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Harry's POV

"Shadow! Shadow I'm hungry!" I repeat over and over again until the door to the basement swings open.

"Shut up!"

"I'm hungry, so is Rose." Rose is cuddled up into a ball on the floor, while the chains on her wrists are next to her, keeping her and me captive.

"If you two weren't valuable for my next mission then I would've killed you two a long time ago." He leaves, seconds later he comes back with two sandwiches and water bottles. He gives me a water bottle and a sandwich then puts Rose's food on the floor. He leaves without looking back or saying another word.

Rose is still cuddled up into a ball. She opens her eyes to see what's next to her but then closes them back.

"Rose you need to eat." I say while taking a bite out of my sandwich. We have been here since yesterday and now it's Sunday. We have been here yesterday and now today.

Rose doesn't answer or moves. "Rose you need to eat." I repeat again. I take another bite out of my sandwich before walking up to her. A tear rolls down her cheek and pools down when it touches the floor. I heard before that when you're bipolar you can get really depressed when not taking any medication or treatment. She hasn't taken her pills yesterday or today.

"Rose." She finally opens her eyes after having to repeat her name over and over again.

"You need to eat or you'll starve to death."

"In this point I really don't care if I die." She looks really weak, and her life has drained away from her face already. Her eyes aren't as brown as her straight long hair, nor are her cheeks as red as her lips. Seeing her like this is really hurting me a lot, and to be honest I miss seeing her smile.

"Don't say that."

"Don't say what? That I don't care if I die? Well Harry I know that you want to see me dead because you don't care about me."

"I never said that I want to see you dead." I point out. She sits up and wipes a tear that was on her face.

"From you always hurting me it looks like you do want to see me dead."

"But I never said I want to see you dead. Did I?"

"No but-"


She rolls her eyes and grabs her sandwich before taking a big bite out of it.

"Do you have a plan to get us out of here?" I ask as she swallows.

"What's today."

"What does that have to do with my question?"

"Well Styles, if you didn't know Shadow always does his special drug deliveries every Sunday. When he leaves with his gang we can unlock our chains with the key thats next to the basement stairs, and escape from the back door."

"Thats all you had to say Ms.Young." She smiles as she takes a sip out of her water bottle. Man I missed her smile. Wait why am I thinking about her smile? I don't even like her.

"How come I have to do all the plans?" She asks after putting the water bottle down.

"Because you're the smart one."

"Then what are you?"

"Im the one with the muscles." I say while showing her my arm muscles. She scans my body and her eyes land on my six-pack. She stares at them before shaking her head away.

"Enjoyed the view?" I ask with a smirk on my face.


"Take a picture. It will last longer."

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