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Rose POV

My stomach starts to drop and my body gets numb as Harry parked in the hospital's parking lot. I stare out the window and I try to ignore the horrible feeling inside of me.

"You want me to come with you?"

"I think they only let family members in." I answer still not wanting to get out of the car. I take a deep breath, place my hand on the door and I open it.

"Im coming." Harry says before I had a chance to get out of the car. I turn around to look at him but he has already gotten out. I jog to catch up to him because he walks fast.

"But what if they don't let you in? Plus I don't think my mom wants to see you." He stops walking and so do I, he glares at my eyes before answering.

"I want to go in to make things right with your mom. I-I want to apologize for the baby-" I take him in a hug before he finished. It took us both by surprise but he didn't let go of me.

"Thanks." I say against his chest. I let go of the hug, which wasn't awkward, and I continue to walk.

When we were in I quickly walked towards the desk. "I'm here to see Caroline Young." The woman in the other side of the desk looks like she has a cranky attitude. She rolls her eyes and grabs a blue folder. She flips through the papers until she finally picked one up from the very back. She scans through the paper with her glasses half way down her nose.

"And who are you?" She asks referring to me and Harry.

"Im her daughter and he's her son." I half lie. Harry gives me a smile before looking back at the cranky woman. She stares at us for a few seconds before taking another quick look at the folder.

"She's in the second floor to the third door to the left." I give her a quick thank you and I rush getting in the elevator with Harry. I press the second floor button and I start to tap my feet really quick to distract me from everything thats going on.

"Im sorry-"

"Its okay." I cut him off. He gets in front of me and looks at me straight in the eye.

"No its not okay, I did something-"

"No its not fine Harry! I know its not fine, but its not me who you have to talk to." The elevator door slides open and I quickly walk down the hall to the room where my mom's in. I open the door, and pain just stabs me on the back. My moms eyes are closed, she's breathing from a tube with a pouch of solution connected with a needle on her arm. I walk towards her, but I stop Harry from behind me.

"Can you give me a second first. Please." He nods and walks out of the room, closing the door shut on his way out.

"Mom? Im sorry. I should have listened to you." Im on my knees with my hands covering my face. I look up and her eyes are struggling to open.

"Mom please forgive me. Im sorry that I killed the baby." I break into tears. She tries to stroke my hear, but I cup her hand with my hands.

"My baby died because of you and that boy that I told you to stay away from. I don't want to see you again... leave now." The words struggle to come out of her mouth, but they come out like needles and they get in my skin.

"What-what do you mean-"

"Leave now!" She half shouts. "I don't see you as a daughter anymore, your a murderer."

"I wasn't the one who was driving-"

"I wake up from bed finding out that my daughter went to a party with a dangerous guy. I went to go look for you and this happens. I trusted you Rose, to do the damn right decision, but you lied to my face."

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