Thirty-six (The Diary)

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Quick shoutout to Ruby_Horan and martinamurtas58 go follow them, they're amazing.
~Previously on Addicted~
"You left me to come here? It was a mistake to come here to England with you, and to think that I even love you. Man how could I have been so stupid?"

"Rose I-"

"Save it Harry! You're never going to see me again. Do you understand? Don't call me or even come looking for me because I'm done! Im tired of catching up to you when you're just leaving me behind."

"I'm sorry darling- wait don't I know you?"

"You can't let all those emotions build up inside of you. If you do it will explode someday. And when it does, you will fall down, and never get up again."

"Then I guess we will have to break in."
Harry's POV
12 days after the fight between Harry & Rose
This diary belongs to Rose Young. I read on the top of a diary I found that was under my bed. I guess Rose forgot it while disappearing out of my life. It has been almost two weeks since she left, leaving away without even leaving a note or something. But she did make it clear at the club when she appeared. I didn't want her to leave, but what could I have done, she left and there was nothing I could do about it.

I start to flip through the pages, examining the dates and words on it. Her hand writing is neat, but the pages at the beginning of the book seem to be grumbled at the bottom of the page, and water damaged. The last time she wrote on the diary was the same day she left.

Dear diary is written in the first page, nice and sharp.

I got out of Rehab and my sister gave me this diary as a 'good thing you're not a psycho' present. She thinks that by putting my emotions in a book daily would be a good start on a "new" life. I already messed it up with my stupidity but I'll still give it a try.

the girl who isn't psycho

I flip to the next page, and the handwriting is a bit messy.

Dear diary
Today I started at a new school. It went horrible because of a guy called Harry Styles. I accidentally bumped into him at lunch and pasta went all over him. After that he told me he would make my life a nightmare. I just hope everything gets worked out tomorrow.

Rose Young

I flip through all the pages, scanning each one. Her emotions get deeper, sadness and even suicide written on them.

Should I kill myself? One of them say.

I can't take it anymore!

Why me?

He shoved me against the locker and called me a slut.

I tried to kill myself with pills.

I flip all the way to the last two pages. On the top of them has scribbles of hearts and flowers, like if she were to be happy while writing this page.

Dear diary
Harry and I kissed. Even though he's at the hospital because he got shot by Shadow and is now in a coma, I'm still happy that he has some feelings for me like I have for him. I've been visiting him every day after school. My heart would break every time I saw him on the hospital bed, his skin pale and his plum lips chapped. My feeling for him are getting stronger and stronger. I just hope I'm right.

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