Thirty-one (Only Mine?)

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I will be posting a short story of a fanfic of Harry Styles to enter on the Itunesbestof2014 contest. PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT. It will be out before 7am on December 24. Thank you and comment on it and vote too please. I'll give you a shout out if you do. The book is about love and the ending it will make you cry. Its about cancer and hope.

~Previously on Addicted~

"Mum I can't leave. What about Rose?"

"Harry you got a girl pregnant before! Why can't you be responsible and respectful to women."

"Rose left."

*There's no way to escape now. We're watching you, every step that you take we would still be a step ahead of you*

Rose's POV

The door opens and relief fills me up. I thought I was going to see Shadow or someone like him but instead I see Harry and Gemma with a gun. I run towards Harry and I hug him, trying my best not to cry.

"They broke the window and she died, they shot her." I say with my face on his chest.

"We need to go now." His voice is calm but I can hear a hint of anger behind it. We start to run out of the building and I go inside the car. I see three men pointing the gun at us but Gemma takes care of them by shooting them.

"What in the world is going on?" I say when Gemma and Harry get in. Harry steps on the gas pedal and drives away.

"Shadow found us. Again, and he wants to finish you two." Anne answers from the back seat.

"So thats were the note came from." I mumble to myself but Harry heard me.

"What note?" Harry stops at a red light and looks over to me.

"The note that was stuck to a rock that he used to break the window." The light turns green and Harry immediately starts to drive again. From the back seat I hear a gun being loaded and knifes being sharpened.

"Did you get hurt?" Harry asks. By the way his hand is shaking a little while he's gripping on the steering wheel I can tell he's worried.

"No. But I'm scared." I answer, looking at him.

"Me too." He admits with a low voice that it sounded more like a whisper.

Minutes pass and Harry takes a left turn to a familiar street. The street where I live.

"Why are we here?" I ask Harry as he parks near my house, or should I say the house where my parents and sister live.

"Go grab your clothes and phone and come back immediately." I look at him with a puzzled face but he just takes a deep breath, then lets it out.

"We're uhm... Moving to England."

"I'm not moving to England Harry. I have a family here and-"

"A family who doesn't want you anymore." Anne and Gemma get out of the car to give us some privacy.

As soon as they were out I look back at Harry."They do want me, but if it weren't for your little plan to take me to Shadow none of this would've been happening!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry?!"

"If you're really sorry then I want you to show me, not tell me." He leans in closer to me and crashes his lips in to mine. I can hear my own heartbeat getting faster inside of me as I kiss him back. I hear a small tap on the window from outside followed by Gemma's voice.

"You guys can kiss all you want when we get to England." We let go of the kiss and I chuckle when I see Gemma outside.

"I like it when your happy." Harry says looking at me in the eyes.

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