Thirty-eight (Are you okay?)

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Shout out to all the peers haha. Just kidding I have a shoutout for IHaveLittleThings , directioner112255 and Infinite_pi_ they're the best and amazing!!!! Go check them out! And comment as u read cuz I wanna know y'all's reactions it will mean the world to me!!!
~Previously on Addicted~
"That's all for today class. You're all dismissed."

"Ms.Young can I have a word with you?"

"I'll love to go see you sing with that beautiful voice of yours."

"Well see you there."

"And no. I don't have a thing with Mr. Starks. It's illegal for a student to have a relationship with its teacher."

"So if it wasn't illegal would you be with him?"

He finally turns around and when his eyes land on mine he quickly stands up. He kneels down and everyone's eyes land on me. He pulls out a ring an smiles widely.

"Rose Young. Would you be mine forever?"
Harry's POV
I walk in Amanda's apartment, my mind flowing with thoughts. "I thought you said she was here." My voice is loud and firm, but low enough to not freak out Darcy.

"I said that she was living here. Not that she was physically here." Amanda follows me when I go in the restroom and all the other rooms. When I reach to Rose's room I flipped out. I throw the bed cover to the floor and I hit the lamp down from the nightstand.

"What did I do wrong!" My fingers get tangled on my hair and I start to pull it. I look out the window to try to calm down.

"Well maybe it was that you just turn her down and never called her or even tried after the breakup. Then all of a sudden you just propose?! I guess the answer is pretty clear."

I turn around and I managed to calm down. "Does she-"

"Love you?" Amanda interrupts. "She never stopped."

I can feel a small smile appear on my face that Rose never stopped loving me. I take a small look again outside and I can see it's getting dark.

Darcy slowly walks in the room that Amanda and I are in while rubbing her eyes. "Come on sweetie." Amanda holds her arms out to carry Darcy.

"Mommy I'm tired." Darcy says. I smile at her and she rests her head on Amanda's shoulder.

"I'll be back. Let me put her to sleep then we can think of something we can do to find Rose." I walk up to them and I give Darcy a small kiss on her forehead. Amanda smiles before walking out of Rose room and into her's. I look around and I start to clean up the mess. When I was done I walked to the living room to wait for Amanda. I turn on the TV but I can't put my focus on it, my mind keeps on thinking about Rose. Is she safe? Why did she act that way? Does she actually still want me?

The front door to the apartment cracks open and someone comes in. Its Rose. I stand up and my eyes go wide.

When her eyes land on mine she froze. "What are you doing here?" I ignore her question by taking a few steps towards her.

"Where were you?" My voice is calm, but she isn't.

"You don't have to know. Can you please leave-" I take one more step towards her, she's looking up at me when I'm looking down at her. She's a few inches shorter than me, but she's not short.

"Why did you react that way? You don't want me anymore?" She looks down, making her hair cover half her face.

"I don't think I feel the same way Harry. You broke me and Im done. Im done with everything." I raise her chin up so she can face me, I can see hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It was hell not being with you. Do you still want me?" She hesitates before opening her mouth but then closes it before looking away.

"Look at me in the eyes and tell me that you don't want me, and I will leave you alone to live your life." She looks up again, our bodies close together.

"Harry I-" I interrupt her with a kiss. I kiss her with so much passion, but she doesn't kiss back. I pull away and her eyes open a few seconds after.

"Rose Young. If you don't want me than thats okay because I want you to be happy. But I want you to know that- that I'm in love with you. Rose Young Im deeply in love with you." I close my eyes to realize what I just said. The words came out of my mouth naturally, like something I have done before. I let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding in, and I turn around. I start to walk towards the front door, but I stop. "Don't let her go." My conscious tells me. I want Rose but in the same time I need to let her go. She doesn't feel the same.

"I've been waiting for you to say those words for a long time." Rose says as soon as my hand touches the door knob. I turn around and I can see she has a smile on her face. Her brown eyes lit up and her cheeks are back to its normal rose pink shade. Before I know it she jumps on top of me, wrapping her legs around my waist, and I start to twirl her around. She giggles and buried her face on my neck.

"I love you too Harry." She says, not lifting her head up from its position.

"So... does that make us official?" She lifts her head up and her smile turns small. She starts to bite her lower lip before her eyes meet mine.

"Well... if it's about the marriage then I... I need time to think about it. Harry I love you but I... I just need time." Normally I would have gone off on her saying that if she really wanted me then she should have married me already, but I can't.

"Yes baby of course! I will give you all the time in the world if you want." She smiles and gives me a peck on the lips.

Everything starts to go slow. Rose eyes roll back and her breathing stops. She falls from my arms and lands in the floor.

"Rose!" I quickly pick her up, and I check her pulse.

...Her heart isn't beating...
Comment on what u think and vote please!!!!!
Next chapter will be really good, and some pieces of the puzzle will be put together.
Stay strong peeps!!!!

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