Thirty-Seven (Mystery guy and shock)

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Quick shoutout to claire_1d_ and Luxury_5 go check them out they're awesome!!!!!!
~Previously on Addicted~
I flip through all the pages, scanning each one. Her emotions get deeper, sadness and even suicide written on them.

Should I kill myself?
I can't take it anymore!
Why me?
He shoved me against the locker and called me a slut.
I tried to kill myself with pills.

"You let her go. Right? The first time I see you happy in a long time and you just let her go?"

"What you feel for Rose is more than feelings. If she makes you feel the way you just explained to me than sweetie its love."

"What do I do now?"

"I'm going to the coffee shop. I have a plan on how to get her back."
Rose POV

"Miss Young now it's your turn." My piano teacher Mr. Starks says. Ever since I started living with Amanda and Darcy a lot has changed. It has already been almost two weeks since I left Harry. To be honest it sometimes feels like hell at night because I miss cuddling with him in bed. I started taking piano classes and sometimes I preform at the coffee shop every Friday night. Sometimes I also sing while playing, it makes me feel alive. I have known piano for a while but I wanted to take classes even though I already know piano. While Amanda works as a cashier at the coffee shop I take care of Darcy, and when I'm at piano practice Amanda takes care of Darcy. Darcy looks nothing like Amanda but more like Harry. She has long curly brown hair with green eyes. And what's so adorable of her is that she also has dimples like Harry.

"Miss Young we're waiting." I shake my head to bring myself back to reality. I stand up and I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I smile and I make my way towards the piano thats on the center of the room. I sit down and I put my fingers on the keys. Mr. Starks walks up to me and puts a music sheet in front of me.

"I want you to play the first ten notes. Do you remember how it goes?" I stare at the sheet. He gave me a total different piece of music than the one I was playing yesterday. He sits next to me, his leg touching mine. Mr. Starks is a very handsome man and he's only 22. But I won't have a thing with him. He grabs my hand and guides it to press each key. The room is silent, with only the sound of each note making its way through the room.

"I get it." I remove my hand from his grip and I scoot a little away from him. I smile and I begin to play the notes. When I was done he stands up and clears his throat.

"That was good Ms. Young. Can you play the next six stanzas on the music sheet?" I look away from him and I scan through the music sheet. The piece of music I'm playing is a classical music called Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, one of my favorite pianist. I start to play as I was told and I can tell I impressed him.

The rest of the class went by well. After I played a few more students went but none of them made Mr. Starks smile the way he smiled when I played. I always felt like if he treated me differently from the rest of the girls that were there. There were about fifteen students there and only three of them are boys.

"That's all for today class. You're all dismissed." Mr. Starks says as he rubs his palms together, then shoves them inside his front pockets from his jeans. I grab my purse that was next to me and I stand up from my seat. I start to walk with a girl I have been talking to during class.

"Ms.Young can I have a word with you?" Mr. Starks shyly asks.

"I'll talk to you later." I say to the girl. She smiles and walks away. I walk towards his desk, and he sits down on a chair. The class is empty, with only the two of us in here. I can feel the air around us get a bit thicker as the awkwardness starts to rise.

"I wanted to ask if you're playing today at the coffee shop. I mean today is Friday and you usually play at night." His cheeks heat up a bit and I can tell he's really shy. He's actually cute when he blushes. He looks away so that it doesn't get any more awkward than it already is.

"Yeah. Today I may be in the mood of also singing. Would you be coming to see me preform?" He looks back at me and smiles. Damn he's so handsome.

"I'll love to go see you sing with that beautiful voice of yours." Is he flirting with me? But he's my teacher, he can't be doing that.

"Well see you there." I turn around and I begin to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" I turn around and I see him jump out of his seat and quickly walking towards me.

"Uhm can I... can we sing together? Like a duet." He wants to sing with me? First he sits next to me then the whole flirting thing and now he wants to do a duet with me? What's going on?!

"Well I-"

"I can play the piano while you sing if you prefer." He's just my piano teacher, he wouldn't want to do it as a date thing.

"Fine. I'll see you then at eight." I give him a last smile before walking out of the class. When I'm out I close the door, and I start to walk down the hall.

"Do you have a thing with Mr. Starks?" The girl from my class pops up from behind me. I jump and I drop my purse.

"Don't do that." I say as I bend down to pick up my purse. "And no. I don't have a thing with Mr. Starks. It's illegal for a student to have a relationship with its teacher." I turn back around and I start to walk. Was she eavesdropping our conversation? We just met today and she just does this? Well now I have one more person to not trust.

"So if it wasn't illegal would you be with him?" It takes me a few seconds to stop and look at her.


"If it wasn't illegal to be with your teacher would you go out with him?"

"Even if it wasn't illegal I still wouldn't go out with one because I don't want to be in a relationship right now." I swear this girl has to mind her own business.

"Why don't you want-"

"Look. You need to go mind your own damn business." She looks like she's a kind of girl that wouldn't get offended by anything. She just stands up straight and moves a lock of hair that was on her face behind her ear.

"Okay. I'm sorry if I was a disturb to your life." She walks by past me, without even looking at me or anything. I open my mouth so I can say sorry but it's too late. She left and I'm alone in the hallway.


"Ready?" Amanda asks as we walk up to the coffee shop. Its already dusk, with different shades of pink and orange in the sky. I'm wearing a black dress that goes down to my thigh. It has a white curvy line down the middle and it makes it look like my body is curvier.

"I don't know if I'll be able to sing today." Amanda stops in front of the entrance and turns to face me.

"What?! No girl you have to sing today. This is not your first time, why don't you want to sing?" To be honest I really don't know why but I think it's because I know Mr. Starks is showing up.

"I feel nervous." I half lie. She picks up Darcy from her side and I open the door for her to go in. I can see that there's a huge crowd but everyones focused on a beautiful song that being played in the corner of the place by a piano. I stand up higher and I hold my head up high so I can see who it is. I can't see it's face but I can tell it's a male. A man I have seen before.

He finally turns around and when his eyes land on mine he quickly stands up. He kneels down and everyone's eyes land on me. He pulls out a ring an smiles widely.

"Rose Young. Would you be mine forever?" I gasp and I cover my mouth with my hand. I can feel my eyes getting watery but I don't think they're from sadness. I run out of the coffee shop, but my legs couldn't hold me any longer. I fall down, my heart hurting from pain but also from joy.

Don't break anybody's heart, they only have 1. Break their bones, they have 206 of them.

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