Sixty-Two (Nothing wrong)

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~Previously on Addicted~

"It's Shadow."

"Shit Harry!"

"We need to get in."

Watch video

Harry is the guy on the chair.

Rose POV

They wrap Harry on the chair with a thick rope, and they cover his mouth with a piece of cloth to prevent him from saying anything.

Harry doesn't move because he knows there is nowhere out of this situation.

This is all my fault. If I would have not been stubborn and would have taken him back then none of this would be happening. Why am I like this? Why does this have to happen?!

"Rose." The guy in the video begins to speak, he's Shadow. "If you can see we have Harry here." He takes out a knife and pressed the blade against his throat.

"If you want him back then you have to continue with your life. You have to continue going to therapy and act like nothing is wrong. If you call the police or anything then I will kill Harry, and I will make sure for you to see it." He lets out a laugh before making a small cut on Harry's jaw line. Harry lets out a sound of pain, and tries to move away from Shadow.

"No!" I shout. I throw the camera against the wall, and it breaks, shattering all over the place.

"Why?! Why does this have to happen?!" I scream while I wrap my hands in my hair. Louis grabs me into a hug, and strokes my hair while I cry into his shoulder.

Out of all of the horrible things that happened, this is the worst. Seeing Harry in that chair, and seeing him suffer made my mind rip in half. It made my lungs lose air, and it made my heart stop beating. My blood stopped going through my veins, and my soul sank in deeper inside of me.

I want all of this to end. I want to go back home in America and continue school. I want the old life that I had where Harry would bully me. That is better then living the life I have now. Anything is better than this...

"We have to do what Shadow said." Louis breaks my thoughts, gently moving me away from him.

I look at him confused before shaking my head. "No. I'm not going to act like everything's okay-"

"Yes you are," he lowers his voice. "He's maybe watching us right now."

The thought of being under Shadow's sight sends chills down my spine, and makes me feel uncomfortable.

I don't want to act like everything is normal, but I also don't want Harry to die. I guess I just have to act normal and hope for the best; hope for Harry to live.

~24 hours later~

I take a seat on my normal spot in the group. It has been a day since I last have seen the video. A fucking day! Harry is still kidnapped by Shadow and I haven't heard from him! This is driving me insane. How can I pretend like nothing is happening, that I am in a perfect situation in life where the flowers bloom and the birds chirp. I can't take it anymore, but I have to be strong for him.

"Today we're doing something just a bit different." Mr. Vines begins to speak. "Instead of talking about y'all problems or addicts I want to hear every one of you talk about the worst thing that has ever happened to you." Great. Just fucking great! How can this day go any better? Note the sarcasm?

"I'll start." The girl that has the drug addiction volunteers. She clears her throat before setting her hands on her lap. "The worst thing that has ever happened to me was when my ex-boyfriend left me for a striper."

"Mine was when I found out I wasn't the father." A blond hair guy begins to speak. "Of a boy I have been raising for over ten years."

Nobody else says anything, until a girl crossed her legs and cleared her throat. "The worst thing that has ever happened to me was when I left to Australia for three years because of a job, and that whole time my mother never called me, and she wouldn't answer my calls. When I went back home I found out she died the day after I left to Australia. She was dead for three years, and I didn't know anything about it." A tear rolls down her cheek before she whipped it away.

"The worst thing that has happened to me was when I found out that the guy who I love has been kidnapped." I say all of a sudden. I don't want to talk about it, and I know I'm not supposed to, but I feel like I should get this out of me.

A small laugh escapes from a guy with a leather jacket, and he rolls his eyes before looking back at me.

"What's so funny?" I spat at him.

"I just think that's a lie. If he was really kidnapped then why are you here? Why didn't you report it to the cops?" He makes it sound obvious, like if it were something I should know.

"Because if I do then they will kill him." I say on the edge of my seat.

Shut up Rose. Don't say anything else or Harry is gone.

"Either ways they will still kill him. I bet they already sliced his throat-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I scream at him, jumping off from my seat.

"Or what?" He smirks.

"Or I will fucking rip off your balls and attach it to your big ass forehead!" Everyone starts to hold in their laughs, but flames are escaping from me.

His smirk fades away as he stands up, and anger replaces it. The muscles in his arms tighten, and his hands ball up into a fist. "Try me bitch."

"You bastard." A girl from behind me holds me back before I had a chance to do anything stupid. I try to fight out of her grip, but then I realize how ridiculous I'm acting.

"Enough!" Mr. Vines growls. Everyone quickly stops doing what they were doing, and I do the same. I sit back down on my chair, and the big forehead guy does the same. I swear his forehead is taller then the Empire State Building.

"I'm ending this class early today." Mr. Vines says. "So till next time." I pick up my purse before quickly heading out of the room.

When I was out the guy that I argued with catched up to me when I opened the door to my car.

"I'm sorry for what I said back there." He apologizes with such a fake smile, I bet someone made him apologize.

"Yeah and I'm sorry for your forehead." I return him a fake smile before getting in my car, and driving away.


It was already midnight, and I was on the roof of the apartment, looking at the beautiful view of the city lights. I close my eyes, and I take a deep breath of the cool moist air.

I can't even think straight, because all I'm thinking of is about him. I now realized how a fool I was; how I fool I was about what I really feel for him.

I now realize how much I had when I was with him when I have nothing now. I just never expect for something to leave when I thought it's supposed to stay.

I open my eyes, and a tear rolls down my cheek. "I won't give up on you Harry." I whisper to myself. "Cause nobody loves you baby the way I do."
Aye Fireproof! Did you noticed at the last line? If you didn't then I will throw you in the fire, then we'll see if you're fireproof. Lol jk

Did you also noticed Rose feelings?

A lot will be explained in the next few chapters.


Love you😘

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