Twenty-eight (18+ and the bullet)

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Before you read I want to warn you that this chapter contains adult content. You don't need to specifically be 18 or older but if you're not comfortable reading things like this then don't read this chapter.

Just warning you!!!!

But it kinda gets interesting and I do recommend you to read.

Once again, I'm warning you!!!!

Song for this chapter is: Rock me from One Direction.


Rose POV

We finish dinner, and I got to admit it wasn't bad at all. Harry's mom, Anne, was talking about how Harry was a really smart and funny kid. About the day when he got so mad that his sister was laughing at him for eating a banana, about the time he got stuck in the dishwasher and when he used to run around the house wearing other people underwear's.

I stand up from the dining table and I pick up my plate. On the way to the kitchen I also pick up Anne's plate, but she stops me.

"Darling you don't need to take care of this." She says while taking my plate away. "Harry will wash the dishes." Harry stands up and takes our plates.

"I can help." I smile and I follow Harry to the kitchen.

"Sweetheart, you're our guest you don't need to clean up-" Anne starts to say.

"You have done so much for me, now I should return the favor. You go relax and Harry and I will clean up."



"...Alright. If you need me I'll be upstairs." She gives me one last smile before walking upstairs. I go in the kitchen and I look at Harry starting to wash the dishes.

"You can dry while I wash." His voice is low and calming. I grab the dish rag from the counter and I put it on my shoulder.

Outside is starting to get dark, while the rain gets heavier each second that passes. I stare at the rain drops that pool together, then run down the window. I can see my reflection on the window, but I also see Harry's and he's looking at me. I wait for a few seconds before turning around, locking my eyes on his as soon as I saw him. He gives me a smile before hitting me on the arm with a soaking wet towel. The towel was soaking that not only did it get my arm wet, it also got half my shirt wet too.

I gasp as soon as the towel hit me. He laughs before running away like a little kid. I wipe the water away from my arm with the rag, and I run towards the sink to get it soaked to hit Harry back. I run towards the living room pretending to not know where Harry's hiding, even though I see his feet peeking out from the bottom of the curtains.

"Hmmm. Where can Harry be?" This brings me back to when I was little, playing hide and seek with my friends while cracking open some juice boxes. I walk closer and closer towards where Harry's hiding, while having a rag on my hand thats soaking, ready to hit Harry back.

I quickly put my fingers on the curtain and I pull it away. Our faces are almost close, and his eyes go wide when he sees me with the rag. I raise it up and I hit him on the leg before running away.

He gets a chance to grab my forearm, and pulls me closer to him. My body is pressed against his, our eyes having a deep stare with each other. His eyes go down to my lips, while he bites on his. My heart starts to beat faster, and I can feel my cheeks get warm. He lets go of my arm, his hand then roams my back, wrapping around my waist. I catch a smell of a mixture of mint and cologne escape from him.

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