Sixty-six (Cached)

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Previously on Addicted

"How did you escape?"

"Shadow and I did a deal."

"How do I know I should even trust you."

"I have never felt this feeling towards anyone..."

"Well well Rosie. I finally have you."
Rose POV

Louis falls down, and his girlfriend jumps back.

"Well well Rosie. I finally have you." A woman around my age says, holding a gun up to me.

"Who the fuck are you?" Harry spats at her.

She lets out an evil laugh before rolling her eyes.

"Do you remember me Rose?" She asks, bitting her bottom lip.

"No. But please don't do something you'll regret later."

She raised up a brow before walking up to me. She pressed the gun to my cheek, and slides it down to my throat.

Who in the world she?

"I was in your high school darling." Her breath hits the left side of my face, and her voice sends chills down my body.

"You better get away from her." Harry warned. She snapped her head to him, and pointed the gun at him.

"Or what? I can blow your brains out with just one bullet, so don't you dare do anything." I can hear Harry swallow hard, and she just smirks.

"Good boy. Now go get me some rope." Harry nods, and walks up to the closet where there's supplies.

She then demands Louis, his girlfriend, and me to sit on the couch. She twirls the gun around her fingers, looking at each of us in the eyes.

"Rose. You're going to pay for what you did to me."

"What did I do?!" I yell at her. She stops playing with the gun, and looks at me seriously.

"Don't give me that attitude or it will cost your life. You know exactly what you did. You took Aaron from me."

What is this bitch talking about? She's insane!

"What are you-"

"Don't act stupid with me! I had a crush on Aaron and you took him away! He started to hang out with you and he completely forgot about me!"

I don't ever remember talking to her, or even seeing her. Plus if this really did happen then it was a long ass time ago.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember!" My eyes start to get watery, and my focus starts to blur.

"Yes you do-" She's interrupted by Harry's attack. He grabs the rope and wraps it around her neck. Harry chokes her, and the gun begins to slip off her hand, but she immediately pressed the trigger, setting off a gun shot.

The bullet was too fast, not giving enough time for anyone to move or react.

"No!" Louis yells, holding his girlfriend on his arms.

"Baby please don't go! Baby please stay!"

She whispers something to him, before her eyes roll back, and her soul leaves. He buries his face on her neck, and begins to sob.

When I look over to Harry, I see him unwrapping the rope around the woman's neck.

She's also dead.

I kneel next to Louis, and I hold him tight on my arms. He sobs with so much pain, making me want to cry.

"It's going to be alright."

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