Seventy-six (by my side)

109 15 36

I'm sorry but I didn't proof write because I'm really tired.

Songs for chapter:
The hills by Weeknd
One by Ed Sheeran [Sebastien remix]
Blue ocean by Jaden Smith

¡¡!I hope you enjoy!!¡

Rose POV

I ran towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I remember. I remember us Harry."

He didn't say anything, he just took in the moment by burying his face on the side where my shoulder and neck connect. His breath was so warm when it hit my skin, and his arms were full of hunger as they pulled me closer to him; even though I think it's impossible to pull me even closer now since our bodies are pressed together.

"I've been waiting for you to say that," he didn't look up. "Fuck, Rose you've turned me crazy for you. I'm fucking Addicted to you."

I enjoyed the beat of his heart against my chest, and I caressed his hair as I looked at the sky with my chin rested on his shoulder, and his face still on my neck.

"I love you Harry. I've never stopped thinking about you since the second I stepped out the apartment, and left you six years ago. I regret it. I regret leaving everything that was ours. I regret it Harry."

"I regret not going after you."

We stayed in this position for a few moments later; he rocked us both back and forth as I had my eyes closed.

I missed this. I missed being close to Harry. It wasn't like this with Raymond. Raymond didn't know how to make me happy the way Harry does, he didn't hold me or talked to me the way Harry did.

Harry and I talked while staring at the beauty of the city's heart below us. He told me how he got help, and continued school so he could graduate.

He also told me how it was like walking through hell without me, and how he spend most of his first few months just drinking and knocked out in a bar.

My chest hurts as he talks in such a low voice, yet with so much pain. Harry is a type of guy that his tone of voice is the same when he's happy or sad, but it was different this time; this time I felt something in his voice I have never felt before. He spoke slowly and deeply, and his eyes reflected the city lights more than before.

My eyes catch a new tattoo on his upper left forearm. It's a rose.

"You got a new tattoo." I say as I trace it with my index finger.

"Yeah it's a rose. I got it as a symbol to always have on me forever to remember me about you. I figured since you left then I wanted something from you so I got this tattoo of a rose."

I smiled as my eyes got glossy. Nobody has done something like this for me before.

Silence then creeps in between us, but it's a relaxing silence, but it then disappears as he breaks it with his deep slow voice.

"When you told me you were getting married-- that killed me. That fucking killed me Rose." He said as he breaks into a small laugh, but not one from happiness and joy, but one you let out when you can't let anymore tears out.

Something I grew to love when hearing Harry speak is the way the cuss words sound when he digs them in his sentences. And I know it's weird but it kinda sounds normal and relaxing to hear.

To be honest it actually turns me on.

"I'm not getting married anymore." I murmur to myself, not knowing if he heard me or not. I look at my left hand, and I realize I still have my ring on. So I take it off, and I throw it out from the roof of the apartment; since that's where I'm in right now.

Addicted || HSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon