Sixty-Seven (His side)

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Previously on Addicted

"Who the fuck are you?"

"You better get away from her."


I know the deal you did with Shadow...

Harry's POV

I stand up all of a sudden from my seat; causing many heads and bodies to snap at my direction.

Rose looks at me with a confusion before tilting her head a little to the side.

"I gotta go." I mouthed to her.

I quickly jog out the room, hearing whispers and chatters of others talking about my all of a sudden reaction.

I get out the building in the speed of light. I look around before I see Aaron walking towards me with a hoodie and pilot style sunglasses.

When he was close to me he playfully punches my arm with a small laugh.

"Ha you got scared didn't you?" Aaron says with a smirk.

"About what? Wait were you the one that send the message?"

He laughs before pulling out a cigarette, and lights it up. He blows a cloud of smoke at my face, and I cough.

"Yeah. So what? It's not like it was true anyways." I shrug before also lighting up a cigarette.

"So why are you here?" I ask him. He pulls down his hoodie and ruffles his hair with his hand before looking at me.

"Well we need to go to work. Everyone needs the boss now." We both burn out our cigarettes before going in my car.

• • •

Everything was a plan. You see I wanted to get Rose back to being with me. So I pretended to be kidnapped by Shadow, that way she would only be thinking about me, and the love she has for me would grow stronger.

The person that was with Rose when she was in my house was Aaron. He pretended to be Shadow. It was actually easy. Shadow used to wear a skull bandana, covering more than half his face. So all we did was put Aaron in a bandana and there he was, pretending to be Shadow to scare Rose.

Shadow is dead. I mean how could he have survived a jump off the tallest building around here? Plus I know he is dead because I have people that burned his body into ashes.

So ever since, I started to control the gang he had. I sold millions of dollars worth of drugs and I also made trades.

But that's not all. I also became a hitman. If there's anyone that messes with me or my gang then I go and get rid of them. I also will kill people if any gang needs me to for money.

They call me the new 'Shadow' but I'm not. Something we didn't have in common is that I actually do love someone.

Sometimes I feel like I don't love Rose, but I truly do. I do love her, and I'm not scared to admit it.

I'm doing all of this for her. My goal is to raise enough money for us to move back to America and buy ourselves a mansion far away from everyone and never have to worry about working because we already have all the money for it.

I want to live the rest of my life with her, but in the same time I want to go to strip clubs and bars. I want to get high as fuck and drink so much I would wake up at the sidewalk of a different city.

I know Rose would be pissed at me for being like this, but I know she would never leave me. I know she would never fall in love with anyone else but me. Because I'm all she has, and will ever have. And if she ever does find that 'other person' then I would have to kill them.

Well not really but I will do anything to get her back. All I have to do is to continue going to those stupid group therapy shit and give her some time alone for herself, and then I would have her head over heels for me...

"Harry. Someone wants to talk to you." Aaron says opening the door to my office, breaking my thoughts.

I sit up straighter before letting the person in. A guy with dark skin walks in. His hair is afro like with the sides shaved off. He has a scar in his left eyebrow that goes all the way down to his cheek bone. Aaron then leaves, shutting the door closed.

"You the hitman ight?" His voice is deep, with a thick Jamaican accent behind it.

"Yeah. What do you need?" I lock my hands behind my head, and I rest both my legs on top of my desk.

"I need you to kill 'em" He slides a picture to me from the top of my desk. I grab it and I scan the picture with my eyes, side to side. A tall man with a muscular body covers almost half the picture.

"He too powerful for me to kill myself." He says it kinda choppy. I nod before putting the picture away.

"How much will you pay me?"

He pulls out a stack of money in one hundred bills. "Twelve thousand."

"Deal." I say without hesitation.

He slams the money on my desk before opening the door. "I will be back next week," he begins to speak. "He better be dead by then."

"You have my word." And with that he leaves.

• • •

"Where were you?" Rose asks with a worried tone as soon as she opened the door. I step in without saying anything before sitting down on the couch.

"Sorry babe. Gemma needed me because Darcy was in the hospital. Sorry if I scared you." I say with the most innocent voice.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah. I just needed to be there and be the role of a father."

She smiles before cuddling next to me. "I love you." She buried her face in my neck, and wrapped her tiny arms around me.

"Me too." I say, kissing her on the forehead.

"I just wish you could have left me some money before leaving. You left with the car, and I couldn't take a cab back here so I had to walk, and it started to rain."

"Ugh sorry baby." I start to kiss her down her neck, but she quickly got out.

"Lets just watch the TV." She left a gab between us while she turned on the TV.

Why is she acting this way?

She flips through the channels until he lands on the news.

"Polices are searching for a powerful man who is selling and consuming drugs in huge quantities. He's also being tracked by the FBI for many cases of murderer. He's 5'11, has long curly dark brown hair that reaches down to his neck and has emerald like green eyes. His name is Harold Edward Styles."

Sorry but too lazy to edit :(

So how do you feel about Harry?

I tried to explain Harry's part about Shadow and all of that.

Have any questions? Just comment what it is.

Love you! 💖

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