Sixty-nine (Somewhere else)

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Previously on Addicted

"What's wrong?"

"Rose I can explain?"

"Why the fuck would you have this?!"

...out of his life

Rose's POV

You can talk to me whenever you want. I'll always be here even when the sun and moon collide.

With your big eyes

and your big lies.

Those big green eyes

but big hurtful lies.

I gave him all of my trust

but he threw it all away.

And everyday, I wake up to

asking myself if he would have stayed.

He didn't

and I knew I had to leave too.

• • •

Six months later

Water calms me. It's like chocolate fudge or hot tea or a fancy coffee from Starbucks. I lock the bathroom door and I fill the old-timey tub with steaming water and bath salts, and then sink into a world where everything melts away from me. The problems evaporate from my flesh, leaving behind a pure soul.

Some days it's not enough.

I scoop up a handful of bubble bath from my stomach, and I blow the fluff over the water. When the bubbles hit the water and dissolve into a frothy film, I sigh.

I start to remember about him; how he means so much to me- well meant. The whole point of this bath was to make me forget about the disastrous days I've been having, spending them by thinking about him.

I regret leaving him, but the most I regret is ever meeting him.

If I would have never moved to England with him, I wouldn't have fallen head over heels for that boy.

I disappeared from his life. After I got out the apartment Louis helped me pack my bags to move back to America. Since then I've been living here in Houston. It's a calm city, but has its twists of craziness too.

Here in Texas you see a lot of trucks. Everywhere. But you also see small Camry or Corolla cars. People are nice here, but can also have a spark of rudeness in them. I've also noticed that many people say the word y'all instead of saying you all.

I've been living in a small, one bedroom apartment near the calm part of Houston. I got a job of being a nurse at a mental hospital. I sit in the relax room where some patients are brought to play some board games, talk or just relax. I like to talk to the patients, I like to know how their minds work, and how they think about life in general. Sometimes I play board games with them, but I let them win most of the time. Their emotions slip out too easily, so they can get angry in just a split of second if they don't get what they want.

I don't think people are crazy or psychos, it's just that some people are living in reality, and others are trapped in their own minds.

I then look at the time in my phone, making a double take when I realized what time it is. I quickly get out, dry myself, and change into my uniform.

I put my hair up in a messy bun, and I apply a little of mascara and soft red lipstick. I grab my things and I walk out the apartment, making sure to lock the door.

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