Fifty-six (Hurt)

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"You called him? And he paid for what?"

"I thought you were in my side."

"You're the kind of mystery I wouln't mind spending the rest of my life trying to unravel."

"I know that I shouln't have went behind your back like that, but I still feel like what I did was right."

"I was thinking of us joining a group therapy for a few weeks, maybe even months-"

"I'm not going to group therapy."

Amanda: I need you to meet me up at the coffee shop tomorrow at five. i have some really important news for you.


Rose POV

I'm still here, holding his phone in my hands as I read over again the text message. This is all confusing. How in the world does Harry still have her phone number? How are they still in touch? Did Harry know it was true when I told him that I saw her at the coffee shop?

It begins to feel as if my own questions begin to turn into screams inside of me. All having its own opinions on what to believe. They are scratching my mind, peeling off my soul, little by little seeing the life of it evaporate out of my body. And maybe the feeling inside are being exaggerated by my own mind, but that is because words can't describe what I really feel. They can't be put in words because if they could it would just be a no end story of negative feelings in a sheet of paper with black ink. Unfortunately we have to go through these feelings, because it is all part of life; a two sided mirror of negative and positive sides.

I finally snap out of my thoughts, and I bring myself back to this horrible reality. I still can't believe this. My only question left is why. Why is it that every time I try to move on and settle down everything explodes out, and covers me with hot boiling lies and secrets?

I've become so addicted on wanting to move on, that I have forgotten to live. I have forgotten the actual meaning of life, and time is running out. So I'm going to do this myself, I'm going to go meet Amanda at the coffee shop.

I start to text her from Harry's phone.

Me: Bring some weed

I know I'm crazy for doing this, but I have a plan. She replies back a couple of minutes after. I make sure Harry is still in his room before replying back.

Amanda: Uhm okay... why?

Me: Can't a guy smoke without having someone question?

Amanda: Okay sorry babe. Its just that ever since you started getting things serious with Rose you haven't been with me. I've missed you.

What the fuck?!?! Harry has been with Amanda after what happened? And not only that, but he says he want to start over when he's fucking cheating on me! I can't believe I keep on falling in his traps. Of course Harry hasn't changed, he just wants to brain wash me because he wants to get in my pants, and likes to play with me like if I were his little toy. Once I'm done with Amanda I will make Harry feel all the hurt I have been feeling because of him.

I set the phone down, and I deside not to answer. I walk to Harry's room to see what he's doing. He is layed down in bed counting the money in his green piggy bank. When he sees that I'm in he immediatly puts all the money back in.

"I'm going out for a walk." I say with no happyness behind it. He smiles and gets off of bed.

"I'll come with you-"

"No." I immediatly interrupt him. He frowns before shaking it off from his face, and replacing it with a small smile.

"Alright then." He leans a little into me to give me a kiss, but I take a step back, and it took him by surprise.

His frown comes back again on his face. "Are you acting this way because I don't want to go to group therapy?" He raised a brow, and I try to act like if everything is normal.

"Nah. If you don't want to go then it's okay. I don't want to be the girl that pushes you around." I give him a fake smile before walking out of him room, leaving him lost and confused like a puppy.


I arrived at the coffee shop in no more than twenty minutes. I am seated in a booth that is at the far end of the place. I am wearing a black T-shirt with dark gray skinny jeans. I have my timber boots on, along wth a black beanie that says Houston on it. My bangs cover half of my face. I don't want to look to noticible so that her eyes don't catch me too quickly. My plan is to put Amanda in her place; in jail. I told her to bring the drug so that I have some proof of her being a drug dealer. So pretty much you can say that I framed her, but she deserves it.

The door to the place opened, and a bell was rang at the top of the door, something it always does when the door is opened. I look over to my shoulder, and there she is. Wearing a black jumpsuit with small flowers printed on them, and vermillion color high heels. She looks too fancy and well dressed to afford it, but I mean the girl is a drug dealer so she has enough money to buy herself anything.

I have already called the cops, and one of them is seated next to me, while the other is seated next to the entrance door, in case Amanda tries to escape. The cop that is seated next to me has her gun ready in position in her hands, and then gives a signal to the other cop. The police next to the door immediatly stands up, an pulled out his gun.

"Raise your hands in the air!" He shouts. Everyone in the coffee shop begin to panic, but none get near the door where the action is happening. I also stand up, along with the police woman that was next to me. She begins to search Amanda. When her eyes landed on mine, she then went to attack mode. She threw a punch, but I ducked it, then swinging my fist, and hitting her on the jaw. The police woman holds me back before I did anything else. The police man then picks up Amanda off the floor, and handcuffs her.

Amanda starts to scream out words of how she's going to get me back, and that I'm dead. I just ignore her, and I start to thank the police officers. I walk out of the coffee shop, satisfied that I finally got rid of her.


When I arrived at Harry's house he was outside on the porch. When he saw me he joged up to me and grabbed me into a hug.

"Baby I missed you-"

I slap him on the cheek, sending him to the floor. "You lied to me!"
Q: If you could have super powers what would be yours?

Mine would be to control time.

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