Chapter 13

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Its Monday already. But I don't feel like going to school today. Im really tired from last night because I was trying to finish the project before midnight but it was impossible. I went to sleep at two in the morning, and I have to wake up at five thirty in the morning to get things done. I do my normal morning routine. Shower, put on clothes, brush teeth, and eat something before taking my bipolar pills. When Im done I rush down stairs. I miss my mom's morning breakfast cooking but ever since my mom got the new job, there hasn't been time for that. I just grab some cereal, but no milk. I don't like milk in my cereal, or anything because I don't like milk. Im not lactose intolerant, its just that I don't like milk. I start to eat some cereal, and meanwhile I grab my pills. I can hear Melissa groaning at her alarm which wakes her up at six thirty. She takes night showers, so she just wakes up, changes, and brushes her teeth. When she get in the kitchen she snaps the cereal box from my hand.

"I need some nutrient in my body," She says. I put my leg out so that she can trip like we always do to play around. She misses, and falls down.

"Oh my gosh. Is the cereal okay," I tease.

"Haha very funny Rose." She sarcastically say, while picking up the box of cereal from the floor. Melissa, and I are twin sisters. We don't look much alike to be twin sisters. I was born a minute after her. She has dirty blond hair with light gray eyes, and I just have brown hair with brown eyes. Im just the normal girl you will see anywhere. In the other hand Melissa stands out in any crowd, and looks beautiful even with out makeup. I don't put on makeup, and even if I do I won't look as beautiful as Melissa.

"So do you think its true?" She says. I grab my pills and I swallow two of them. I put it back, and I stare at her.

"What are you talking about?" I say while putting my empty glass cup on the table. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, and she takes a seat.

She rolls her eyes like if I already know what's she talking about. "You know. About know what."

"No I don't know about the "you know what" thing. Just spill the beans Melissa." She stands up, and grabs my pills from the cabinet. She shakes the container in my face. And I already cached up to what she was talking about.

"Oh. About Harry, and the pills?"

"Nah, about how to use pills in a container as maracas." I believed her for a second before realizing it was sarcasm.

"I don't know? I mean I saw you and Harry here in the kitchen like in three in the morning the other day." I think she already knows about me seeing her but if she didn't knew then oh well.

"Wait what? You saw..." I start to cough hard in purpose, because then she will start going on about not spying at her, and things like that.

"I need some water." I say under my fake cough. She quickly grabs a water bottle, and hands it to me. I drink the water while coughing making the water spit out of my mouth. The water gets the whole floor thats around me wet.

"Oh my gosh Rose. I will go get the mop." Something that I was always good at was making people forget what they were talking about, or making them shut up like what I just did to Melissa. She starts mopping the floor. I slowly tilt the water at the floor making it splat all over the floor.

"You missed a spot," I tell her while pointing at the spot of water. When she turns around to clean it I splash a little more right behind her.

"Oh and also that spot. Man Melissa don't you know how to clean." I tease but I make it sound real. She rolls her eyes, and gets mad at me.

"How much water did you spit?" She stops mopping the floor, and looks at me.

"I don't know but meanwhile that you are cleaning I will go get the car started already to go to school." Like I said Im really good at making people stop talking and making them forget about what they were saying. Before she has a chance to say anything else I grab her car keys from her backpack, and I go outside. I turn on the engine of the car, and I get in. Minutes pass, and Melissa is still not outside. I hit the middle of the steering wheel with my pal so the honking sound can come out. It is a little weird how I was happy in my room during the party and then we got mad at each other, and now we are over it. Maybe its because we have gotten in a lot of fights way worse then the one we had that we just got used to getting over of it at some point. But the question that I still haven't gotten the answer to its that if Harry was the one that had to do with something about my pills. I mean yeah he pretty much really doesn't like me but would he actually do something that would cost my life. I mean not taking my bipolar pills is really bad, and I could have gotten into a point where I could have killed myself. But Melissa could have been the one that switched them because I found an empty pill container in her room. I really need to help her now, and find out who switched my pills before its too late.

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