He chuckles before kissing me on the forehead.

• • •

Harry went to sleep already, and Louis calls me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey. Would it be okay if I bring my girlfriend and her friend to the apartment?" He slurs, and sounds drunk as hell.

"Louis, Harry is here."

There's loud music in the background, and a few shouts from the crowd.

"He can drink with us too. Bye." He hangs up before letting me finish, and I try to call him back, but he wouldn't answer.

An hour later, and Harry woke up. Someone knocks on the door, and I'm guessing it's Louis.

I open the door, and Louis and his girlfriend start to giggle.

"C'mon." I say, opening the door wider for them to come in.

Then all of a sudden someone throws Louis to the floor from behind him. I look up and it's a woman, with a gun in her hands.

"Well well Rosie. I finally have you."

I hope this chapter made things clear about Harry and Shadow. If it didn't then I'll gladly like to answer your questions.

Hope you enjoyed! Love you💕

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