Forty-five (Almost)

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~Previously on Addicted~
"Rose I'm going to go kill Shadow."

"Don't you see it Harry? If he doesn't kill you then he will make you suffer! He will rip of your flesh and will destroy every bit of your soul!"

"But what if we do?! What if we actually get rid of Shadow?! That's your problem Rose. You just think think and think, instead of just going and getting the fucking job done!"

"Didn't I tell you not to think but do?"

"And didn't I tell you to keep away from Shadow? I guess we both don't listen."

"The rest are at our hiding spot. They're loading the cars with weapons and the other stuffs."

"What are you doing here?"

"Harry behind you!"

Everything goes by slow. My vision gets blurry, and I feel a cold pain against my head.

Then it all became quiet.

Harry's POV
I woke up on a side walk of a street. My head aching with pain, my body soar. My mouth dry as if I'm dehydrated.

I try to stand up, but I fail miserably. Instead I just sit up, and I see that Zayn, Niall and Aaron are all next to me, maybe passed out on the floor.

I groan in pain as I try to wake them up. "How did I get here?" I ask myself, trying to remember the previous day.

I was trying to kill Shadow. I was inside the building with Rose. That's all I can remember.

"Wake up." I say, shaking Niall's shoulder. After a few more moments of calling out his name, his eyes swing open.

"Rose!" He shouts, fear marked on his face with his voice trembling as he takes deep breaths.

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask. Then it hit me. Where's Rose? Where's the rest of the gang? What happened!?

"Shadow- Shadow has her. He's going to kill her!" My heart sinks. I thought we killed Shadow, but then I remember.

We heard a scream when Rose and I were in the building. We followed it and then that's when I passed out. Actually someone hit me on the head.


"Where is he?" I say, fear taking over my body, spreading to my mind.

We're in the middle of God knows where, hurt, and on top of that Shadow has Rose. How the fuck am I supposed to help her when I don't know where we are?!

"I don't know." Niall starts to say. "All I can remember is that Shadow hit you on the head with a gun, then he put us all in a black van. Thats all I can remember."

I quickly stand up, ignoring the throbbing headache, and the soar body I have right now. I swallow hard, closing my eyes, trying to find out what to do now.

A few moments later and I hear Zayn say something. He mumbles a few words to himself before standing up.

"I know... I think I know." I hear him say. I immediately snap my head and body to him.

"What do you know?" I ask, dying to know what's going on.

"Well after they put us in the van I heard Shadow say that he was gonna make the whole world know who he is. He said that he was going to go to the tallest building around here, and he was gonna drop Rose from up there."

My heart sinks as the last few words come out of Zayn's mouth. Shadow is going to do what?

"What? Do you know where is that building located." He takes a few seconds to himself, trying to remember.

"Its about ten minutes away from where you live." He finally says.

Okay well it's not far from where I live. The only problem is... WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE WE?!?!

Then Aaron wakes up. Looking around before looking at me.

"This place looks familiar." He says, taking his eyes away from mine, and looking deeply what's around him.

"Yeah..." Niall says, squinting his eyes to look at the distance.

"Over there!" Zayn shouts, pointing at a small building, more like a small store.

"If that store is there." Niall starts to speak. "Then that means that we are a street next to the main street that takes us to your house Harry. It will maybe take about an hour to get there."

"An hour?! We can't waste time, we need to go get Rose before it's too late." I almost shout. Aaron sighs before looking at me.

"Then I guess we better get to walking then."
We finally arrive at my house, almost an hour later of walking. We're all tired, dirty, and hungry, but I can't stop. I won't stop until Rose is safe. Until Rose is next to me.

"We can't waste time now. We have to get going to the building where Shadow is in." I say, opening the back window to the house, lucky for me it's not locked.

Aaron takes a step towards me. "Harry but we are not sure if Shadow is even there. Hours have passed since Shadow put us in the van. Maybe Rose is already dea-" I interrupt Aaron by grabbing the collar of his shirt, and slamming him against the wall.

"Don't you dare say that word!" I shout on his face, now my two hands holding on the collar of his shirt.

He blinks a few times before responding. "But it's true."

I hold on him tighter, my knuckles turning white from the pressure. I throw him against the floor, about to get on top of him and punch him, but then I come to my senses.

"...You know what? I'm going by myself. I don't need any fuck boys getting on my way." I push my way through Zayn and Niall that were behind me. Both try to stop me but I don't give them a chance.
I took a bus to get to the tallest building around here, which is the one where Shadow is supposed to be.

When I got there I saw crowds of people, all looking up. Then when I looked up I saw two people on the roof of the building. Shit.

I start to run in the building. People trying to get out while I try to get in. You only see people running, screaming or looking for other people.

I run to the elevator, immediately pressing on the top floor button, which is the roof.

I wait impatiently. Please let Rose be fine. Please.

To be honest I'm scared. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I just hope that all of this ends with Rose being safe with me. I want this all to end.

The elevator door finally opens, leading me to the roof. Seconds after and I hear a scream.


I get off the elevator and I look around. The wind is harsh and fast, blowing my hair to my face, making it hard to look. But then I see them, I see Shadow with Rose.

Rose has a rope around her neck, that then connects to her wrists and ankles. She looks dead, abused.

I need to do something now.

I look around and I find a metal pole on the floor. I quietly pick it up, slowly walking behind Shadow.

He's on the edge, ready to throw Rose off. Then, quickly and powerfully I hit Shadow on the head, making him fall... with Rose.

Shadow falls off, and before anything else happened I grab Rose by her hand, before she fell.

She's crying so hard that I need to look away before I start to cry. I take the rope that's around her body and she grabs me in to a hug.

"Shh." I whisper in to her ear, trying to calm her down, smoothing my hand on her hair

"It's all over. Shadow is gone." I say. But before anything else happened, Rose lets go of me, turning weak.

She stops breathing.
I hope you enjoyed! But things don't get better *evil laugh* haha

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